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package org.apache.juneau.a.rttests;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.time.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.juneau.html.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
import org.apache.juneau.transforms.*;
import org.apache.juneau.uon.*;
import org.apache.juneau.urlencoding.*;
import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
import org.junit.*;
* Tests designed to serialize and parse objects to make sure we end up
* with the same objects for all serializers and parsers.
public class RoundTripMapsTest extends RoundTripTest {
public RoundTripMapsTest(String label, SerializerBuilder s, ParserBuilder p, int flags) throws Exception {
super(label, s, p, flags);
@Override /* RoundTripTest */
public Class<?>[] getPojoSwaps() {
return new Class<?>[]{
// Map<Integer,String> test
public void testMapIntegerString() throws Exception {
Map<Integer,String> t = new TreeMap<>();
t.put(1, "a");
t.put(2, null);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class, Integer.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(1));
assertNull(null, t.get(2));
t = new HashMap<>();
t.put(1, "a");
t.put(2, null);
t.put(null, "b");
t = roundTrip(t, HashMap.class, Integer.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(1));
assertEquals("b", t.get(null));
// Map<Boolean,String> test
public void testMapBooleanString() throws Exception {
Map<Boolean,String> t = new TreeMap<>();
t.put(true, "a");
t.put(false, null);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class, Boolean.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(true));
assertNull(null, t.get(false));
t = new HashMap<>();
t.put(true, "a");
t.put(false, null);
t.put(null, "b");
t = roundTrip(t, HashMap.class, Boolean.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(true));
assertEquals("b", t.get(null));
// Map<byte[],String> test
public void testMapByteArrayString() throws Exception {
// Note, you cannot really test maps with byte[] keys since byte[] does not test for equality.
// So just test serialization.
String e;
Object r;
Map<byte[],String> t = new LinkedHashMap<>();
t.put(new byte[]{1,2,3}, "a");
t.put(new byte[]{4,5,6}, null);
t.put(null, "b");
s = JsonSerializer.create().ssq().pojoSwaps(getPojoSwaps()).trimNullProperties(false).build();
e = "{AQID:'a',BAUG:null,null:'b'}";
r = s.serialize(t);
assertEquals(e, r);
s = XmlSerializer.create().ns().sq().pojoSwaps(getPojoSwaps()).trimNullProperties(false).build();
e = "<object><AQID>a</AQID><BAUG _type='null'/><_x0000_>b</_x0000_></object>";
r = s.serialize(t);
assertEquals(e, r);
s = HtmlSerializer.create().sq().pojoSwaps(getPojoSwaps()).trimNullProperties(false).addKeyValueTableHeaders().build();
e = "<table><tr><th>key</th><th>value</th></tr><tr><td>AQID</td><td>a</td></tr><tr><td>BAUG</td><td><null/></td></tr><tr><td><null/></td><td>b</td></tr></table>";
r = s.serialize(t);
assertEquals(e, r);
s = UonSerializer.create().encoding().pojoSwaps(getPojoSwaps()).trimNullProperties(false).build();
e = "(AQID=a,BAUG=null,null=b)";
r = s.serialize(t);
assertEquals(e, r);
s = UrlEncodingSerializer.create().pojoSwaps(getPojoSwaps()).trimNullProperties(false).build();
e = "AQID=a&BAUG=null&null=b";
r = s.serialize(t);
assertEquals(e, r);
// Map<Date,String> test
public void testMapDateString() throws Exception {
Date td1 = new Date(1,2,3,4,5,6);
Date td2 = new Date(2,3,4,5,6,7);
Map<Date,String> t = new TreeMap<>();
t.put(td1, "a");
t.put(td2, null);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class, Date.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(td1));
assertNull(null, t.get(td2));
t = new HashMap<>();
t.put(td1, "a");
t.put(td2, null);
t.put(null, "b");
t = roundTrip(t, HashMap.class, Date.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(td1));
assertEquals("b", t.get(null));
// Map<Calendar,String> test
public void testMapCalendarString() throws Exception {
Calendar td1 = GregorianCalendar.from(ZonedDateTime.parse("2012-12-21T12:34:56Z"));
Calendar td2 = GregorianCalendar.from(ZonedDateTime.parse("2012-12-21T12:34:57Z"));
Map<Calendar,String> t = new TreeMap<>();
t.put(td1, "a");
t.put(td2, null);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class, GregorianCalendar.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(td1));
assertNull(null, t.get(td2));
t = new HashMap<>();
t.put(td1, "a");
t.put(td2, null);
t.put(null, "b");
t = roundTrip(t, HashMap.class, GregorianCalendar.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(td1));
assertEquals("b", t.get(null));
// Map<Enum,String> test
public void testMapEnumString() throws Exception {
Map<TestEnum,String> t = new TreeMap<>();
t.put(TestEnum.FOO, "a");
t.put(TestEnum.BAR, null);
t = roundTrip(t, TreeMap.class, TestEnum.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(TestEnum.FOO));
assertNull(null, t.get(TestEnum.BAR));
t = new HashMap<>();
t.put(TestEnum.FOO, "a");
t.put(TestEnum.BAR, null);
t.put(null, "b");
t = roundTrip(t, HashMap.class, TestEnum.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a", t.get(TestEnum.FOO));
assertEquals("b", t.get(null));
public enum TestEnum {