JUNEAU-139 juneau-rest-client should not have dependency on
diff --git a/juneau-doc/docs/ReleaseNotes/8.1.1.html b/juneau-doc/docs/ReleaseNotes/8.1.1.html
index f3736de..2e9bbcf 100644
--- a/juneau-doc/docs/ReleaseNotes/8.1.1.html
+++ b/juneau-doc/docs/ReleaseNotes/8.1.1.html
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 		in the HTTP request being logged.
 		{@link oajr.RestException} has been deprecated and replaced by {@link oaj.http.exception.HttpException}.
+	<li>
+		Resolved issue where parameterized types on <ja>@RestMethod</ja>-annotated method parameters of Spring beans.
+		This is due to Spring relying on CGLIB for runtime-recompilation of beans that results in loss of parameterized-type
+		information.  
+		<br>In the following example, the <c>beans</c> parameter would resolve as an unparameterized <c>List</c>
+		which would typically result in getting a <c>List&lt;ObjectMap&gt;<c> and subsequent <c>ClassCastExceptions</c>.   
+		<p class='bpcode w800'>
+	<ja>@RestMethod</ja>
+	<jk>public void</jk> doFoo(<ja>@Body</ja> List&lt;MyBean&gt; beans) {...}
+		</p>
+		The fix involves resolving the original bean class for resolving parameterized type while leaving
+		method invocation on the proxy method so as not to bypass Spring features.
+<h5 class='topic w800'>juneau-rest-client</h5>
+<ul class='spaced-list'>
+	<li>
+		Removed the dependency on the <c>juneau-rest-server</c> module.  
+		Allows the client API to be used without pulling in all the javax.servlet and server dependencies.