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Predefined Helper Beans
The {@link oajr.helper} package contains several predefined beans to help when constructing
REST interfaces.
<ul class='javatree'>
<li class='jp'>{@link oajr.helper}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.helper.BeanDescription}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.helper.ChildResourceDescriptions}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.helper.ResourceDescription}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.helper.ResourceDescriptions}
<li class='jc'>{@link oajr.helper.SeeOtherRoot}
<h5 class='topic'>ResourceDescription, ResourceDescrptions</h5>
The {@link oajr.helper.ResourceDescription} class is a bean with name/description
properties for labeling and linking to child resources.
The following examples is pulled from the REST examples:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PredefinedLabelsResource {
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> ResourceDescription[] getChildMethods() {
<jk>return new</jk> ResourceDescription[] {
<jk>new</jk> ResourceDescription(<js>"beanDescription"</js>, <js>"BeanDescription"</js>),
<jk>new</jk> ResourceDescription(<js>"htmlLinks"</js>, <js>"HtmlLink"</js>)
It get rendered as a table of name/description columns with links to child methods:
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.PredefinedLabelBeans.1.png' style='width:240px'/>
The internals of the class show it simply has two bean properties with a link annotation
defined on the name property:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> ResourceDescription {
<jc>// Renders as hyperlink when serialized as HTML.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String getName() {...}
<jk>public</jk> String getDescription() {...}
{@link oajr.helper.ResourceDescriptions} is a convenience class for doing the same.
The example above can also be written as follows (which you'll notice is more concise):
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> PredefinedLabelsResource {
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> ResourceDescriptions getChildMethods() {
<jk>return new</jk> ResourceDescriptions()
.append(<js>"beanDescription"</js>, <js>"BeanDescription"</js>)
.append(<js>"htmlLinks"</js>, <js>"HtmlLink"</js>);
<h5 class='topic'>@HtmlLink, LinkString</h5>
The {@link oaj.html.annotation.HtmlLink @HtmlLink} annotation can also be useful
for rendering custom hyperlinks:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public</jk> MyLink[] htmlLinks() {
<jk>return new</jk> MyLink[] {
<jk>new</jk> MyLink(<js>"apache"</js>, <js>""</js>),
<jk>new</jk> MyLink(<js>"juneau"</js>, <js>""</js>)
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@HtmlLink</ja>(nameProperty=<js>"name"</js>, hrefProperty=<js>"href"</js>)
<jk>public class</jk> MyLink {
<jc>// Simple bean properties.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>name</jf>, <jf>href</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> MyLink(String name, String href) {
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>name</jf> = name;
<jk>this</jk>.<jf>href</jf> = href;
The {@link oaj.dto.LinkString LinkString} bean is a predefined <ja>@HtmlLink</ja> bean provided
to simplify specifying actions.
The following is equivalent to above.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public</jk> LinkString[] htmlLinks() {
<jk>return new</jk> LinkString[] {
<jk>new</jk> LinkString(<js>"apache"</js>, <js>""</js>),
<jk>new</jk> LinkString(<js>"juneau"</js>, <js>""</js>)
Both examples render the following consisting of a list of hyperlinks:
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.PredefinedLabelBeans.3.png' style='width:92px'/>
In all other languages, it gets serialized as a simple bean with two properties.
<h5 class='topic'>BeanDescription</h5>
The {@link oajr.helper.BeanDescription} class provides a simple view
of a bean and it's properties.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/beanDescription"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> BeanDescription getBeanDescription() {
<jk>return new</jk> BeanDescription(Person.<jk>class</jk>);
This example renders the following:
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.PredefinedLabelBeans.2.png' style='width:584px'/>
<h5 class='topic'>ChildResourceDescriptions</h5>
The {@link oajr.helper.ChildResourceDescriptions} is a convenience bean for generating
a table of child resources.
The {@link oajr.BasicRestServletGroup} class uses this to generate router pages:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public abstract class</jk> BasicRestServletGroup <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServlet {
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>GET</jsf>, path=<js>"/"</js>, summary=<js>"Navigation page"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> ChildResourceDescriptions getChildren(RestRequest req) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jk>return new</jk> ChildResourceDescriptions(req);
Note that all it requires is a {@link oajr.RestRequest} object and it will generate a router
page using reflection against the resource class.
For example, the <c>RootResources</c> page in the REST examples renders the child resources attached to the root resource:
<img class='bordered' src='doc-files/juneau-rest-server.PredefinedLabelBeans.4.png' style='width:800px'/>
The <c>RootResources</c> page consists of the following and extends from the {@link oajr.BasicRestServletGroup} class:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> RootResources <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServletJenaGroup {}
<h5 class='topic'>SeeOtherRoot</h5>
The {@link oajr.helper.SeeOtherRoot} class can be used to redirect to the root URI
of a resource class.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<js>"POST"</js>, path=<js>"/pets"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> SeeOtherRoot addPet(<ja>@Body</ja> Pet pet) {
<jc>// Redirects to the servlet root URL.</jc>
<jk>return</jk> SeeOtherRoot.INSTANCE;
The runtime behavior is the same as the following:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<js>"POST"</js>, path=<js>"/pets"</js>)
<jk>public</jk> SeeOther addPet(<ja>@Body</ja> Pet pet) {
<jc>// Redirects to the servlet root URL.</jc>
<jk>return new</jk> SeeOther(URI.<jsm>create</jsm>(<js>"servlet:/"</js>));
One distinction is that the former defines the description <js>"Redirect to servlet root"</js> in the generated Swagger documentation.