blob: c79b5d85f6113a5bed01cac4d10fcb8e8b0ecb5f [file] [log] [blame]
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import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpMethodName.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Body;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Header;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Path;
import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Query;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runners.*;
* Validates that the correct status codes are returned on REST requests.
public class StatusCodesTest {
// OK (200)
public static class A {
public Reader a01(@Body String b) {
return new StringReader(b);
private static MockRest a =, null);
public void a01a_OK() throws Exception {
a.put("/a01", "foo").execute().assertStatus(200);
// Bad Request (400)
public static class B {
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/nonExistentBeanProperties")
public String b01(@Body B01 in) {
return "OK";
public static class B01 {
public String f1;
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/wrongDataType")
public String b02(@Body B02 in) {
return "OK";
public static class B02 {
public int f1;
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/parseIntoNonConstructableBean")
public String b03(@Body B03 in) {
return "OK";
public static class B03 {
public int f1;
private B03(){}
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/parseIntoNonStaticInnerClass")
public String b04(@Body B04 in) {
return "OK";
public class B04 {
public B04(){}
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/parseIntoNonPublicInnerClass")
public String b05(@Body B05 in) {
return "OK";
static class B05 {
public B05(){}
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/thrownConstructorException")
public String b06(@Body B06 in) {
return "OK";
public static class B06 {
public int f1;
private B06(){}
public static B06 valueOf(String s) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test error");
@RestMethod(name=PUT, path="/setParameterToInvalidTypes/{a1}")
public String b07(@Query("p1") int t1, @Path("a1") int a1, @Header("h1") int h1) {
return "OK";
private static MockRest b =;
public void b01a_nonExistentBeanProperties() throws Exception {
b.put("/nonExistentBeanProperties?noTrace=true", "{f2:'foo'}").json().execute()
"Unknown property 'f2' encountered while trying to parse into class '$B$B01'"
public void b01b_nonExistentBeanProperties() throws Exception {
b.put("/nonExistentBeanProperties?noTrace=true", "{f1:'foo', f2:'foo'}").json().execute()
"Unknown property 'f2' encountered while trying to parse into class '$B$B01'"
public void b02_wrongDataType() throws Exception {
b.put("/wrongDataType?noTrace=true", "{f1:'foo'}").json().execute()
"Invalid number"
public void b03_parseIntoNonConstructableBean() throws Exception {
b.put("/parseIntoNonConstructableBean?noTrace=true", "{f1:1}").json().execute()
"could not be instantiated"
public void b04_parseIntoNonStaticInnerClass() throws Exception {
b.put("/parseIntoNonStaticInnerClass?noTrace=true", "{f1:1}").json().execute()
"could not be instantiated"
public void b05_parseIntoNonStaticInnerClass() throws Exception {
b.put("/parseIntoNonPublicInnerClass?noTrace=true", "{f1:1}").json().execute()
"Class is not public"
public void b06_thrownConstructorException() throws Exception {
b.put("/thrownConstructorException?noTrace=true", "'foo'").json().execute()
"Test error"
public void b07a_setParameterToInvalidTypes_Query() throws Exception {
b.put("/setParameterToInvalidTypes/123?noTrace=true&p1=foo", "'foo'").json().execute()
"Could not parse query parameter 'p1'."
public void b07a_setParameterToInvalidTypes_Path() throws Exception {
b.put("/setParameterToInvalidTypes/foo?noTrace=true&p1=1", "'foo'").json().execute()
"Could not parse path parameter 'a1'."
public void b07a_setParameterToInvalidTypes_Header() throws Exception {
b.put("/setParameterToInvalidTypes/123?noTrace=true&p1=1", "'foo'").header("h1", "foo").json().execute()
"Could not parse header 'h1'."
// Not Found (404) and Method Not Allowed (405)
public static class C {
@RestMethod(name=GET, path="/")
public String c01() {
return "OK";
private static MockRest c =;
public void c01_badPath() throws Exception {
"Method 'GET' not found on resource with matching pattern on path '/bad'"
public void c02_badMethod() throws Exception {
c.put("?noTrace=true", null).execute()
"Method 'PUT' not found on resource."
// Precondition Failed (412)
public static class D {
@RestMethod(name=GET, matchers=NeverMatcher.class)
public String d() {
return "OK";
public static class NeverMatcher extends RestMatcher {
@Override /* RestMatcher */
public boolean matches(RestRequest req) {
return false;
private static MockRest d =;
public void d01() throws Exception {
"Method 'GET' not found on resource on path '/d' with matching matcher."