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package org.apache.juneau.json.annotation;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
* Annotation for specifying config properties defined in {@link JsonSerializer} and {@link JsonParser}.
* <p>
* Used primarily for specifying bean configuration properties on REST classes and methods.
public @interface JsonConfig {
* Optional rank for this config.
* <p>
* Can be used to override default ordering and application of config annotations.
int rank() default 0;
// JsonCommon
* Indirectly applies {@link Json @Json} annotations to classes/methods.
* <p>
* Provides an alternate approach for applying annotations to classes/methods annotations using the {@link Json#on() @Json.on}
* annotation to specify the class/method names to apply the annotation to.
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-marshall.ClassMethodAnnotations}
* </ul>
Json[] annotateJson() default {};
// JsonParser
* Configuration property: Validate end.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, after parsing a POJO from the input, verifies that the remaining input in
* the stream consists of only comments or whitespace.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* <li>
* A default global value can be set via the system property <js>"JsonParser.validateEnd.b"</js>.
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link JsonParser#JSON_validateEnd}
* </ul>
String validateEnd() default "";
// JsonSerializer
* Configuration property: Add <js>"_type"</js> properties when needed.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, then <js>"_type"</js> properties will be added to beans if their type cannot be inferred
* through reflection.
* <p>
* When present, this value overrides the {@link Serializer#SERIALIZER_addBeanTypes} setting and is
* provided to customize the behavior of specific serializers in a {@link SerializerGroup}.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* <li>
* A default global value can be set via the system property <js>"JsonSerializer.addBeanTypes.b"</js>.
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link JsonSerializer#JSON_addBeanTypes}
* </ul>
String addBeanTypes() default "";
* Configuration property: Prefix solidus <js>'/'</js> characters with escapes.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, solidus (e.g. slash) characters should be escaped.
* The JSON specification allows for either format.
* <br>However, if you're embedding JSON in an HTML script tag, this setting prevents confusion when trying to serialize
* <xt>&lt;\/script&gt;</xt>.
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* <li>
* A default global value can be set via the system property <js>"JsonSerializer.escapeSolidus.b"</js>.
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link JsonSerializer#JSON_escapeSolidus}
* </ul>
String escapeSolidus() default "";
* Configuration property: Simple JSON mode.
* <p>
* If <js>"true"</js>, JSON attribute names will only be quoted when necessary.
* <br>Otherwise, they are always quoted.
* <p>
* Attributes do not need to be quoted when they conform to the following:
* <ol class='spaced-list'>
* <li>They start with an ASCII character or <js>'_'</js>.
* <li>They contain only ASCII characters or numbers or <js>'_'</js>.
* <li>They are not one of the following reserved words:
* <p class='bcode w800'>
* arguments, break, case, catch, class, const, continue, debugger, default,
* delete, do, else, enum, eval, export, extends, false, finally, for, function,
* if, implements, import, in, instanceof, interface, let, new, null, package,
* private, protected, public, return, static, super, switch, this, throw,
* true, try, typeof, var, void, while, with, undefined, yield
* </p>
* </ol>
* <ul class='notes'>
* <li>
* Possible values:
* <ul>
* <li><js>"true"</js>
* <li><js>"false"</js> (default)
* </ul>
* <li>
* Supports {@doc DefaultSvlVariables} (e.g. <js>"$C{myConfigVar}"</js>).
* <li>
* A default global value can be set via the system property <js>"JsonSerializer.simpleMode.b"</js>.
* </ul>
* <ul class='seealso'>
* <li class='jf'>{@link JsonSerializer#JSON_simpleMode}
* </ul>
String simpleMode() default "";