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Primitive Types
The most common case for configuration values are primitives.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<cc># A string</cc>
<ck>key1</ck> = <cv>foo</cv>
<cc># A boolean</cc>
<ck>key2</ck> = <cv>true</cv>
<cc># An integer</cc>
<ck>key3</ck> = <cv>123</cv>
<cc># A long</cc>
<ck>key4</ck> = <cv>10000000000</cv>
<cc># Doubles</cc>
<ck>key5</ck> = <cv>6.67e−11</cv>
<ck>key6</ck> = <cv>Infinity</cv>
The following methods are provided for accessing primitive values:
<ul class='javatree'>
<li class='jc'>{@link oaj.config.Config}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getString(String) getString(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getString(String,String) getString(String,String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getBoolean(String) getBoolean(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getBoolean(String,boolean) getBoolean(String,boolean)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getInt(String) getInt(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getInt(String,int) getInt(String,int)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getLong(String) getLong(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getLong(String,long) getLong(String,long)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getFloat(String) getFloat(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getFloat(String,float) getFloat(String,long)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getDouble(String) getDouble(String)}
<li class='jm'>{@link oaj.config.Config#getDouble(String,double) getDouble(String,long)}
On integers and longs, <js>"K"</js>, <js>"M"</js>, and <js>"G"</js> can be used to identify kilo, mega, and giga.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ck>key1</ck> = <cv>100K</cv> <cc># Same as 1024000</cc>
<ck>key2</ck> = <cv>100M</cv> <cc># Same as 104857600</cc>
Numbers can also use hexadecimal and octal notation:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ck>hex1</ck> = <cv>0x12FE</cv>
<ck>hex2</ck> = <cv>0X12FE</cv>
<ck>octal1</ck> = <cv>01234</cv>
Strings with newlines are treated as multi-line values that get broken into separate lines:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ck>key1</ck> = <cv>This is a particularly long sentence that we want to split</cv>
<cv>onto separate lines</cv>.
Typically, multi-line values are started on the next line for clarity like so:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ck>key1</ck> =
<cv>This is a particularly long sentence that we want to split</cv>
<cv>onto separate lines</cv>.