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<h5 class='toc'>Issues</h5>
Juneau has no bugs. However, in the <i>extremely unlikely</i> event that you happen to find a bug, please report it at the JIRA repository listed below.
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<li><a class='doclink' href='' target="_top">JIRA</a>
External developers should use the following categories for requests:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li><l>Bug</l> - Broken functionality.
<li><l>Feature Request</l> - Requests for brand new functionality.
<li><l>Improvement</l> - Requests for improvements to existing functionality.
<li><l>Wish</l> - Trivial requests.
<h5 class='toc'>Security Vulnerabilities</h5>
If you discover any security vulnerabilities in this code, please refer to the instructions found here:
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<li><a class='doclink' href=''>SECURITY</a>