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<h5 class='toc'>Articles / Blog Posts</h5>
If you have any articles you would like to post here, email them to <l></l>.
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li><a class='doclink' href='' target="_top">11-12-18 - Serializing and deserializing POJOs in to many formats using Apache Juneau (Shalitha Suranga)</a>
<li><a class='doclink' href='' target="_top">12-15-18 - Construct HTML fragments Atom feeds Swagger documents using Apache Juneau (Ayeshmantha Perera)</a>
<li><a class='doclink' href='' target="_top">10-21-19 - Pet Store with Apache Juneau Part 1 (Karina Robledo)</a>