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* Copyright 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.uddi.v3_service;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecord;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecordIDType;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.DoPing;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.HighWaterMarkVectorType;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable;
import org.uddi.repl_v3.TransferCustody;
* This portType defines all of the UDDI replication operations.
* This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI. JAX-WS RI 2.1.5-b03- Generated
* source version: 2.1
* <p class="MsoBodyText">UDDI Replication defines four APIs. The first two
* presented here are used to perform replication and issue notifications. The
* latter ancillary APIs provide support for other aspects of UDDI
* Replication.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span>get_changeRecords</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span>notify_changeRecordsAvailable</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span>do_ping</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span>get_highWaterMarks</p>
@WebService(name = "UDDI_Replication_PortType", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:v3_service")
public interface UDDIReplicationPortType extends Remote {
* The get_changeRecords message is used to initiate the replication of
* change records from one node to another. The caller, who wishes to
* receive new change records, provides as part of the message a high water
* mark vector. This is used by the replication source node to determine
* what change records satisfy the caller’s request. <p
* class="MsoBodyText">More specifically, the recipient determines the
* particular change records that are returned by comparing the originating
* USNs in the caller’s high water mark vector with the originating USNs of
* each of the changes the recipient has seen from others or generated by
* itself.&nbsp; The recipient SHOULD only return change records that have
* originating USNs that are greater than those listed in the
* changesAlreadySeen highWaterMarkVector and less than the limit required
* by either the responseLimitCount or the responseLimitVector.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">In nodes that support pre-bundled replication
* responses, the recipient of the get_changeRecords message MAY return more
* change records than requested by the caller.&nbsp; In this scenario, the
* caller MUST also be prepared to deal with such redundant changes where a
* USN is less than the USN specified in the changesAlreadySeen
* highWaterMarkVector. </p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">The response to a get_changeRecords message is a
* changeRecords element. Under all circumstances, all change records
* returned therein by the message recipient MUST be returned sorted in
* increasing order according to the recipient’s local USN.</p>
* @param responseLimitVector responseLimitCount or responseLimitVector: A
* caller MAY place an upper bound on the number of change records he wishes
* to receive in response to this message by either providing a integer
* responseLimitCount, or, using responseLimitVector, indicating for each
* node in the graph the first change originating there that he does not
* wish to be returned.
* @param requestingNode requestingNode: The requestingNode element provides
* the identity of the calling node. This is the unique key for the calling
* node and SHOULD be specified within the Replication Configuration
* Structure.
* @param changesAlreadySeen changesAlreadySeen: The changesAlreadySeen
* element, if present, indicates changes from each node that the requestor
* has successfully processed, and thus which should not be resent, if
* possible.
* @param responseLimitCount responseLimitCount or responseLimitVector: A
* caller MAY place an upper bound on the number of change records he wishes
* to receive in response to this message by either providing a integer
* responseLimitCount, or, using responseLimitVector, indicating for each
* node in the graph the first change originating there that he does not
* wish to be returned.
* @return returns java.util.List<org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecord> A node will
* respond with the corresponding changeRecords.
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException Processing an
* inbound replication message may fail due to a server internal error. The
* common behavior for all error cases is to return an E_fatalError error
* code. Error reporting SHALL be that specified by Section 4.8 – Success
* and Error Reporting of this specification.
@WebMethod(operationName = "get_changeRecords", action = "get_changeRecords")
@WebResult(name = "changeRecord", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "get_changeRecords", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", className = "org.uddi.repl_v3.GetChangeRecords")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "changeRecords", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", className = "org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecords")
public List<ChangeRecord> getChangeRecords(
@WebParam(name = "requestingNode", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3") String requestingNode,
@WebParam(name = "changesAlreadySeen", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3") HighWaterMarkVectorType changesAlreadySeen,
@WebParam(name = "responseLimitCount", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3") BigInteger responseLimitCount,
@WebParam(name = "responseLimitVector", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3") HighWaterMarkVectorType responseLimitVector)
throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException;
* <p class="MsoBodyText">Nodes can inform other nodes that they have new
* change records available for consumption by replication by using this
* message. This provides a proactive means through which replication can be
* initiated, potentially reducing the latency of the dissemination of
* changes throughout the set of UDDI nodes.&nbsp; The
* notify_changeRecordsAvailable message is the predecessor to the
* get_changeRecords message.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">Each node MUST respond with the message defined
* within the Section <a href="#_Ref8980611 "></a> <i>Returns</i>
* when a valid notify_changeRecordsAvailable message is received.&nbsp;
* </p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">At an interval set by policy after the origination
* of new change records within its node, a node SHOULD send this message to
* each of the other nodes with which it is configured to communicate this
* message according to the currently configured communication graph. It
* SHOULD ignore any response (errors or otherwise) returned by such
* invocations.</p>
* @param body <p class="MsoBodyText"
* style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b><i>notifyingNode</i></b>: The parameter to this message
* indicates that the notifyingNode has available the indicated set of
* changes for request via get_changeRecords. </p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b><i>changesAvailable</i></b>: When sending the
* notify_changeRecordsAvailable message, a node shall provide a high water
* mark vector identifying what changes it knows to exist both locally and
* on other nodes with which it might have had communications. Typically, no
* communication graph restrictions are present for the
* notify_changeRecordsAvailable message.&nbsp; In the event that the
* sending node does not know the USN for a specific node within the
* CommunicationGraph, the changesAvailable element MAY contain a
* highWaterMark for that node with an unspecified nodeID element. </p>
* <span
* style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;letter-spacing:-.25pt"></span>
* @return Success reporting SHALL be that specified by Section 4.8 –
* Success and Error Reporting of this specification.
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException Processing an
* inbound replication message may fail due to a server internal error. The
* common behavior for all error cases is to return an E_fatalError error
* code. Error reporting SHALL be that specified by Section 4.8 – Success
* and Error Reporting of this specification.
@WebMethod(operationName = "notify_changeRecordsAvailable", action = "notify_changeRecordsAvailable")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)
public void notifyChangeRecordsAvailable(
@WebParam(name = "notify_changeRecordsAvailable", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", partName = "body") NotifyChangeRecordsAvailable body)
throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException;
* This UDDI API message provides the means by which the current existence
* and replication readiness of a node may be obtained.
* @param body
* @return returns java.lang.String The response to this message must
* contain the operatorNodeID element of the pinged node.
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException Processing an
* inbound replication message may fail due to a server internal error. The
* common behavior for all error cases is to return an E_fatalError error
* code. Error reporting SHALL be that specified by Section 4.8 – Success
* and Error Reporting of this specification.
@WebMethod(operationName = "do_ping", action = "do_ping")
@WebResult(name = "operatorNodeID", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", partName = "body")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)
public String doPing(
@WebParam(name = "do_ping", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", partName = "body") DoPing body)
throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException;
* This UDDI API message provides a means to obtain a list of highWaterMark
* element containing the highest known USN for all nodes in the replication
* graph.
* @return returns java.util.List<org.uddi.repl_v3.ChangeRecordIDType> <p
* class="MsoBodyText">A highWaterMarks element is returned that contains a
* list of highWaterMark elements listing the highest known USN for all
* nodes in the replication communication graph. See Section <a
* href="#_Ref52863431 ">7.2.4</a> <i>High Water Mark Vector</i> for
* details.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText"><img
* src=""
* border="0" height="88" width="349"></p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">If the highest originatingUSN for a specific node
* within the registry is not known, then the responding node MUST return a
* highWaterMark for that node with an originatingUSN of 0 (zero).</p>
* <p class="codeSample">&lt;highWaterMark&gt;</p>
* <p class="codeSample">&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;nodeID&gt;…&lt;/nodeID&gt;</p>
* <p class="codeSample">&nbsp;&nbsp;
* &lt;originatingUSN&gt;<b>0</b>&lt;/originatingUSN&gt;</p>
* <p class="codeSample">&lt;/highWaterMark&gt;</p>
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException Processing an
* inbound replication message may fail due to a server internal error. The
* common behavior for all error cases is to return an E_fatalError error
* code. Error reporting SHALL be that specified by Section 4.8 – Success
* and Error Reporting of this specification.
@WebMethod(operationName = "get_highWaterMarks", action = "get_highWaterMarks")
@WebResult(name = "highWaterMark", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "get_highWaterMarks", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", className = "org.uddi.repl_v3.GetHighWaterMarks")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "highWaterMarks", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", className = "org.uddi.repl_v3.HighWaterMarkVectorType")
public List<ChangeRecordIDType> getHighWaterMarks()
throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException;
* Invoked by the target node in a custody transfer operation in response to
* transfer_entities, this API is used by the custodial node to ensure that
* permission has been granted to transfer custody of the entities that the
* target publisher has requested. The transfer_custody API is in the
* replication namespace since it is sent from one node to another node in a
* registry using replication.
* @param body <p class="MsoBodyText"
* style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b><i>transferToken</i></b>: Required argument obtained
* from the custodial node via a call to get_transferToken by the publisher
* requesting a transfer of custody. The transferToken contains an opaque
* token, an expiration date, and the identity of the custodial node.&nbsp;
* The transferToken represents permission to transfer the entities that
* have been identified via a prior call to the get_transferToken API. The
* custodial node MUST verify that the transferToken has not expired and
* that the businessKey and tModelKey elements that the target publisher has
* provided in transfer_entities are allowed to be transferred as captured
* in the transfer token’s opaqueToken.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b><i>keyBag</i></b>: One or more uddiKeys associated with
* businessEntity or tModel entities that the target publisher is requesting
* ownership of at the target node in the registry. The set of keys must be
* the same as the set of keys in the keyBag of the get_transferToken API
* call from which the given transferToken was once obtained.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b><i>transferOperationalInfo</i></b>: Required argument.
* The accepting publisher’s authorizedName and the accepting node’s nodeID
* are provided on input to the relinquishing custodial node to allow it to
* update the operationalInfo associated with the entities whose custody is
* being transferred. The authorizedName and nodeID elements are both
* required. The accepting node’s nodeID is obtained via the Replication
* Configuration structure as described in Section <a href="#_Ref8979701
* ">7.5.2</a> <i>Configuration of a UDDI Node – operator element</i>. The
* authorizedName is obtained from the call to transfer_entities by the
* requesting publisher.</p>
* @return <p class="MsoBodyText">The custodial node must verify that it has
* granted permission to transfer the entities identified and that this
* permission is still valid.&nbsp; This operation is comprised of two
* steps:</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText"
* style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in">1.<span style="font:7.0pt
* &quot;Times New Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span>Verification that the transferToken was issued by it, that it has
* not expired, that it represents the authority to transfer no more and no
* less than those entities identified by the businessKey and tModelKey
* elements and that all these entities are still valid and not yet
* transferred. The transferToken is invalidated if any of these conditions
* are not met.</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText"
* style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in">2.<span style="font:7.0pt
* &quot;Times New Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span>If the conditions above are met, the custodial node will prevent
* any further changes to the entities identified by the businessKey and
* tModelKey elements identified. The entity will remain in this state until
* the replication stream indicates it has been successfully processed via
* the replication stream.&nbsp; </p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">Upon successful verification of the custody
* transfer request by the custodial node, an empty message is returned by
* it indicating the success of the request and acknowledging the custody
* transfer.&nbsp; </p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">Following the issue of the empty message, the
* custodial node will submit into the replication stream a
* changeRecordNewData providing in the operationalInfo, the nodeID
* accepting custody of the datum and the authorizedName of the publisher
* accepting ownership. The acknowledgmentRequested attribute of this change
* record MUST be set to "true".</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">Finally, the custodial node invalidates the
* transferToken in order to prevent additional calls of the
* transfer_entities API.</p>
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException <p
* class="MsoBodyText">If an error occurs in processing this API call, a
* dispositionReport structure MUST be returned to the caller in a SOAP
* Fault. See Section <a href="#_Ref8979747 ">4.8</a> <i>Success and Error
* Reporting.&nbsp; </i>In addition to the errors common to all APIs, the
* following error information is relevant here:</p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><span
* style="font-family:Symbol">·<span style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b>E_transferNotAllowed</b>: signifies that the transfer of
* one or more entities has been rejected by the custodial node.&nbsp;
* Reasons for rejection include expiration of the transferToken and
* attempts to transfer a set of entities that does not match the one
* represented by the transferToken. The reason for rejecting the custody
* transfer SHOULD be clearly indicated in the error text.<a
* name="_Toc528997532"></a><a name="_Toc525464292"></a><a
* name="_Toc535517200"></a></p>
* <p class="MsoBodyText" style="margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in"><a
* name="_Toc42047326"><span style="font-family:Symbol">·<span
* style="font:7.0pt &quot;Times New
* Roman&quot;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* </span></span><b>E_invalidKeyPassed</b>: signifies that one of the
* <i>uddiKey</i> values passed for entities to be transferred did not match
* with any known businessKey or tModelKey values. The key and element or
* attribute that caused the problem SHOULD be clearly indicated in the
* error text.</a></p>
* <h3><a name="_Toc45095949">Security Configuration for
* transfer_custody</a></h3>
* <p class="MsoBodyText">The use of mutual authentication of UDDI nodes in
* conjunction with the transfer_custody API is RECOMMENDED. This MAY be
* achieved using mutual X.509v3 certificate-based authentication as
* described in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocol.&nbsp; SSL 3.0
* with mutual authentication is represented by the tModel
* uddi-org:mutualAuthenticatedSSL3 as described within Section <a
* href="#_Ref8980795 ">11.3.2</a> <i>Secure Sockets Layer Version 3 with
* Mutual Authentication</i>.</p>
@WebMethod(operationName = "transfer_custody", action = "transfer_custody")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)
public void transferCustody(
@WebParam(name = "transfer_custody", targetNamespace = "urn:uddi-org:repl_v3", partName = "body") TransferCustody body)
throws DispositionReportFaultMessage, RemoteException;