blob: 7eb96b8678e7e3ee5494352e08e841861f81f1b7 [file] [log] [blame]
The juddi-gui project is an extension to jUDDI that provides a user interface for UDDI v3 compliant registries.
Direction for building:
1) Ant 1.8+
2) Maven 3.0.x
3) Netbeans 7.x
4) Full source for jUDDI
5) Java JDK 1.6+
1) First, build the main jUDDI project.
mvn clean install
2) Build the juddi-gui-dsig project
cd juddi-gui-disg
ant jar
3) Copy the applet binaries to within the juddi-gui war
copy dist\juddi-gui-dsig.jar ..\juddi-gui\web\applets
mkdir ..\juddi-gui\web\applets\lib
copy dist\lib\*.* ..\juddi-gui\web\applets\lib
3) Build the war
cd juddi-gui
ant dist
4) Deploy
copy the war file into any J2EE container that has a soap stack that supports JAX-WS 2.2 or higher
5) Access
6) Configure
Alter the contents of juddi-gui/META-INF/