blob: 57d71276c4de234ca40f1474417cb31de4d692be [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2001-2009 The Apache Software Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# General Settings
## Whether to put SSL into easy mode which allows to use invalid/self-signed
## certificates.
com.xceptance.xlt.ssl.easyMode = true
## HTTP proxy settings. Specify host and port of the proxy server and
## whether it should be used at all. You may also configure a list of hosts
## that can be used directly, thus bypassing the proxy. Note that the host
## definitions are interpreted as regular expressions so ensure proper use of
## escape characters.
com.xceptance.xlt.proxy = false =
com.xceptance.xlt.proxy.port = 51966
#com.xceptance.xlt.proxy.bypassForHosts = localhost 127\\.0\\.0\\.1 ^192[.]168
## The connection timeout [ms] on sockets and establishing the connection. This
## value is used therefore twice. So a value of 30000 will set a timeout of
## 30 seconds to establish the connection and 30 seconds on waiting for data.
## Default value is 100000 ms, if not set.
com.xceptance.xlt.timeout = 30000
## Whether to use keep-alive HTTP connections.
com.xceptance.xlt.http.keepAlive = true
## Whether to check for stale connections if keep-alive connections are used.
com.xceptance.xlt.http.keepAlive.staleConnectionCheck = true
## Shall we request compressed content delivery? This will increase the cpu
## usage on the load test machines. Additionally the system under test must
## support it, otherwise the content will be downloaded normally.
com.xceptance.xlt.http.gzip = true
## The URLs that should (not) be loaded. Useful for excluding external resources
## from being loaded during a load test. Specify one or more URLs as regular
## expressions separated by comma. Usually, either the "include" or the
## "exclude" setting is used, whichever is easier to define. If both settings
## are used at the same time, the "exclude" patterns take precedence. A
## non-existing or empty property means that any URL is included and none is
## excluded, respectively.
com.xceptance.xlt.http.filter.include =
com.xceptance.xlt.http.filter.exclude =
## Indicates the browser to simulate. Possible values are:
## - "FF" .... Firefox 2 (default)
## - "FF2" ... Firefox 2
## - "FF3" ... Firefox 3
## - "IE" .... Internet Explorer 7
## - "IE6" ... Internet Explorer 6
## - "IE7" ... Internet Explorer 7
## This setting is important for the user agent string and for the JavaScript
## simulation, if activated.
com.xceptance.xlt.browser = FF
## The user agent string that will be sent to the server. By default, the user
## agent string is derived from the configured browser, but can be overridden
## with this setting.
#com.xceptance.xlt.browser.userAgent =
## Whether JavaScript is enabled.
com.xceptance.xlt.javaScriptEnabled = true
## The size of the cache for compiled JavaScript artifacts. This cache is
## shared by all browser instances.
com.xceptance.xlt.js.cache.size = 100
## The default time (in ms) to wait for JavaScript background jobs to finish.
## Default value is 0, if not set.
#com.xceptance.xlt.js.backgroundActivity.waitingTime = 10000
## Whether CSS files are evaluated.
com.xceptance.xlt.cssEnabled = true
## The size of the cache for compiled CSS artifacts. This cache is
## shared by all browser instances.
com.xceptance.xlt.css.cache.size = 100
## Shall we load images and other static content?
com.xceptance.xlt.loadStaticContent = true
## The number of threads which load static resources asynchronously.
com.xceptance.xlt.staticContent.downloadThreads = 4
## Shall we simulate caching of static content?
com.xceptance.xlt.staticContentCache = true
## How many different static URLs do we want to cache per browser instance (web client)?
com.xceptance.xlt.staticContentCache.size = 1000
## Directory with all the dictionary files for data generation including
## a valid search phrase list. = ./config/data
## The think time between two subsequent actions/transactions (in milliseconds).
## If a random think time is needed, set the deviation to a value greater than 0.
## It specifies the maximum deviation from think time in milliseconds. The
## respective value added/subtracted from think time is generated with a
## pseudo-random, uniform distribution.
com.xceptance.xlt.thinktime.action = 100
com.xceptance.xlt.thinktime.action.deviation = 50
com.xceptance.xlt.thinktime.transaction = 0
com.xceptance.xlt.thinktime.transaction.deviation = 0
## Enables page output to disk. Possible values are:
## - never ... pages are never logged
## - onError ... pages are logged only if the transaction had errors
## - always ... pages are logged always
com.xceptance.xlt.output2disk = onError
## The amount of the pages kept in memory for onError operations.
## The always operations is not affected, because all data will be
## immediately written to disk.
com.xceptance.xlt.output2disk.size = 3
## The directory where the results will be stored.
com.xceptance.xlt.result-dir = ./results
## Initialization value for the central random number generator.
## If not set, the system time is used.
#com.xceptance.xlt.random.initValue = 0
## Whether the framework should abort a transaction if an HTTP error occurred
## while loading a page. = true
## Whether the framework should abort a transaction if an HTTP error occurred
## while loading a resource that is embedded in a page.
com.xceptance.xlt.stopTestOnHttpErrors.embedded = false
## Whether the framework should abort a transaction if a JavaScript error
## occurred.
com.xceptance.xlt.stopTestOnJavaScriptErrors = false
## The maximum number of errors allowed before an agent terminates.
## Useful in case of severe server errors, etc.
com.xceptance.xlt.maxErrors = 1000
## Whether the agent will use either the master controller's time or the local
## system time when generating time stamps. Using the master controller's time
## is only useful if the system clocks on the agent machines diverge
## significantly. Note that using an NTP client instead is a more reliable and
## the recommended solution.
#com.xceptance.xlt.useMasterControllerTime = false
## External switch to deactivate all XHTMLValidator checks during the tests.
## This is useful for large scale load tests to lower the load in the machines
## and suppress unwanted error messages.
## This validator should only be used for regression and small load test because
## it needs some resources to validate the data.
com.xceptance.xlt.api.validators.XHTMLValidator.enabled = true
## The XPath engine to use. Valid values are "jaxen" (default) and "apache".
#com.xceptance.xlt.xpath.engine = jaxen