readme updates
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-Welcome to the Apache JUDDI Project!


-Here's some quick notes for building, testing and deploying JUDDI from source.


-1) Acquire a JDK8 or higher and setup the JAVA_HOME environment variable

-2) Acquire Apache Maven. Known working version: 3.2.1 or newer

-3) Setup an environment variable, MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

-4) Make sure the Maven/bin folder and the JDK/bin folders are in the current path

-5) execute "mvn clean install"


-That should build the key modules of the project and test most of the Java components. Depending on your computer's speed, it can take up to 15 minutes to build.


-To enable additional output during the build and test project:

-	mvn clean install -Ddebug=true


-To build all of the project modules, including utilities and sample projects, run the majority of the integration tests and documentation (this is our CI build):

-	mvn clean install -Pdist



-To attach the debugger to the build process

-mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug clean install

-It listens on port 5005 by default. More info on debugging maven projects is here


-To setup an Eclipse environment, simply import the maven project.


-To setup a Netbeans environment, start netbeans and open the maven based project



-To build your changes locally and skip the the tests run:

-mvn install -DskipTests=true


-To also build the Pluto/GWT/Portlet interface

-cd juddi-console

-mvn clean install


-To start Juddi's embedded Tomcat server:




-To build the .NET components of jUDDI


-mono users use: xbuild users user: msbuild


-To test the .NET components of jUDDI using nunit



-To run the integration tests on the .NET components of jUDDI using nunit

-catalina run (start the jUDDI tomcat server)





-Note: one or more of the database columns names have changed.


-OpenJDK users: please install icedtea-plugin if you run into trouble with the juddi-gui-dsig project


+# Welcome to the Apache JUDDI Project!
+Here's some quick notes for building, testing and deploying JUDDI from source.
+See our website at 
+# Building
+1) Acquire a JDK8 and setup the JAVA_HOME environment variable
+2) Acquire Apache Maven. Known working version: 3.2.1 or newer
+3) Setup an environment variable, MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
+4) Make sure the Maven/bin folder and the JDK/bin folders are in the current path
+5) execute `mvn clean install`
+That should build the key modules of the project and test most of the Java components. Depending on your computer's speed, it can take up to 15 minutes to build.
+To enable additional output during the build and test project:
+	mvn clean install -Ddebug=true
+To build all of the project modules, including utilities and sample projects, run the majority of the integration tests and documentation (this is our CI build):
+	mvn clean install -Pdist
+To attach the debugger to the build process
+	mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug clean install
+It listens on port 5005 by default. More info on debugging maven projects is here
+## IDE imports
+To setup an Eclipse environment, simply import the maven project.
+To setup a Netbeans environment, start netbeans and open the maven based project
+## To build your changes locally and skip the the tests run:
+`mvn install -DskipTests=true`
+To start Juddi's embedded Tomcat server:
+	juddi-tomcat\target\tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.XX\bin\startup.bat
+	juddi-tomcat\target\tomcat\apache-tomcat-9.0.XX\bin\
+To build the .NET components of jUDDI
+	cd
+mono users use: `xbuild`
+ users user: `msbuild`
+To test the .NET components of jUDDI using nunit
+	nunit-console.exe\bin\Debug\
+To run the integration tests on the .NET components of jUDDI using nunit
+	catalina run (start the jUDDI tomcat server)
+	nunit-console.exe\bin\Debug\
+OpenJDK users: please install icedtea-plugin if you run into trouble with the juddi-gui-dsig project
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