blob: 0306a17eaa95e10c7e979e6932821e4ad309f1f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# * Copyright 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation.
# *
# * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# *
# *
# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# * limitations under the License.
# *
# */
# Global base messages file.
#-- UDDI-specific messages
E_accountLimitExceeded=Save request exceeds the quantity limits for a given data type.
E_assertionNotFound=Publisher assertion cannot be identified in a save or delete operation.
E_authTokenExpired=Authentication token information has timed out.
E_authTokenRequired=Authentication token is missing or is invalid.
E_busy=The request cannot be processed at the current time.
E_fatalError=A serious technical error has occurred while processing the request.
E_historyDataNotAvailable=Requested history data is not available for the time period requested.
E_invalidCompletionStatus=Assertion status value passed is unrecognized.
E_invalidCombination=Invalid find qualifier combination
E_invalidKeyPassed=An invalid key has been passed
E_invalidProjection=An attempt was made to save a businessEntity containing a service projection where the serviceKey does not belong to the business designated by the businessKey.
E_invalidTime=The time period, the date/time, or the pair of date/time is invalid.
E_invalidValue=A value that was passed in a keyValue attribute did not pass validation.
E_invalidValueAddressLine=Each addressLine element MAY be adorned with two optional descriptive attributes, keyName and keyValue. Both attributes MUST be present in each address line if a tModelKey is specified in the address structure. Elements with errors:
E_keyRetired=The specified key was retired
E_keyUnavailable=The proposed key is in a partition that has already been assigned to some other publisher.
E_languageError=Language error
E_messageTooLarge=The message is too large.
E_nameTooLong=The name is too large
E_operatorMismatch=Operator Mismatch
E_requestDenied=Subscription cannot be renewed.
E_requestTimeout=The request could not be carried out because a needed Web service did not respond in a reasonable amount of time.
E_resultSetTooLarge=The UDDI node deems that a result set from an inquiry is too large, and requests to obtain the results are not honored, even using subsets.
E_tokenAlreadyExists=Key already exists in transfer request
E_tooManyOptions=Too many options
E_transferAborted=Transfer Aborted
E_transferNotAllowed=The transfer request is not allowed
E_transferNotAllowedUnknownNode=The transfer request is not allowed because the destination node is not in the replication config.
E_transferBlocked=The transfer was blocked from it's originator (node to node transfer).
E_unknownUser=The user ID and password pair passed in a get_authToken API is not known to the UDDI node or is not valid.
E_unrecognizedVersion=The value of the namespace attribute is unsupported by the node being queried.
E_unsupported=Unsupported feature or API.
E_unvalidatable=An attempt was made to reference a value set in a keyedReference whose tModel is categorized with the unvalidatable categorization.
E_userMismatch=An attempt was made to use the publishing API to change data that is controlled by another party.
E_valueNotAllowed=A value did not pass validation because of contextual issues.
#-- General error messages
errors.stringEncoding=non-UTF8 token
errors.DatatypeFactor=Can't create a DatatypeFactory instance.
errors.Unspecified=An unspecified error occurred
errors.Unsupported=This version does not support this feature or API
errros.UnsupportedAuthenticator=This selected authenticator does not support AuthTokens.
errors.Unsupported.findQualifier=An invalid or unsupported findQualifier value was passed
errors.configuration.Retrieval=An error occurred attempting to retrieve configuration information
errors.install.AlreadyInstalled=It appears that the application is already installed. Please un-install before proceeding.
errors.NullInput=No input was provided for this API call
errors.keyunavailable.BadPartition=The proposed key is not within the partition defined by owning publisher. If you're trying to create a new tModel in a new partition, try creating a tModel that ends in :keygenerator. Failing key
errors.keyunavailable.KeyExists=The key used for the save operation already exists. Another key must be chosen
errors.invalidkey.NullKey=The key cannot be null
errors.invalidkey.MalformedKey=The passed key does not conform to UDDI v3 rules
errors.invalidkey.KeyGenSuffix=The passed key generator key does not end with the appropriate suffix
errors.invalidkey.NoKeys=No keys passed. At least one key must be passed
errors.invalidkey.ClerkNotFound=The clerk was not found for the given name
errors.invalidkey.DuplicateKey=A duplicate key was passed. No duplicates are allowed
errors.invalidkey.PublisherNotFound=The publisher was not found for the given id
errors.invalidkey.EntityNotFound=The entity was not found for the given id
errors.invalidkey.BusinessNotFound=The business entity was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.ServiceNotFound=The business service was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.BindingTemplateNotFound=The binding template was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.TModelNotFound=The technical model was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.TModelNodeOwner=You've attempted to delete a tModel that is not owned by this node. Access the owning node to delete.
errors.invalidkey.ParentServiceNotFound=The business service parent was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.ParentBusinessNotFound=The business entity parent was not found for the given key
errors.invalidkey.ServiceKeyNotProvidedWithProjection=Attempting to project a service when the service key was not provided. The non-owning businessEntity cannot generate a key for a projected service
errors.invalidkey.ProjectedServiceNotFound=Attempting to project a service when the service does not exist
errors.invalidkey.businessservice.ParentMismatch=The service being saved has a different parent business key then the one provided
errors.invalidkey.bindingtemplate.ParentMismatch=The binding template being saved has a different parent service key then the one provided
errors.invalidkey.SubscriptionNotFound=The subscription was not found for the given key
errors.invalidKey.KeysOwned=Either the to key for the from key must be specified on a keysOwned structure
errors.invalidkey.SubscripKeyNotFound=The subscriptionKey was not found for the given id
errors.invalidkey.NodeNotFound=The node was not found for the key given name
errors.invalidprojection.ParentMismatch=The supplied business key doesn't match the actual business key of the service being projected
errors.usermismatch.InvalidOwner=The user is not authorized to access the given entity
errors.usermismatch.InvalidOwnerParent=The user is not authorized to access the given parent entity
errors.config.InvalidTokenExpirationSetting=The authentication token expiration setting is missing or invalid, will default to 15 minutes. See file
errors.accessPoint.bindingtemplateRedirect.keynotexist=The access point contains a useType specifying a referenced binding template which does not exist.
errors.accessPoint.hostingRedirector.notaurl=The access point value is not a valid URL. This URL should be a URL to another UDDI registry
#-- Error messages related to entities and other data structures
errors.savebusiness.NoInput=At least one BusinessEntity must be provided
errors.saveservice.NoInput=At least one BusinessService must be provided
errors.savebinding.NoInput=At least one BindingTemplate must be provided
errors.saveclientsubscriptionKey.NoInput=The SubscriptionKey must be provided
errors.saveClerk.NoInput=At least one Clerk must be provided
errors.saveNodes.NoInput=At least one Node must be provided
errors.deleteNode.NoInput=A node id must be specified
errors.deleteNode.NotFound=The specified node could not be found.
errors.deleteClerk.NoInput=A clerk id must be specified
errors.deleteClerk.NotFound=The specified clerk if could not be found.
errors.savetmodel.NoInput=At least one tModel must be provided
errors.addpublisherassertions.NoInput=At least one publisherAssertion must be provided
errors.businessentity.NullInput=The businessEntity structure cannot be blank
errors.entity.SignedButNoKey=The entity has no key defined, which means I'll generate one for you, but the entity is signed and thus will become invalid after I add a generated key. Either specify your own key or omit the signature.
errors.businessservice.NullInput=The businessService structure cannot be blank
errors.bindingtemplate.NullInput=The bindingTemplate structure cannot be blank
errors.bindingtemplate.NoAccessPoint=A binding template must contain either an access point or a hosting redirector element, but not both
errors.tmodel.NullInput=The tModel structure cannot be blank
errors.tmodel.NoName=A tModel must contain a name
errors.tmodel.keygenerator.BadCategory=A Key Generator tModel must have exactly one 'types' category (categoryBag/keyedReference/value) whose value is 'keyGenerator'
errors.tmodel.keygenerator.RootKeyGen=A Key Generator cannot be added for the root publisher. Try signing in as a different user
errors.pubassertion.NullInput=The publisherAssertion structure cannot be blank
errors.pubassertion.BlankKeyedRef=The keyedReference of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank. All fields must contain content.
errors.pubassertion.BlankFromKey=The fromKey of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank.
errors.pubassertion.BlankToKey=The toKey of the publisherAssertion cannot be blank.
errors.pubassertion.SameBusinessKey=The fromKey and toKey refer to the same business
errors.pubassertion.UserMismatch=The publisher does not own either referenced businessEntity of the publisherAssertion
errors.pubassertion.NoPubAssertions=No publisher assertions were passed. At least one assertion must be passed
errors.pubassertion.AssertionNotFound=The publisher assertion was not found for the given key
errors.businessservices.NoInput=A businessServices collection must contain at least one businessService
errors.bindingtemplates.NoInput=A bindingTemplates collection must contain at least one bindingTemplate
errors.names.NoInput=At least one name is required
errors.names.TooLong=At least one name is required
errors.names.NoValue=A name was provided with no value
errors.names.LangTooLong=A name language was provided that is too long, only 26 characters are permitted.
errors.names.UseTypeTooLong=The field 'useType' must be less than 256 characters
errors.DescriptionTooLong=The field 'description' must be less than 256 characters
errors.keys.TooLong=Key lengths are limited to 255 characters or less
errors.url.overviewTooLong=Overview URLs are limited to 4096 characters
errors.accessPoint.TooLong=Access points are limited to 4096 characters
errors.sortCode.TooLong=Sort codes are limited to 10 characters
errors.keyname.TooLong=Key Names are limited to 255 characters input provided for phone value numbers are limited to 50 characters addresses are limited to 4096 characters input provided for email
errors.hostingredirector.noinput=No input provided for hosting redirector
errors.hostingredirector.TooLong=The input provided for hosting redirector is too long, only 255 characters are allowed
errors.addressline.noinput=No input provided for address lines
errors.addressline.TooLong=Address lines are limited to 80 characters
errors.hostingredirector.keynotexist=When specifying a hosting redirector field, the referenced binding template must exist already
errors.keyvalue.TooLong=Key values are limited to 255 characters
errors.tmodel.ReferencedKeyDoesNotExist=The referenced tModel key does not exist. This can be caused when specifying a tModel key that is not defined and when jUDDI's referential integrity validation is enabled.
errors.tmodel.ReferentialIntegrityNullConfig=Configuration object is null, I won't be able to process referential integrity checks on tmodel keys
errors.tmodel.ReferentialIntegrityNullEM=The entity manager is null, I won't be able to process referential integrity checks on tmodel keys
errors.contacts.NoInput=At least one contact is required contact structure cannot be blank contact structure must contain at least one personName contact address must contain at least one addressLine
errors.discurls.NoInput=A discoveryURLs collection must have at least one discoveryURL
errors.categorybag.NoInput=A category bag must have at least one keyedReference or keyedReferenceGroup
errors.identifierbag.NoInput=An identifier bag must have at least one keyedReference
errors.keyedreference.NullInput=The keyed reference (or group) cannot be blank
errors.keyedreference.NoTModelKey=The keyed reference (or group) must contain a tModel key
errors.keyedreference.NoKeyValue=The keyed reference (or group) must contain a key value
errors.keyedreference.NodeCategoryTModel=The node categorization tModel is not allowed
errors.tmodelinstdetails.NoInput=A tModelInstanceDetails structure must have at least one tModelInstanceInfo
errors.tmodelinstinfo.NullInput=The tModelInstanceInfo structure cannot be blank
errors.tmodelinstinfo.NoTModelKey=The tModelInstanceInfo structure must contain a tModel key
errors.instdetails.NoOverviewOrParms=The instanceDetails structure must contain either an overviewDoc or instanceParms
errors.overviewdoc.NullInput=The overviewDoc structure cannot be blank
errors.overviewdoc.NoDescOrUrl=The overviewDoc structure must contain either a description or overviewURL
errors.findqualifiers.NoInput=The findQualifier collection must contain at least one findQualifier. Try 'approximateMatch'
errors.findqualifiers.DuplicateValue=A duplicate findQualifier was passed. No duplicates are allowed
errors.findqualifiers.InvalidCombo=An invalid findQualifier combination occurred
errors.findbusiness.NoInput=At least one search criterion must be supplied. Try using '%' as a wild card with the a 'approximateMatch' find qualifer for everything
errors.findservice.NoInput=At least one name, categoryBag, find_tModel or tModelBag or name must be supplied
errors.findbinding.NoInput=At least one categoryBag, find_tModel or tModelBag must be supplied
errors.findtmodel.NoInput=At least one categoryBag, identifierBag or name must be supplied
errors.findrelatedbusiness.NoInput=At least one businessKey, fromKey or toKey must be supplied
errors.findrelatedbusiness.MultipleInput=Only one businessKey, fromKey or toKey can be supplied
errors.findrelatedbusiness.BlankKeyedRef=All fields of the keyedReference provided in find_relatedBusiness must contain values
errors.tmodelbag.NoInput=A tModel key must be supplied in the tModelBag
errors.keybag.NoInput=A key bag must have at least one key
errors.keybag.NullInput=Key bag cannot be null.
errors.discardtransfertoken.NoInput=A discard_transferToken request must contain either a transferToken or keyBag
errors.gettransfertoken.KeyExists=The key already exists in a transfer request
errors.gettransfertoken.InvalidEntity=The key refers to an invalid entity. Only a BusinessEntity or TModel can be transferred
errors.transfertoken.NullInput=A transfer token must be supplied
errors.transferentities.TokenNotFound=The supplied transfer token was not found
errors.transferentities.TokenExpired=The supplied transfer token has expired
errors.transferentities.KeyMismatch=A supplied key does not match a key associated with the transfer request
errors.transferentities.KeySizeMismatch=The quantity of transfered keys must equal the number of keys in the request
errors.savesubscription.NoInput=At least one Subscription must be provided
errors.subscription.NullInput=The subscription structure cannot be blank
errors.subscription.BindingDoesntExist=The requested subscription has a binding key defined, however that binding template does not exist
errors.subscription.NoFilterOnNewSubscription=No subscription filter was provided on this new subscription request
errors.subscription.BlankFilter=A filter structure was provided but no filter criteria was specified
errors.subscription.TooManyFilters=Only one filter is allowed per subscription request
errors.subscription.expired=The expiration timestamp has already passed.
errors.subscription.maxrecordstoosmall=When specifying the maxium record, it must be greater than zero
errors.subscription.notificationintervalnotdefined=A notification interval must be specified and must be greater than 0ms
errors.getsubscriptionresult.SubscriptionExpired=The passed subscription has expired
errors.getsubscriptionresult.NullCoveragePeriod=The coverage period cannot be blank
errors.getsubscriptionresult.InvalidDateInCoveragePeriod=The coverage period must contain valid dates for start and end points
errors.getsubscriptionresult.StartPointAfterEndPoint=The start point in the coverage period cannot be later than the end point
errors.getsubscriptionresult.InvalidChunkToken=You have provided an invalid chunk token
errors.getsubscriptionresult.NonMatchingChunkToken=The provided chunk token does not match the subscription parameters
errors.getsubscriptionresult.ExpiredChunkToken=The provided chunk token has expired
errors.subscriptionnotifier.client=Client did not receive notification data
errors.getregisteredinfo.NoInfoSelection=The infoSelection argument is required
errors.valuesetvalidation.invalidcontent=The content for tModel value is invalid according to the valid value set defined.
errors.valuesetvalidation.invalidurl=The URL for validating a checked tModel value is invalid or empty
errors.valuesetvalidation.noinput=No input was provided
errors.valuesetvalidation.fatal=Unable to process the validation rule for the specified key. This can happen with a misconfiguration or a classpath issue.
#-- jUDDI-specific API messages
errors.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to perform this function
errors.savepublisher.NoInput=At least one Publisher must be provided
errors.savepublisher.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to save publishers maximum allowed number of businesses are exceed for this publisher maximum allowed number of services are exceed for this business maximum allowed number of bindings are exceed for this service maximum allowed number of tmodels are exceed for this publisher
errors.deletepublisher.AdminReqd=An account must have administrative privileges to perform this action
errors.publisher.NullInput=The Publisher structure cannot be blank
errors.publisher.NoAuthorizedName=A valid publisher authorized name was not specified
errors.publisher.NoPublisherName=A valid publisher name was not specified
errors.clerk.NullInput=The Clerk structure cannot be blank
errors.clerk.NullNodeInput=The Node structure on Clerk cannot be blank
errors.clerk.NoName=A valid clerk name was not specified
errors.clerk.NoPublisherName=A valid publisher name was not specified
errors.node.NullInput=The Node structure cannot be blank
errors.node.NoName=A valid node name was not specified
errors.node.NoClientName=A valid client name was not specified
errors.node.NoDescription=A description was not specified
errors.node.NoCT=A custody transfer url was not specified
errors.node.NoPUB=A publish url was not specified
errors.node.NoIN=A inquiry url was not specified
errors.node.NoSUBL=A subscription listener url was not specified
errors.node.NoSUB=A subscription url was not specified
errors.node.NoSec=A security url was not specified
errors.node.NoProxy=A transport proxy class must be specified. If you're not sure, use 'org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.JAXWSTransport'
errors.node.illegalProxyTransport=The transport proxy class is invalid. If you're not sure, use 'org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.JAXWSTransport'
errors.node.NoRMIData=When using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.transport.RMITransport the factory settings must be specified
#-- Authentication error messages
errors.auth.AuthRequired=Authentication is required for this API call
errors.auth.AuthInvalid=Invalid authentication information
errors.auth.AuthTokenExpired=The authentication token is expired
errors.auth.InvalidUserId=An invalid user identification was passed
errors.auth.InvalidCredentials=Invalid credentials were passed
errors.auth.NoPublisher=The user provided does not have a publishing account
errors.auth.cryptor.InvalidKey=Invalid Key Exception in crypting the password
errors.auth.cryptor.Padding=Padding Exception in crypting the password
errors.auth.cryptor.Algorithm=Algorithm Exception in crypting the password
errors.auth.cryptor.AlgorithmParam=Algorithm parameter Exception in crypting the password
errors.auth.cryptor.BlockSize=Block size Exception in crypting the password
errors.auth.cryptor.BadPadding=Bad Padding Exception in crypting the password
#-- Local transport error messages
errors.local.soapnotfound=A UDDI request was not found in the SOAP message
errors.local.serviceoperation=The UDDI service operation could not be identified
errors.local.generic=A UDDI generic attribute value was not found for the request. UDDI generic attribute must be present
errors.local.serviceoperation.unsupported=The UDDI service operation specified in unknown or unsupported
errors.local.responseobject.unknown=The response object type is unknown
errors.local.registryunavailable=The registry is currently unavailable
errors.local.operation.notidentified=The UDDI service operation could not be identified
errors.local.inquiry.notsupported=The operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Inquiry API
errors.local.publish.notsupported=The operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Publish API operation is not supported by the UDDI version 3 Security API
notifications.smtp.default.subject=UDDI Subscription Notification for subscription
notifications.smtp.userfriendly.subject=UDDI Subscription Notification for subscription
notifications.smtp.userfriendly.body=Hello %s,<br><br>You are currently registered to receive subscription updates in the UDDI Node <b>%s</b> for %s. A change was registered that triggered an update notification to be sent. The attachment contains the XML containing the details of the change.<br><br><b>Summary of changes</b>: <br><br>%s
notifications.smtp.subscriptionDeleted=Hello %s, %s,<br><br>Your UDDI subscription was deleted. Attached is what the subscription was. It was deleted by %s, %s at %s. This node is %s.<br><br><a href="%s">Non-secure web site</a><br><a href="%s">Secure web site</a>
notifications.smtp.accountDeleted=Hello %s, %s,<br><br>Your account has been deleted by %s, %s at %s. This node is %s.<br><br><a href="%s">Non-secure web site</a><br><a href="%s">Secure web site</a>
notifications.smtp.accountDeleted.subject=UDDI Account Management
#search results or a specific item
#replication error messages
errors.replication.nodeNotSpecified=The requestor's node name must be specified
errors.replication.unknownNode=The requestor's node is NOT in the replication configuration graph. Access Denied
errors.replication.bothLimitsSpecified=responseLimitCount or responseLimitVector: A caller MAY place an upper bound on the number of change records he wishes to receive in response to this message by either providing a integer responseLimitCount, or, using responseLimitVector, indicating for each node in the graph the first change originating there that he does not wish to be returned.
errors.replication.negativeLimit=The specified response limit is either 0 or a negative number.
errors.replication.limitVectorNull=The high water mark vector limit specified OriginatingUSN is null or invalid
errors.replication.limitVectorNoNode=No node name was specified
errors.replication.configNodeNotFound=No specified node name is not currently listed as a Operator. Add it to the list and try again. Id:
errors.replication.configNull=No replication config was present in the message
errors.replication.contactNull=No replication contact was present in the message
errors.replication.configNodeLoop=In at least one edge, there is a loop where the sender is also the receiver. This is not allowed and just does not make sense
errors.deleteNode.InReplicationConfig=The node to be deleted is currently referenced in the replication configuration. You must revise the configuration before deleting the node,
errors.usermismatch.InvalidNode=The user is not authorized to alter the given entity. It is not owned by this jUDDI node. Try your request again on the authoritative node.
errors.usermismatch.assertion=You have to be either the owner of the 'from' or 'to' business in order to delete a publisher assertion.
errors.assertionNotFound=The referenced publisher assertion isn't in the database!
errors.digitalsignature.validationfailure=The digital signature the following element failed to validate. Because of this, the request was rejected. Key and validation error as follows.