blob: f70c0153d81551e593c54054ad5b2efb1a1cdc90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.annotations;
using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.log;
using org.uddi.apiv3;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services;
namespace org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config
class AnnotationProcessor
static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(typeof(AnnotationProcessor));
private static readonly String KEYED_REFERENCE = "keyedReference=";
private static readonly String KEY_NAME = "keyName=";
private static readonly String KEY_VALUE = "keyValue=";
private static readonly String TMODEL_KEY = "tModelKey=";
public List<businessService> readServiceAnnotations(string[] classes, Properties properties)
List<businessService> items = new List<businessService>();
if (classes != null)
foreach (string s in classes)
businessService b = readServiceAnnotations(s, properties);
if (b != null)
return items;
public businessService readServiceAnnotations(String classWithAnnotations, Properties properties)
Type t = Type.GetType(classWithAnnotations, false, true);
if (t != null)
businessService service = new businessService();
object[] attrib = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UDDIService), true);
object[] ws = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute), true);
WebServiceBindingAttribute webServiceAnnotation = null;
if (ws != null && ws.Length > 0)
webServiceAnnotation = ((WebServiceBindingAttribute[])ws)[0];
if (attrib != null && attrib.Length > 0)
UDDIService[] bits = attrib as UDDIService[];
UDDIService uddiService = bits[0];
name n = new name();
n.lang = uddiService.lang;
service.businessKey = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.businessKey, properties));
service.serviceKey = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.serviceKey, properties));
if (!"".Equals(uddiService.serviceName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
n.Value = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.serviceName, properties));
else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && !"".Equals(webServiceAnnotation.Name))
n.Value = (webServiceAnnotation.Name);
n.Value = (classWithAnnotations);
} = new name[] { n };
description d = new description();
d.lang = (uddiService.lang);
d.Value = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiService.description, properties));
service.description = new description[] { d };
//categoryBag on the service
if (!"".Equals(uddiService.categoryBag))
categoryBag categoryBag = parseCategoryBag(uddiService.categoryBag);
service.categoryBag = (categoryBag);
//bindingTemplate on service
bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = parseServiceBinding(classWithAnnotations, uddiService.lang, webServiceAnnotation, properties);
if (bindingTemplate != null)
bindingTemplate.serviceKey = (service.serviceKey);
if (service.bindingTemplates == null)
service.bindingTemplates = new bindingTemplate[] { bindingTemplate };
List<bindingTemplate> l = new List<bindingTemplate>();
service.bindingTemplates = l.ToArray();
return service;
log.error("Missing UDDIService annotation in class " + classWithAnnotations);
log.error("Unable to load type " + classWithAnnotations);
return null;
private bindingTemplate parseServiceBinding(string classWithAnnotations, string lang, WebServiceBindingAttribute webServiceAnnotation, Properties properties)
bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = null;
Type t = Type.GetType(classWithAnnotations, false, false);
UDDIServiceBinding uddiServiceBinding = null;
object[] attrib = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UDDIServiceBinding), true);
if (attrib != null && attrib.Length > 0)
uddiServiceBinding = attrib[0] as UDDIServiceBinding;
//= (UDDIServiceBinding) classWithAnnotations.getAnnotation(UDDIServiceBinding.class);
if (uddiServiceBinding != null)
bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate();
bindingTemplate.bindingKey = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.bindingKey, properties));
String bindingLang = (lang);
if (uddiServiceBinding.lang != null)
bindingLang = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.lang, properties);
description bindingDescription = new description();
bindingDescription.lang = (bindingLang);
bindingDescription.Value = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.description, properties));
bindingTemplate.description = new description[] { (bindingDescription) };
accessPoint accessPoint = new accessPoint();
accessPoint.useType = (AccessPointType.wsdlDeployment.ToString());
if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPointType))
accessPoint.useType = (uddiServiceBinding.accessPointType);
if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint))
String endPoint = uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint;
endPoint = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(endPoint, properties);
log.debug("AccessPoint EndPoint=" + endPoint);
accessPoint.Value = (endPoint);
else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && webServiceAnnotation.Location != null)
accessPoint.Value = (webServiceAnnotation.Location);
bindingTemplate.Item = (accessPoint);
//tModelKeys on the binding
if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys))
String[] tModelKeys = uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys.Split(',');
foreach (String tModelKey in tModelKeys)
tModelInstanceInfo instanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo();
instanceInfo.tModelKey = (tModelKey);
if (bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails == null)
bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = (new tModelInstanceInfo[] { instanceInfo });
List<tModelInstanceInfo> l = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>();
bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = l.ToArray();
//categoryBag on the binding
if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag))
categoryBag categoryBag = parseCategoryBag(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag);
bindingTemplate.categoryBag = (categoryBag);
log.error("Missing UDDIServiceBinding annotation in class " + classWithAnnotations);
return bindingTemplate;
private categoryBag parseCategoryBag(string categoryBagStr)
categoryBag cb = new categoryBag();
log.debug("CategoryBag Annotation=" + cb);
if (!"".Equals(categoryBagStr))
List<keyedReference> cbs = new List<keyedReference>();
String[] sections = categoryBagStr.Split(',');
foreach (String section in sections)
if (section.StartsWith(KEYED_REFERENCE))
String keyedReferenceStr = section.Substring(KEYED_REFERENCE.Length, section.Length);
log.debug("Found KeyedReference=" + keyedReferenceStr);
String[] keyedReferences = keyedReferenceStr.Split(';');
keyedReference keyedReference = new keyedReference();
foreach (String key in keyedReferences)
if (key.StartsWith(KEY_NAME)) keyedReference.keyName = (key.Substring(KEY_NAME.Length, key.Length));
if (key.StartsWith(KEY_VALUE)) keyedReference.keyValue = (key.Substring(KEY_VALUE.Length, key.Length));
if (key.StartsWith(TMODEL_KEY)) keyedReference.tModelKey = (key.Substring(TMODEL_KEY.Length, key.Length));
log.debug("KeyedReference = " + KEY_NAME + keyedReference.keyName + " "
+ KEY_VALUE + keyedReference.keyValue + " "
+ TMODEL_KEY + keyedReference.tModelKey);
log.warn("Ignoring " + section);
//TODO add support for KeyedReferenceGroups?
cb.Items = cbs.ToArray();
return cb;