blob: fd640ae097d84c3229e452b0344c166d8e8b30f6 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is the JSPWiki configuration file. You'll need to edit this
# a bit. The first few lines are the most important ones.
# Wherever it is said that an option can be "true" or "false", you can
# also use "yes"/"no", or "on/off". Just for some convenience.
# You can use this to override the default application name. It affects
# the HTML titles and logging, for example. It can be different from
# the actual web name ( of the application, but usually
# it is the same.
jspwiki.applicationName = @appname@
# Describe where your wiki lives (the real URL through which it is available
# through the internet/intranet). This is a mandatory attribute.
# Be careful if you use a localhost address (http://localhost/ or,
# as this will cause some unwanted side effects if your wiki is accessed from
# any other computer than where the wiki is running.
# Example:
# jspwiki.baseURL =
# Which page provider class to use. Possibilities are:
# RCSFileProvider - for simple RCS-based file storage
# FileSystemProvider - for simple pure file storage with no version information
# VersioningFileProvider - for simple, non-RCS based versioning storage.
# Note that if you're upgrading from JSPWiki 1.x, then you need to remove the
# "com.ecyrd.jspwiki." part from the beginning of the path.
jspwiki.pageProvider = FileSystemProvider
# Set to true, if you want to cache page data into memory. This is
# in general a good idea.
# Default is false (no cache).
# NB: This replaces the JSPWiki 1.x "CachingProvider" setting, since it
# probably was too confusing.
jspwiki.usePageCache = true
# Determines where wiki files are kept for FileSystemProvider
# and RCSFileProvider
# If you're using Windows, then you must duplicate the backslashes.
# For example, use:
# jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = C:\\Data\\jspwiki
jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = @pagedir@
# The JSPWiki working directory. If not set, a temporary path will
# be used. You can see the location of the workdir in the logs.
# It is HIGHLY recommended that you set this.
# The working directory is used to cache things like Lucene search
# results.
#jspwiki.workDir =
# Use the following property to define which attachment provider
# you want to use. You have basically two choices:
# * Set the value to BasicAttachmentProvider
# a simple, flat file versioning provider
# * Leave the value empty (or just comment the line out)
# the attachment functionality is disabled
jspwiki.attachmentProvider = BasicAttachmentProvider
# The BasicAttachmentProvider needs to know where to store the files
# the user has uploaded. It's okay to put these in the same directory
# as you put your text files (i.e. the pageDir setting above).
# If you're using Windows, then you must duplicate the backslashes.
# For example, use:
# jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir = C:\\Data\\jspwiki
jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir = @pagedir@
# You can tell the BasicAttachmentProvider to add a flag
# so that browsers do not cache certain (or all) attachment
# types. This is useful in intranet environments. You should activate
# this if your users complain that their excel files are not uploaded
# correctly and they still do have an old version: Usually the
# file was uploaded correctly, but they get the locally cached version
# You can use regular expressions to disable the cache, e.g the
# following example will disable browser cache for all excel and word files
# If you don't define this property, cache is enabled by default for
# all attachments
# jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.disableCache = .*\.xls|.*\.doc
# You can limit the maximum size of an attachment by setting this
# value. The value is in bytes, and by default all attachments
# are accepted.
# The following line would limit the attachment size to 100,000 bytes
# By default JSPWiki accepts all types of attachments. However, you
# can allow some types only, or forbid some other types. By default,
# all file types are allowed (if you do not specify the "allow" list
# at all or it is empty).
# These both are space-separated lists of file suffixes
# Example: Allow only PNG, JPG, ZIP and JAR file attachments
#jspwiki.attachment.allow=.png .jpg .zip .jar
# Example: Forbid HTML, PHP, ASP and EXE
#jspwiki.attachment.forbid=.html .htm .php .asp .exe
# page Diff Representation
# To show differences between page versions, you can define a
# difference provider.
# The following choices are available:
# * TraditionalDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff
# to create a list of changes and shows it line by
# line colored. This is the default
# * ContextualDiffProvider - Uses internal (java) diff
# to create changes inline and shows it on a word by
# word basis using CSS. This is much superior to the
# traditional diff provider, however, it is still quite
# new and not much tested. YMMV.
# * ExternalDiffProvider - uses a system diff program (which
# can be configured using "jspwiki.diffCommand") to
# create an unified (!) diff.
# Example for a diff command:
# jspwiki.diffCommand = /usr/bin/diff -u %s1 %s2
jspwiki.diffProvider = TraditionalDiffProvider
# Determines if you need to have relative urls or not. If the baseURL
# is not set, then this has no effect, but if you set the baseURL (which
# is highly recommended), you can use this to set relative urls.
# Possible values are "absolute" and "relative".
# Determines which character encoding JSPWiki should use. If you want
# to support all languages in your Wiki, you probably want to enable
# this. From JSPWiki 2.2, it is strongly suggested that you use UTF-8.
# Note that you can't switch these in the mean time, since the way the
# files are encoded on disk is incompatible between ISO-Latin1 and UTF-8.
# Don't try. You'll get all sorts of interesting problems, if you do.
# Possible values are 'ISO-8859-1' (default, if none has been specified)
# and 'UTF-8'.
jspwiki.encoding = UTF-8
# Determines whether raw HTML is allowed as Wiki input.
# If you decide to allow raw HTML, understand that ANY person who has
# access to your Wiki site can embed ANY sort of malicious JavaScript,
# or plugin, or ActiveX, or whatever on your site. They can even mess it
# up so royally it is impossible for you to replace the situation without
# the need of direct access to the repository. So think twice before
# allowing raw HTML on your own site.
# Most probably you want to use this on Intranets, or personal servers,
# where only a handful of people can access the wiki.
# Text between {{{ and }}} -options is not affected by this setting, so
# it's always safe to quote HTML code with those.
# The default for this option is "false".
jspwiki.translatorReader.allowHTML = false
# Usability niceties.
# If this property is set to "true", then page titles are rendered
# using an extra space between every capital letter. It may make
# page titles readable on some occasions, but it does have the
# drawback of making the titles look a bit funny at times.
jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces = false
# If set to true, this property means that "WikiName" and "WikiNames"
# are considered equal when linking between them. Setting this to
# true does not prevent you from having both kinds of pages - we just
# fall back to the other one if the primary name does not exist.
# For any other language, you'll probably want to turn this off.
jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals = true
# If you set this to true, the Wiki translator will then also consider
# "traditional" WikiNames (that is, names of pages JustSmashedTogether
# without square brackets) as hyperlinks. This technique is also
# known as "CamelCase", or "BumpyCase", or "InterCapping". I personally
# like CamelCase as a word, which is why this property is named as it is :-).
# By default this is false, since traditional WikiLinks may confuse newbies.
# This option can be overridden on a per-page basis using the SET directive.
jspwiki.translatorReader.camelCaseLinks = false
# This sets the default template used by the Wiki engine. The templates
# live in templates/<template name>. JSPWiki will attempt to find three
# basic templates from that directory: "ViewTemplate," "EditTemplate"
# and "AdminTemplate"
# By default this is called "default".
# This option can be overridden on a per-page basis using the SET directive.
jspwiki.templateDir = default
# The name of the front page. This is the page that gets loaded if no
# other page is loaded. Up until JSPWiki 1.9.28, it was always called
# "Main", but now you can easily change the default front page here. If not
# defined, uses "Main".
#jspwiki.frontPage = Main
# Allow creation of empty pages. Defaults to false.
#jspwiki.allowCreationOfEmptyPages = false
# If set to true, all outward links have a small icon attached. The icon
# can be found from images/out.png. Default is true.
jspwiki.translatorReader.useOutlinkImage = true
# Set this to the number of minutes a person can "lock" a page
# for while he is editing it.
jspwiki.lockExpiryTime = 60
# Search provider used for searching pages and attachments.
# Default is LuceneSearchProvider, but you can fall back to BasicSearchProvider
jspwiki.searchProvider = LuceneSearchProvider
# If your wiki's language is something else than English, you might
# want to visit and download a proper Analyzer
# for your language. Default is to use StandardAnalyzer.
#jspwiki.lucene.analyzer = org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer
# Special page references.
# The URL is relative to Wiki.jsp. However, if you use
# a full, absolute URL, you can also do that.
# Example to redirect all requests to a page called 'OriginalWiki'
# to the original wikiwiki at
# jspwiki.specialPage.OriginalWiki =
# Note that it is entirely possible to override any Wiki page, even
# an existing one by redefining it here.
jspwiki.specialPage.CreateGroup = NewGroup.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.FindPage = Search.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.Login = Login.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.NewGroup = NewGroup.jsp
jspwiki.specialPage.UserPreferences = UserPreferences.jsp
# Plugin search paths.
# Define here the packages you want to use for searching plugins,
# separated with commas.
# For example, use the following command to add "org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins"
# and "com.foobar.myplugins" to the search path.
# jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins,com.foobar.myplugins
# The default path is "com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin", and it will be always
# the last item on the path. This allows you to override JSPWiki default
# plugins. Note that you are only adding to the path, not replacing it (ie.
# the default path is never removed.)
# If the path is not specified (and there is no jspwiki_module.xml with the
# plugin JAR), you need to either declare the search path by hand, or
# use a fully qualified name.
# If you are a plugin developer, please consider deploying a jspwiki_module.xml
# file with your plugin JAR, so that the user does not have to set the searchPath.
# jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = org.myorganisation.jspwiki.myplugins,com.foobar.myplugins
jspwiki.plugin.searchPath =
# Page filters
# Normally, the filter configuration is in your WEB-INF/ directory, so you
# do not need to go and specify this. However, if your filters.xml live somewhere
# else, you'll have to specify it here.
#jspwiki.filterConfig = /some/path/to/your/filters.xml
# URL Constructor
# JSPWiki by default generates page and attachment links that use JSP
# pages and request parameters. It can also use alternative URL
# constructors so that URL pages resemble traditional website paths, too.
# You have three choices for generating URLs:
# DefaultURLConstructor - uses JSPs for all references:
# ShortURLConstructor - uses path-like reference style:
# ShortViewURLConstructor - uses path-like references for views; JSPs for everything else:
# Of course, you can also write your own implementation if you wish.
# For either of the ShortURL constructors, you can also specify a
# prefix path to go in front of page names. By default, the
# prefix is 'wiki/'.
# Be warned that the ShortURLConstructor does not work well with any other editor
# except the built-in plaintext one. Use ShortViewURLConstructor if you plan
# to enable any other ones.
#jspwiki.urlConstructor = DefaultURLConstructor
#jspwiki.urlConstructor = ShortViewURLConstructor
#jspwiki.shortURLConstructor.prefix = wiki/
# Rendering
# At this time, entries here are strictly for development and testing.
# Disable internal caching of pre-constructed document DOMs.
# This may be necessary if you require custom rendering that must not be cached.
#jspwiki.renderingManager.useCache = false
# Security, authentication and authorization
# JSPWiki supports a plugin-based interface for talking to different
# kinds of authentication and authorization systems. By "authentication,"
# we mean a system for logging in a user to establish their identity.
# By "authorization," we mean a system for figuring out what actions
# users can perform based on their authenticated identities.
# For users looking to get started quickly, the default settings below
# should work fine. In addition to the properties below, you may also
# want to modify the security policy file WEB-INF/jspwiki.policy. See
# the policy file for more details.
# For authentication, JSPWiki uses JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization
# Service) in combination with a servlet filter that picks up any credentials
# set by the servlet container. The Authentication system is configured below.
# You must choose either (A) Container or (B) Custom authentication. (B) is the default.
# JSPWiki will always (passively) collect credentials supplied by your servlet
# container, via HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal/getRemote user. You do not
# need to do anything to enable this. In addition, you can cause JSPWiki users
# to log in to the web container by uncommenting the the <security-constraint>
# elements in WEB-INF/web.xml.
# If you do not wish to use container-managed authentication, you can use JSPWiki's
# own custom authentication system. This uses a JAAS LoginModule (supplied below)
# to log in the user. You can use any JAAS LoginModule you want.
# The default class is com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.UserDatabaseLoginModule,
# which compares the supplied username and hashed password with the values stored
# in the configured UserDatabase (see USER DATABASE below).
# Supply the JAAS LoginModule class used for custom authentication here.
# The implementation MUST have a zero-argument constructor (as noted in the
# Javadocs).
jspwiki.loginModule.class = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.UserDatabaseLoginModule
# JAAS LoginContext parameters used to initialize the LoginModule. Note that 'param1'
# etc. should be replaced with the actual parameter names. The parameter names and
# values will be loaded to a Map and passed to the LoginModule as the 'options' parameter
# when its initialize() method is called. The default UserDatabaseLoginModule class does
# not need any options.
#jspwiki.loginModule.options.param1 = value1
#jspwiki.loginModule.options.param2 = value2
# Cookie authentication & assertion
# If this value is set to "true", then JSPWiki will allow you to "assert" an
# identity using a cookie. It's still considered to be unsafe, just like no
# login at all, but it is useful when you have no need to force everyone to login.
# By default, this is on.
# If you would like to keep your users logged in for weeks at a time, you can
# turn on "cookie authentication" feature. However, this comes with important
# security caveats:
# 1) User will stay logged in into your system for weeks. This means that if
# someone manages to nab the cookie during this time, they can pretend to
# be that user.
# 2) The mappings between cookies and users are written in your filesystem,
# in $jspwiki.workDir/logincookies. Access to this directory means that
# the ability to fake anyone in the wiki, so please make sure that only
# the proper admin has read access to this directory.
# By default, cookie authentication is off.
# Defines how many days the cookies are kept, and how often the people have to log in.
# The default is two weeks, i.e. 14 days. If you need a shorter period than one day,
# turn off cookie authentication, then tweak your web.xml to allow for longer sessions.
# For authorization, JSPWiki has a two-tier system. When we want to
# determine whether a user has permission to perform a certain action,
# we first consult (A) an external "authorizer" to determine if the user
# is a member of the required role. In addition to checking its external
# authorizer, it also checks (B) its GroupManager for wiki-managed groups.
# By default, JSPWiki uses the servlet container's authorization service
# for to check what roles the user belongs to (that is, it calls
# HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String)). After the user authenticates,
# the default Authorizer (WebContainerAuthorizer) checks to see if the user
# belongs to the roles listed in web.xml using <security-role>/<role-name> or
# <auth-constraint>/<role-name> elements. However, you can use another
# Authorizer if you wish; specify that class here.
jspwiki.authorizer = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.WebContainerAuthorizer
# As an additional source of authorization, users can belong to discretionary
# "wiki groups" that the users manage themselves. Wiki groups are stored in a
# GroupDatabase. The default group database uses an XML file for persistent
# storage. Override with your own GroupDatabase implementation with this property:
jspwiki.groupdatabase = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.XMLGroupDatabase
# The default group database implementation stores member lists
# in an XML file. The location of this file should be in a secure directory
# in the filesystem; for example, in /etc or your servlet container's
# configuration directory If you do not supply a value for this property,
# a blank group database will be initialized in the WEB-INF/ directory of the
# deployed webapp. Since these directories are often overwritten when webapps
# are undeployed or redeployed, you should probably set this property to
# something useful as soon as you can. But for test wikis, it's probably
# ok to leave this un-set, as long as users know that their groups could
# "disappear" if the wiki app is ever redeployed.
#jspwiki.xmlGroupDatabaseFile = /etc/tomcat/groupdatabase.xml
# User's wiki profiles are stored in a UserDatabase. The default user database
# uses an XML file for persistent storage.
# Override with your own UserDatabase implementation with this property:
jspwiki.userdatabase = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.XMLUserDatabase
# The default user database implementation stores usernames and passwords
# in an XML file. Passwords are SHA-1 hashed. The location of this file
# should be in a secure directory in the filesystem; for example, in
# /etc or your servlet container's configuration directory.
# If you do not supply a value for this property, a blank user database
# will be initialized in the WEB-INF/ directory of the deployed webapp.
# Since these directories are often overwritten when webapps are
# undeployed or redeployed, you should probably set this property to
# something useful as soon as you can. But for test wikis, it's probably
# ok to leave this un-set, as long as users know that their profiles could
# "disappear" if the wiki app is ever redeployed.
#jspwiki.xmlUserDatabaseFile = /etc/tomcat/userdatabase.xml
# You can also use a JDBC database for storing user profiles.
# See the online AuthenticationAndAuthorization2.3 docs for details on
# how to configure it.
#jspwiki.userdatabase = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.JDBCUserDatabase
# If your JSPWiki user database shares login information with your
# web container's authentication realm, you can configure JSPWiki to
# add container users. At present, this only works with JDBCUserDatabase,
# and only if you've configured your web container to use a database
# with compatible columns and tables. If you don't know what this means,
# then leave this property set to FALSE (the default).
#jspwiki.userdatabase.isSharedWithContainer = false
# Last but not least, JSPWiki needs a way of reading and persisting page
# access control lists. The default implementation reads these from the page
# markup. For example: "[{ALLOW edit Charlie}]". If using a custom
# ACL manager, specify the AclManager implementation class here:
jspwiki.aclManager = com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.acl.DefaultAclManager
# InterWiki links
# The %s is replaced with the page reference (specify
# multiple times to get multiple references). Page references should
# appear in format : [wiki:wikipage].
# This is the JSPWiki home. In future, JSPWiki will probably rely on this
# for error messages, so I don't recommend that you change it.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.JSPWiki =
# Here's how you can have directly links to the JSPWiki editor.
# Now you can put a hyperlink for editing "MainPage" by making
# a link [Edit:MainPage].
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Edit = Edit.jsp?page=%s
# This is the original WikiWikiWeb
jspwiki.interWikiRef.WikiWikiWeb =
# TWiki, a very nice WikiClone.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.TWiki =
# MeatballWiki, which seems to be quite popular.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.MeatballWiki =
# Wikipedia, a Wiki encyclopedia!
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Wikipedia =
# Google, the ubiquitous search engine.
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Google =
# JSPWiki documentation (for this release)
jspwiki.interWikiRef.Doc =
# Define which image types are inlined.
# These are your standard glob expressions (just like in your
# Windows or UNIX shells). Default pattern is to include all PNG
# images. If you specify something here, you will override the default.
# Don't forget to increase the number after the dot - duplicate entries
# cause problems!
# For example:
# Inline all JPG files, PNG files and all files from
# jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.1 = *.jpg
# jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.2 = *.png
# jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern.3 =*
# Determine how the RSS (Rich Site Summary) file generation should work.
# RSS is a standard pioneered by Netscape, which allows you to join your
# Wiki with a huge number of different news services around the world.
# Try a Google search on RSS and see what you can do with it.
# All of these settings were added in JSPWiki 1.7.6.
# Note that jspwiki.baseURL MUST BE DEFINED if you want to enable RSS!
# Determine if the RSS file should be generated at all. Allowed values
# are "true" and "false". Default is "false".
jspwiki.rss.generate = false
# Determine the name of the RSS file. This path is relative to your
# Wiki root. Default is "rss.rdf"
jspwiki.rss.fileName = rss.rdf
# Determine the refresh interval (ie. how often the RSS file is regenerated.
# It is not recommended to make this too often, or you'll choke your server.
# Anything above five minutes is probably okay. The default value is one hour.
# The value should be in seconds.
jspwiki.rss.interval = 3600
# The text you want to be shown as your "channel description" when someone
# subscribes to it. You can be quite verbose here, up to 500 characters or
# so. You can continue to a new line by adding a backslash to the end of the
# line. Default is to have no description.
jspwiki.rss.channelDescription = Oh poor me, my owner has not set \
a channel description at all. \
Pity me.
# The language of your Wiki. This is a standard, two-letter language
# code, or in case of some languages, two letters for the country,
# a dash, and two letters for the dialect.
jspwiki.rss.channelLanguage = en-us
# JDBC Configuration. Tells JSPWiki which tables and columns to map
# to for the JDBCUserDatabase and JDBCGroupDatabase. For more info, see the
# JavaDoc for classes com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.JDBCUserDatabase and
# com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.JDBCGroupDatabase.
# JavaMail configuration. If you wish to allow your users to recover
# their passwords via email, you should configure these properties.
# JavaMail can use either a container-managed JNDI resource factory
# (recommended, and the default), or a stand-alone factory whose properties
# are configured with mail.* properties in this file (below).
# A. Configure the address from which the email appears to come.
# If you're going to use a mail session obtained via JNDI, this setting
# will only be used if it hasn't already been configured in the obtained
# session itself. If you comment it out, JSPWiki will use its internal
# default value.
# If you're going to use a stand-alone mail session, you will surely want
# to configure it, otherwise the internal default value will be used.
mail.from = @mail.from@
# B. JNDI Resource Factory Configuration. JSPWiki will try this first.
# You will need to configure your container to provide a JavaMail
# resource factory. See your container documentation, or check our
# fairly complete documentation (with examples for Tomcat) in
# the JavaDocs for com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util.MailUtil.
# JNDI resource name. The commented-out value is the default.
#jspwiki.mail.jndiname = mail/Session
# C. Stand-alone Resource Factory. JSPWiki will use these values if JNDI fails.
# Your SMTP host (i.e. the one which sends email) =
# If for some reason the standard smtp port (25) is blocked, you can change it here
#mail.smtp.port = @mail.smtp.port@
# If you are using a webserver that is publically accessible it usually
# doesn't allow you to send mail anonymously
# (because then this mailserver would become an open relay).
# Therefore you can indicate your account information here...
#mail.smtp.account = @mail.smtp.account@
#mail.smtp.password = @mail.smtp.password@
# The properties below control connection timeouts and TLS (encryption)
# if the mailserver supports it. The commented-out values are the defaults.
#mail.smtp.timeout = 5000
#mail.smtp.connectiontimeout = 5000
#mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true
# Configure logs. See log4j documentation for more information
# on how you can configure the logs.
# Log4j is available at
# WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON: If you turn on DEBUG logging, be aware
# that some security-sensitive information will be logged (such as session IDs).
# Please be careful.
# Send mail to root on all problems containing warnings.
#log4j.appender.mail =
#log4j.appender.mail.Threshold = WARN
#log4j.appender.mail.To = root@localhost
#log4j.appender.mail.From = JSPWiki@localhost
#log4j.appender.mail.Subject = Problem with JSPWiki!
#log4j.appender.mail.SMTPHost = mail
#log4j.appender.mail.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.mail.layout.ConversionPattern =%d [%t] %p %c %x - %m%n
# Log everything into a file, roll it over every 10 MB, keep
# only 14 latest ones.
log4j.appender.FileLog = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxFileSize = 10MB
log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxBackupIndex = 14
log4j.appender.FileLog.File = @logfile@
log4j.appender.FileLog.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.FileLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %p %c %x - %m%n
# If you want to use some other logging system (such as JBoss, which uses
# log4j already, comment this line out. If you just don't want any logs
# at all, you can set it to be empty. However, I suggest that you do
# at least to a level of WARN.
# Enable if you're using mailing, above.
# Uncomment these lines if you want to see detailed security event logging.
# The logging levels are as follows:
# ERROR: login errors (other than failed/expired logins)
# WARN: access denied, failed login (account expired, password/credential expired)
# INFO: login, logout
# DEBUG: add/remove group, add/remove group member, clear groups/group members, access allowed
#log4j.logger.SecurityLog=INFO, SecurityAppender
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.MaxFileSize = 10MB
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.MaxBackupIndex = 14
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.File = @securitylog@
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.SecurityAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p - %m%n
# Uncomment these lines if you wish to receive detailed spam
# filter logging.
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.MaxFileSize = 10MB
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.MaxBackupIndex = 14
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.File = @spamlog@
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
#log4j.appender.SpamAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %m%n
# Workflow configuration
# The following properties map specific workflow steps to their associated approvers
# The name of the workflow or decision is the part of the key after "jspwiki.approver.".
# This is a logical name JSPWiki uses to determine which Principal to consult for approval.
# The Principal is identified up by AuthorizationManager at runtime; it looks for a Principal
# match as follows: GroupPrincipals; Roles; WikiPrincipals/other principals. Thus, if a value
# of "Admin" is supplied JSPWiki will first check the GroupManager to see if group Admin exits;
# then the container roles, if any; then, user Principals. If the value is blank or the
# property is commented out, it means that the workflow does not require approval.
# Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group (or Admin user, if a group is not found)
# to approve wiki pages after saving.
# Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group to approve new user profiles
### End of configuration file.