blob: e9731bfe893b3a6a77f3897e8a0118f1d3083d77 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains defaults for development. If you are cross-
# developing in multiple environments, just change the defaults
# in this file.
# Any changes in this file will be reflected in the default
# when it is run.
# JavaMail configuration
# Enable these if you wish to create a static content tarball
# for use with Apache or another front-end web server.
# You should specify user and group names that make sense for
# your environment.
static.user = apache = daemon
jks.password = jspwiki
# If you are running web tests, these need to be set to your
# Tomcat admin name and password.
tomcat.admin = admin
tomcat.password = greyroot