blob: b404b1fc848aaa140dfe9e68b705e1c46cfe1473 [file] [log] [blame]
package stress;
import junit.framework.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.*;
* Does stress testing on the RCSProvider.
public class StressTestRCSProvider extends TestCase
public static final String NAME1 = "Test1";
Properties props = new Properties();
TestEngine engine;
public StressTestRCSProvider( String s )
super( s );
public void setUp()
throws Exception
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties("/") );
engine = new TestEngine(props);
public void tearDown()
String files = props.getProperty( FileSystemProvider.PROP_PAGEDIR );
File f = new File( files, NAME1+FileSystemProvider.FILE_EXT );
f = new File( files+File.separator+"RCS", NAME1+FileSystemProvider.FILE_EXT+",v" );
f = new File( files, "RCS" );
* Bug report by Anon: RCS under Windows 2k:
* <PRE>
* In getPageInfo of RCSFileProvider:
* Problem:
* With a longer rlog result, the break clause in the last "else if"
* breaks out of the reading loop before all the lines in the full
* rlog have been read in. This causes the process.wait() to hang.
* Suggested quick fix:
* Always read all the contents of the rlog, even if it is slower.
* </PRE>
public void testMillionChanges()
throws Exception
String text = "";
String name = NAME1;
int maxver = 2000; // Save 2000 versions.
Benchmark mark = new Benchmark();
for( int i = 0; i < maxver; i++ )
text = text + ".";
engine.saveText( name, text );
System.out.println("Benchmark: "+mark.toString(2000)+" pages/second");
WikiPage pageinfo = engine.getPage( NAME1 );
assertEquals( "wrong version", maxver, pageinfo.getVersion() );
// +2 comes from \r\n at the end of each file.
assertEquals( "wrong text", maxver+2, engine.getText(NAME1).length() );
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite( StressTestRCSProvider.class );