blob: 2ba22848fba20d7f5d9694e218ca62de90baf509 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="JSPWiki-webtests" default="webtests" basedir="tests">
<!-- This Ant build file is designed to be called by the
"webtests" task in the top-level build.xml file. If
executed by itself, it will fail horribly and make
many unpleasant noises. It runs tests against a local
web application server running on port 8080.
The tests require a few properties to be defined
by the calling Ant script:
webtest.context: The webapp context that will be tested.
This will be something like
'test-custom' or 'test-container'.
webtest.webxml: The web.xml file to use for the test.
webtest.teardown: If not set, leaves WARs deployed on
the app server, and does not undeploy
them. This property is optional.
The test script follows the narrative in doc/web test plan.txt.
<!-- The main target. Calls the setup, exec, and teardown targets -->
<target name="webtests" depends="webtest-setup,webtest-exec,webtest-teardown,webtest-report" />
<!-- Sets up the web tests -->
<target name="webtest-setup-init">
<condition property="context.installed">
<http url="http://localhost:8080/${webtest.context}/Wiki.jsp" />
<property name="" value="tests/reports/webtest-results" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<target name="webtest-setup"
depends="webtest-setup-init" unless="context.installed">
<echo message="Test context ${webtest.context} not deployed. Deploying..."/>
<tomcat-deploy context="${webtest.context}" webxml="${webtest.webxml}" />
<!-- Tears down the web tests -->
<target name="webtest-teardown" if="webtest.teardown">
<tomcat-undeploy context="${webtest.context}" />
<!-- Runs the web tests -->
<target name="webtest-exec">
<target name="webtest-report">
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Tomcat deployment tasks -->
<!-- These macros deploy and undeploy WAR files to a Tomcat
server, assumed to be already running locally on port 8080.
The manager app MUST be installed and running in order for
this to work properly. Also, the 'tomcat.admin' and
'tomcat.password' properties must be set in
To run these macros, calling tasks must have already
run the task 'tomcat-init'.
<macrodef name="tomcat-deploy">
<attribute name="context" />
<attribute name="webxml" />
<!-- We need the tomcat.admin and tomcat.password properties -->
<check-property prop="tomcat.admin" />
<check-property prop="tomcat.password" />
<!-- Declare the Tomcat deploy task -->
<taskdef classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask" name="deploy">
<path refid="tomcat.classpath" />
<!-- Create a context file for Tomcat -->
<mkdir dir="${}/@{context}" />
<echo file="${}/@{context}/context.xml"
message='&lt;Context path="/@{context}" debug="0"/&gt;' />
<!-- Build the war -->
<war warfile="${}/@{context}/@{context}.war"
<lib dir="lib" includes="*.jar"
<lib file="${jarfile}" />
<fileset dir="${code.src}/webdocs" includes="**" />
<webinf dir="etc" includes="**" excludes="**.tmpl web.xml" />
<classes dir="etc" includes="" />
<metainf dir="${}/@{context}" includes="context.xml" />
<!-- Deploy the webapp -->
<deploy url="http://localhost:8080/manager/"
username="${tomcat.admin}" password="${tomcat.password}"
war="//${basedir}/${}/@{context}/@{context}.war" />
<macrodef name="tomcat-undeploy">
<attribute name="context" />
<!-- We need the tomcat.admin and tomcat.password properties -->
<check-property prop="tomcat.admin" />
<check-property prop="tomcat.password" />
<!-- Declare the Tomcat deploy task -->
<taskdef classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask" name="undeploy">
<path refid="tomcat.classpath" />
<!-- Undeploy the webapp -->
<undeploy url="http://localhost:8080/manager/"
username="${tomcat.admin}" password="${tomcat.password}"
path="/@{context}" />