blob: d67c68b917a4c91fd334afbadb9820dfeb6b8031 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a snapshot of the [on-line copy of the JSPWiki FAQ|JSPWiki:JSPWikiFAQ]. You should go there for more up-to-date questions and answers.
To view existing FAQ's, visit the appropriate page. If you think a question should be posted across multiple sections, please make the changes. Also, new questions should be duplicated here, and (once an answer is received) in the the appropriate section.
* [FAQGeneral]
* [FAQFormatting]
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* [FAQAdministration]
!Recent Changes
Q: How do you get your name or IP address instead of "unknown" to show up in the "Recent Changes" page?\\
A: Click on Set Preferences in the Left Menu. You can put your name there and it should show up. Are you running a VersioningFileProvider so you can track recent changes?
Q: Breadcrumb trail - JSPWiki.jar is shared by all webapps on tomcat, and the breadcrumbs tag isn't leaving a trail. Any ideas?
A: Check that your domain matches the one put in the cookie.
Q: IP address - How to get IP address as a user preference set by default? Mine is blank.....((