blob: e5d33593cd6df4b0c2223d939168c772ccfc2a88 [file] [log] [blame]
Inserts formatted or unformatted page contents.
<wiki:InsertPage page="<page name>" mode="plain|html" />
;__page__: The name of the page to insert. If not set, inserts the current page.
;__mode__: If set to "plain", inserts the actual WikiMarkup (for example, for an editor). If "html", will insert rendered HTML snippet. Default is to insert HTML.
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jspwiki.tld" prefix="wiki" %>
<title><wiki:PageName /></title>
<h1><wiki:PageName /></h1>
<wiki:InsertPage />
<hr /><br />
<wiki:EditLink>Edit this page</wiki:EditLink>
This is an extraordinarily minimal [template|WikiTemplates] for JSPWiki, which basically just displays the page name in a h1-type heading, and then inserts the renderd page contents.