blob: 0c58d3430343fcc8411f3c7725e8fb965ed176c5 [file] [log] [blame]
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function confirmDelete()
var reallydelete = confirm("Please confirm that you want to delete content permanently!");
return reallydelete;
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onclick="TabbedSection.onclick('referingto')" >Outgoing links</a></span>
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onclick="TabbedSection.onclick('referencedby')" >Incoming links</a></span>
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onclick="TabbedSection.onclick('attachments')" >Attachment info</a></span>
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<td><b>Page last modified</b></td>
<td><wiki:PageDate /></td>
<td><b>Current page version</b></td>
<td><wiki:PageVersion>No versions.</wiki:PageVersion></td>
<td><b>Page feed</b></td>
<td><a href="<wiki:BaseURL/>rss.jsp?page=<wiki:Variable var="pagename" />&amp;mode=wiki"><img src="<wiki:BaseURL/>images/xml.png" border="0" alt="[RSS]"/></a></td>
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method="post" accept-charset="ISO-8859-1,UTF-8">
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action="<wiki:BaseURL/>Delete.jsp?page=<wiki:PageName />"
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<td><input type="submit" name="delete-all" value="Delete entire page"/></td>
<td valign="top"><b>Page revision history</b></td>
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onchange="location.replace(this[this.selectedIndex].value)" >
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<%= ( (start == -1) ? "selected='selected'" : "") %> >
Show all revisions from <%= latestVersion %> down to 1
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<%= (selected ? "selected='selected'" : "") %> >
Show <%= ((startofblock == 1) ? "first" : Integer.toString(size) ) %> revisions
from <%=endofblock%> to <%=startofblock %>
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startofblock -= size;
endofblock -= size;
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<td><wiki:PageDate format="<%= prefDateFormat %>" /> by <wiki:Author /></td>
<th>Current version</th>
<td><wiki:PageVersion>No versions.</wiki:PageVersion></td>
<th>Page feed</th>
<td><a href="<wiki:BaseURL/>rss.jsp?page=<wiki:Variable var="pagename" />&amp;mode=wiki"
title="RSS link for <wiki:PageName />" >
<img src="<wiki:BaseURL/>images/xml.png" border="0" alt="[RSS]" />
<th>Upload new version</th>
<form action="<wiki:Variable var="baseurl"/>attach"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<%-- Do NOT change the order of wikiname and content, otherwise the
servlet won't find its parts. --%>
<%-- Do NOT change the order of wikiname and content, otherwise the
servlet won't find its parts. --%>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<wiki:Variable var="pagename" />" />
In order to update this attachment with a newer version,
please select a file name (click "Choose" button), then click on "Update".
<input type="file" name="content">
<br />
<input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload new attachment" />
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<td><input type="submit" name="delete-all" value="Delete attachment"/></td>
<th>Page Revision History</th>
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onchange="location.replace(this[this.selectedIndex].value)" >
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<option value="<wiki:BaseURL/><wiki:PageInfoLink format="url" />&start=-1"
<%= ( (start == -1) ? "SELECTED" : "") %> >
Show all revisions from <%= latestVersion %> down to 1
while( endofblock > 0 )
if( startofblock < 1 ) { startofblock = 1; }
selected = ( (start >= startofblock) && (start <= endofblock) );
if( selected ) start = startofblock; //defensive
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<%= (selected ? "SELECTED" : "") %> >
Show <%= ((startofblock == 1) ? "first" : Integer.toString(size) ) %> revisions
from <%=endofblock%> to <%=startofblock %>
//if( startofblock == 1) startofblock = 0;
startofblock -= size;
endofblock -= size;
<div style="clear:both; height:0px;" > </div>
</div><%-- infocontent --%>
This page does not exist. Why don't you go and
<wiki:EditLink>create it</wiki:EditLink>?
</div> <%-- tabs --%>