blob: c5b0da5914920e88ac26ec4c73fa62d1c032b992 [file] [log] [blame]
JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Janne Jalkanen (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rss;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.Attachment;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.ProviderException;
* Generates an RSS feed from the recent changes.
* <P>
* We use the 1.0 spec, including the wiki-specific extensions. Wiki extensions
* have been defined in <A HREF="">UseMod:ModWiki</A>.
* @author Janne Jalkanen
* @since 1.7.5.
// FIXME: Limit diff and page content size.
public class RSSGenerator
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( RSSGenerator.class );
private WikiEngine m_engine;
private String m_channelDescription = "";
private String m_channelLanguage = "en-us";
public static final String RSS10 = "rss10";
public static final String RSS20 = "rss20";
public static final String ATOM = "atom";
public static final String MODE_BLOG = "blog";
public static final String MODE_WIKI = "wiki";
public static final String MODE_FULL = "full";
* Defines the property name for the RSS channel description. Default value for the
* channel description is an empty string.
* @since 1.7.6.
public static final String PROP_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = "jspwiki.rss.channelDescription";
* Defines the property name for the RSS channel language. Default value for the
* language is "en-us".
* @since 1.7.6.
public static final String PROP_CHANNEL_LANGUAGE = "jspwiki.rss.channelLanguage";
public static final String PROP_CHANNEL_TITLE = "jspwiki.rss.channelTitle";
* Defines the property name for the RSS generator main switch.
* @since 1.7.6.
public static final String PROP_GENERATE_RSS = "jspwiki.rss.generate";
* Defines the property name for the RSS file that the wiki should generate.
* @since 1.7.6.
public static final String PROP_RSSFILE = "jspwiki.rss.fileName";
public static final String PROP_RSSAUTHOR = "";
public static final String PROP_RSSAUTHOREMAIL = "";
* Defines the property name for the RSS generation interval in seconds.
* @since 1.7.6.
public static final String PROP_INTERVAL = "jspwiki.rss.interval";
public static final String PROP_RSS_AUTHOR = "";
public static final String PROP_RSS_AUTHOREMAIL = "";
public static final String PROP_RSS_COPYRIGHT = "jspwiki.rss.copyright";
private static final int MAX_CHARACTERS = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Initialize the RSS generator.
public RSSGenerator( WikiEngine engine, Properties properties )
throws NoRequiredPropertyException
m_engine = engine;
// FIXME: This assumes a bit too much.
if( engine.getBaseURL() == null || engine.getBaseURL().length() == 0 )
throw new NoRequiredPropertyException( "RSS requires jspwiki.baseURL to be set!",
WikiEngine.PROP_BASEURL );
m_channelDescription = properties.getProperty( PROP_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION,
m_channelDescription );
m_channelLanguage = properties.getProperty( PROP_CHANNEL_LANGUAGE,
m_channelLanguage );
* Does the required formatting and entity replacement for XML.
public static String format( String s )
s = TextUtil.replaceString( s, "&", "&amp;" );
s = TextUtil.replaceString( s, "<", "&lt;" );
s = TextUtil.replaceString( s, "]]>", "]]&gt;" );
return s.trim();
private String getAuthor( WikiPage page )
String author = page.getAuthor();
if( author == null ) author = "An unknown author";
return author;
private String getAttachmentDescription( Attachment att )
String author = getAuthor(att);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if( att.getVersion() != 1 )
sb.append(author+" uploaded a new version of this attachment on "+att.getLastModified() );
sb.append(author+" created this attachment on "+att.getLastModified() );
sb.append("<br /><hr /><br />");
sb.append( "Parent page: <a href=\""+
m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, att.getParentName(), null, true ) +
"\">"+att.getParentName()+"</a><br />" );
sb.append( "Info page: <a href=\""+
m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.INFO, att.getName(), null, true ) +
"\">"+att.getName()+"</a>" );
return sb.toString();
private String getPageDescription( WikiPage page )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String author = getAuthor(page);
if( page.getVersion() > 1 )
String diff = m_engine.getDiff( page.getName(),
page.getVersion()-1, // FIXME: Will fail when non-contiguous versions
page.getVersion() );
buf.append(author+" changed this page on "+page.getLastModified()+":<br /><hr /><br />" );
buf.append(author+" created this page on "+page.getLastModified()+":<br /><hr /><br />" );
buf.append(m_engine.getHTML( page.getName() ));
return buf.toString();
private String getEntryDescription( WikiPage page )
String res;
if( page instanceof Attachment )
res = getAttachmentDescription( (Attachment)page );
res = getPageDescription( page );
return res;
private String getEntryTitle( WikiPage page )
return page.getName();
* Generates the RSS resource. You probably want to output this
* result into a file or something, or serve as output from a servlet.
public String generate()
WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine,new WikiPage( m_engine, "__DUMMY" ) );
context.setRequestContext( WikiContext.RSS );
Feed feed = new RSS10Feed( context );
String result = generateFullWikiRSS( context, feed );
result = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + result;
return result;
* @since 2.3.15
* @param mode
* @return
public static String getContentType( String mode )
if( mode.equals( RSS10 )||mode.equals(RSS20) )
return "application/rss+xml";
else if( mode.equals(ATOM) )
return "application/atom+xml";
return "application/octet-stream"; // Unknown type
public String generateFeed( WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, String mode, String type )
throws ProviderException
Feed feed = null;
String res = null;
if( type.equals( ATOM ) )
feed = new AtomFeed( wikiContext );
else if( type.equals( RSS20 ) )
feed = new RSS20Feed( wikiContext );
feed = new RSS10Feed( wikiContext );
if( mode.equals( MODE_BLOG ) )
res = generateBlogRSS( wikiContext, changed, feed );
else if( mode.equals( MODE_FULL ) )
res = generateFullWikiRSS( wikiContext, feed );
else if( mode.equals( MODE_WIKI ) )
res = generateWikiPageRSS( wikiContext, changed, feed );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid value for feed mode: "+mode );
return res;
* Generates an RSS feed for the entire wiki. Each item should be an instance of the RSSItem class.
protected String generateFullWikiRSS( WikiContext wikiContext, Feed feed )
feed.setChannelTitle( m_engine.getApplicationName() );
feed.setFeedURL( m_engine.getBaseURL() );
feed.setChannelLanguage( m_channelLanguage );
feed.setChannelDescription( m_channelDescription );
Collection changed = m_engine.getRecentChanges();
int items = 0;
for( Iterator i = changed.iterator(); i.hasNext() && items < 15; items++ )
WikiPage page = (WikiPage);
Entry e = new Entry();
e.setPage( page );
String url;
if( page instanceof Attachment )
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.ATTACH,
true );
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW,
true );
e.setURL( url );
e.setTitle( getEntryTitle(page) );
e.setContent( getEntryDescription(page) );
e.setAuthor( getAuthor(page) );
feed.addEntry( e );
return feed.getString();
protected String generateWikiPageRSS( WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, Feed feed )
feed.setChannelTitle( m_engine.getApplicationName() );
feed.setFeedURL( m_engine.getBaseURL() );
feed.setChannelLanguage( m_channelLanguage );
feed.setChannelDescription( m_channelDescription );
Collections.sort( changed, new PageTimeComparator() );
int items = 0;
for( Iterator i = changed.iterator(); i.hasNext() && items < 15; items++ )
WikiPage page = (WikiPage);
Entry e = new Entry();
e.setPage( page );
String url;
if( page instanceof Attachment )
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.ATTACH,
true );
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW,
true );
e.setURL( url );
e.setTitle( getEntryTitle(page) );
e.setContent( getEntryDescription(page) );
e.setAuthor( getAuthor(page) );
feed.addEntry( e );
return feed.getString();
protected String generateBlogRSS( WikiContext wikiContext, List changed, Feed feed )
throws ProviderException
log.debug("Generating RSS for blog, size="+changed.size());
String ctitle = m_engine.getVariable( wikiContext, PROP_CHANNEL_TITLE );
if( ctitle != null )
feed.setChannelTitle( ctitle );
feed.setChannelTitle( m_engine.getApplicationName()+":"+wikiContext.getPage().getName() );
feed.setFeedURL( wikiContext.getViewURL( wikiContext.getPage().getName() ) );
String language = m_engine.getVariable( wikiContext, PROP_CHANNEL_LANGUAGE );
if( language != null )
feed.setChannelLanguage( language );
feed.setChannelLanguage( m_channelLanguage );
String channelDescription = m_engine.getVariable( wikiContext, PROP_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION );
if( channelDescription != null )
feed.setChannelDescription( channelDescription );
Collections.sort( changed, new PageTimeComparator() );
int items = 0;
for( Iterator i = changed.iterator(); i.hasNext() && items < 15; items++ )
WikiPage page = (WikiPage);
Entry e = new Entry();
e.setPage( page );
String url;
if( page instanceof Attachment )
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.ATTACH,
true );
url = m_engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW,
true );
e.setURL( url );
// Title
String pageText = m_engine.getPureText(page.getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
String title = "";
int firstLine = pageText.indexOf('\n');
if( firstLine > 0 )
title = pageText.substring( 0, firstLine ).trim();
if( title.length() == 0 ) title = page.getName();
// Remove wiki formatting
while( title.startsWith("!") ) title = title.substring(1);
e.setTitle( title );
// Description
if( firstLine > 0 )
int maxlen = pageText.length();
if( maxlen > MAX_CHARACTERS ) maxlen = MAX_CHARACTERS;
if( maxlen > 0 )
pageText = m_engine.textToHTML( wikiContext,
pageText.substring( firstLine+1,
maxlen ).trim() );
if( maxlen == MAX_CHARACTERS ) pageText += "...";
e.setContent( pageText );
e.setContent( title );
e.setContent( title );
e.setAuthor( getAuthor(page) );
feed.addEntry( e );
return feed.getString();