blob: 4ed9d0546f13e134d579b1c24a4c9b118878cef9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Page Rename funcationality is here rather than comingled in the main WikiEngine class.
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.oro.text.perl.Perl5Util;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParser;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.MarkupParser;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.ProviderException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.WikiAttachmentProvider;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.WikiPageProvider;
* Do all the nitty-gritty work of renaming pages.
public class PageRenamer
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PageRenamer.class);
private final WikiEngine m_wikiEngine;
private final Perl5Util m_perlUtil = new Perl5Util();
private static final PatternMatcher m_matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
private boolean m_camelCaseLink;
private boolean m_matchEnglishPlurals;
private static final String m_longLinkPatternString = "\\[(.+[|])?(.+?)\\]";
private static final String m_camelCaseLinkPatternString = "([[:upper:]]+[[:lower:]]+[[:upper:]]+[[:alnum:]]*)";
private Pattern m_longLinkPattern = null;
private Pattern m_camelCaseLinkPattern = null;
public static final String DIR_EXTENSION = "-att";
public static final String PROP_STORAGEDIR = "jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir";
* Constructor, ties this renamer instance to a WikiEngine.
public PageRenamer( WikiEngine engine, Properties props )
m_wikiEngine = engine;
// Retrieve relevant options
m_matchEnglishPlurals = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
false );
m_camelCaseLink = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
false );
// Compile regular expression patterns
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
m_longLinkPattern = compiler.compile( m_longLinkPatternString );
m_camelCaseLinkPattern = compiler.compile( m_camelCaseLinkPatternString );
catch (MalformedPatternException mpe)
log.error( "Error compiling regexp patterns.", mpe );
* Renames, or moves, a wiki page. Can also alter referring wiki
* links to point to the renamed page.
* @param oldName Name of the source page.
* @param newName Name of the destination page.
* @param changeReferrers If true, then changes any referring links
* to point to the renamed page.
* @return The name of the page that the source was renamed to.
* @throws WikiException In the case of an error, such as the destination
* page already existing.
public String renamePage(String oldName, String newName, boolean changeReferrers)
throws WikiException
// Work out the clean version of the new name of the page
newName = newName.trim();
String newNameCleaned = MarkupParser.cleanLink( newName );
log.debug( "Rename request for page '"+ oldName +"' to '" + newNameCleaned + "'" );
// Check if we're attempting to rename to a pagename that already exists
if( m_wikiEngine.pageExists( newNameCleaned ) )
log.debug("Rename request failed because target page '"+newNameCleaned+"' exists");
throw new WikiException( "Page exists" );
// Tell the providers to actually move the data around...
movePageData( oldName, newNameCleaned );
moveAttachmentData( oldName, newNameCleaned );
// Get the collection of pages that the refered to the old name (the From name)...
Collection referrers = getReferrersCollection( oldName );
// If there were pages refering to the old name, update them to point to the new name...
if( referrers != null )
updateReferrersOnRename( oldName, newName, changeReferrers, newNameCleaned, referrers );
// XXX: Questionable behaviour!
return newNameCleaned;
// Go gather and return a collection of page names that refer to the old name...
private Collection getReferrersCollection( String oldName )
return m_wikiEngine.getReferenceManager().findReferrers(oldName);
// Loop the collection, calling update for each, tickle the reference manager when done.
private void updateReferrersOnRename( String oldName,
String newName,
boolean changeReferrers,
String newNameCleaned,
Collection referrers)
// Make a new list out of this, otherwise there is a ConcurrentModificationException
// when the referrer is modifed at the end of this loop when it no longer refers to
// the original page.
List referrersList = new ArrayList( referrers );
Iterator referrersIterator = referrersList.iterator();
while ( referrersIterator.hasNext() )
String referrerName = (String);
updateReferrerOnRename( oldName, newName, changeReferrers, referrerName );
m_wikiEngine.getReferenceManager().clearPageEntries( oldName );
String text = m_wikiEngine.getText( newNameCleaned );
Collection updatedReferrers = m_wikiEngine.scanWikiLinks( m_wikiEngine.getPage(newNameCleaned),text );
m_wikiEngine.getReferenceManager().updateReferences( newNameCleaned, updatedReferrers );
// Update the referer, changing text if indicated.
private void updateReferrerOnRename(String oldName, String newName, boolean changeReferrer, String referrerName)
log.debug("oldName = "+oldName);
log.debug("newName = "+newName);
log.debug("referrerName = "+referrerName);
String text = m_wikiEngine.getText(referrerName);
if (changeReferrer)
text = changeReferrerText( oldName, newName, referrerName, text );
WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_wikiEngine, m_wikiEngine.getPage(referrerName) );
log.debug("Context.getEngine() "+context.getEngine());
log.debug("Context.getPage() "+context.getPage());
log.debug("Context.getRequestContext() "+context.getRequestContext());
log.debug("Context.getTemplate() "+context.getTemplate());
log.debug("Context.getCurrentUser() "+context.getCurrentUser());
if (context.getPage() != null)
PageLock lock = m_wikiEngine.getPageManager().getCurrentLock( m_wikiEngine.getPage(referrerName) );
m_wikiEngine.getPageManager().unlockPage( lock );
m_wikiEngine.saveText( context, text );
Collection updatedReferrers = m_wikiEngine.scanWikiLinks( m_wikiEngine.getPage(referrerName),text );
m_wikiEngine.getReferenceManager().updateReferences( referrerName, updatedReferrers );
catch( WikiException e )
log.error("Unable to update referer on rename!",e);
* Change the text of each referer to reflect the renamed page. There are seven starting cases
* and two differnting ending scenarios depending on if the new name is camel or long.
* <pre>
* "Start" "A" "B"
* 1) OldCleanLink --> NewCleanLink --> [New Long Link]
* 2) [OldCleanLink] --> NewCleanLink --> [New Long Link]
* 3) [old long text|OldCleanLink] --> [old long text|NewCleanLink] --> [old long text|New Long Link]
* 4) [Old Long Link] --> NewCleanLink --> [New Long Link]
* 5) [old long text|Old Long Link] --> [old long text|NewCleanLink] --> [old long text|New Long Link]
* 6) OldLongLink --> NewCleanLink --> NewLongLink
* 7) [OldLongLink] --> NewCleanLink --> [NewLongLink]
* </pre>
* It's important to note that case 6 and 7 can exist, but are not expected since they are
* counter intuitive.
* <br/>
* When doing any of the above renames these should not get touched...
* A) OtherOldCleanLink
* B) ~OldCleanLink <-Um maybe we _should_ rename this one?
* C) [[OldCleanLink] <-Maybe rename this too?
private String changeReferrerText(String oldName, String newName, String referrerName, String referrerText)
// The text we are replacing old links with
String replacementLink = null;
// Work out whether the new page name is CamelCase or not
// TODO: Check if the pattern can be replaced with the compiled version
if( m_camelCaseLink == false || !m_perlUtil.match( "/" + m_camelCaseLinkPatternString + "/", newName ) )
replacementLink = "["+newName+"]";
replacementLink = newName;
// Replace long format links
referrerText = replaceLongLinks( referrerText, oldName, replacementLink );
// Replace CamelCase links
if( m_camelCaseLink == true )
referrerText = replaceCamelCaseLinks( referrerText, oldName, replacementLink );
return referrerText;
// Replace long format links in a piece of text
private String replaceLongLinks( String text, String oldName, String replacementLink )
int lastMatchEnd = 0;
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput( text );
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
while( m_matcher.contains( input, m_longLinkPattern ) )
MatchResult matchResult = m_matcher.getMatch();
ret.append( input.substring( lastMatchEnd, matchResult.beginOffset( 0 ) ) );
String link = 2 );
String linkDestinationPage = checkPluralPageName( MarkupParser.cleanLink( link ) );
if( linkDestinationPage.equals( oldName ) )
String linkText = 1 );
String properReplacement = replacementLink;
if( linkText != null )
if( properReplacement.charAt( 0 ) == '[' )
properReplacement = '[' + linkText + properReplacement.substring( 1 );
properReplacement = '[' + linkText + properReplacement + ']';
ret.append( properReplacement );
ret.append( input.substring( matchResult.beginOffset( 0 ), matchResult.endOffset( 0 ) ) );
lastMatchEnd = matchResult.endOffset(0);
ret.append( input.substring( lastMatchEnd ) );
return ret.toString();
// Replace CamelCase format links in a piece of text
private String replaceCamelCaseLinks( String text, String oldName, String replacementLink )
int lastMatchEnd = 0;
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput( text );
StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
while( m_matcher.contains( input, m_camelCaseLinkPattern ) )
MatchResult matchResult = m_matcher.getMatch();
ret.append( input.substring( lastMatchEnd, matchResult.beginOffset( 0 ) ) );
// Check if there's the tilde to stop this being a camel case link
int matchOffset = matchResult.beginOffset( 0 );
char charBefore = 0;
if( matchOffset != 0 ) {
charBefore = input.charAt( matchOffset - 1 );
// Check if the CamelCase link has been escaped
if ( charBefore != '~' )
// Check if this link maps to our page
String page = checkPluralPageName( 0 ) );
if( page.equals( oldName ) )
ret.append( replacementLink );
} else {
ret.append( input.substring( matchResult.beginOffset( 0 ), matchResult.endOffset( 0 ) ) );
} else {
ret.append( input.substring( matchResult.beginOffset( 0 ), matchResult.endOffset( 0 ) ) );
lastMatchEnd = matchResult.endOffset(0);
ret.append( input.substring( lastMatchEnd ) );
return ret.toString();
// Check if a name is plural, and if so, checks if the page with plural
// exists, otherwise it returns the singular version of the name.
public String checkPluralPageName( String pageName )
if( pageName == null )
return null;
if( m_matchEnglishPlurals )
if( pageName.endsWith( "s" ) && !m_wikiEngine.getPageManager().pageExists( pageName ) )
pageName = pageName.substring( 0, pageName.length() - 1 );
catch( ProviderException e )
log.error("Unable to check Plural Pagename!",e);
return pageName;
//Move the page data from the old name to the new name.
private void movePageData(String oldName, String newName) throws WikiException
WikiPageProvider pageProvider = m_wikiEngine.getPageManager().getProvider();
pageProvider.movePage(oldName, newName);
catch (ProviderException pe)
log.debug("Failed in .movePageData()", pe);
throw new WikiException(pe.getMessage());
//Move the attachment data from the old name to the new name.
private void moveAttachmentData(String oldName, String newName) throws WikiException
WikiAttachmentProvider attachmentProvider = m_wikiEngine.getAttachmentManager().getCurrentProvider();
log.debug("Trying to move all attachments from old page name "+oldName+" to new page name "+newName);
attachmentProvider.moveAttachmentsForPage(oldName, newName);
//moveAttachmentsForPage(oldName, newName);
catch (ProviderException pe)
log.debug("Failed in .moveAttachmentData()", pe);
throw new WikiException(pe.getMessage());