blob: ed1431f16466a74d199e0ae4f0df31babd82e9e2 [file] [log] [blame]
IDE specific
mvn eclipse:eclipse : generates Eclipse project files (alternatively, you could use m2e)
mvn idea:idea : generates IDEA IntelliJ project files
Build specific
mvn clean install : performs a build
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip : performs a build, skipping the tests (not recommended)
mvn clean test : compiles the source and executes the tests
mvn test -Dtest=JSPWikiMarkupParserTest : run just a single test class
mvn test -Dtest=JSPWikiMarkupParserTest#testHeadingHyperlinks3 : run just a single test within a test class
mvn test -Dtest=TestClassName#methodName -Dmaven.surefire.debug : debug a test in Eclipse or IDEA to see why it's failing
mvn tomcat7:run-war : (from a war module) starts JSPWiki on a
Tomcat7 instance at http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki
mvn clean deploy -Papache-release -Dgpg.passphrase=<passphrase> : deploys generated artifact to a repository
If -Dgpg.passphrase is not given, expects a gpg-agent
mvn clean install -Pintegration-tests : performs a build, enabling Selenium tests execution
(best run from the jspwiki-it-tests folder).
mvn wro4j:run -Dminimize=true : merge & compress js & css files
mvn wro4j:run -Dminimize=false : only merge the js & css files (no compression)
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip -Dminimize=false : performs a build, skipping the tests and skip compression
Reports specific
mvn apache-rat:check : creates an Apache RAT report. See:
mvn cobertura:cobertura : generates a cobertura maven report. See:
mvn javadoc:javadoc : creates javadocs; if graphviz binaries (
are found on $PATH, the javadocs will display some UML
class/package level diagrams
mvn sonar:sonar : generates a Sonar report. Expects a Sonar server running at http://localhost:9000/, from
where you can see results afterwards (note default username/password login is admin/admin).
cd jspwiki-site; mvn test -Dtest=SiteGeneratorTest: Checks all language resource files for missing or
unused translations.