blob: ffd931c2bcc06e8263f2a7b828f07f89af165801 [file] [log] [blame]
JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Janne Jalkanen (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.oro.text.*;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.AttachmentManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.Attachment;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.ProviderException;
* Handles conversion from Wiki format into fully featured HTML.
* This is where all the magic happens. It is CRITICAL that this
* class is tested, or all Wikis might die horribly.
* <P>
* The output of the HTML has not yet been validated against
* the HTML DTD. However, it is very simple.
* @author Janne Jalkanen
public class TranslatorReader extends Reader
public static final int READ = 0;
public static final int EDIT = 1;
private static final int EMPTY = 2; // Empty message
private static final int LOCAL = 3;
private static final int LOCALREF = 4;
private static final int IMAGE = 5;
private static final int EXTERNAL = 6;
private static final int INTERWIKI = 7;
private static final int IMAGELINK = 8;
private static final int IMAGEWIKILINK = 9;
public static final int ATTACHMENT = 10;
private static final int ATTACHMENTIMAGE = 11;
/** Allow this many characters to be pushed back in the stream. */
private static final int PUSHBACK_BUFFER_SIZE = 8;
private PushbackReader m_in;
private StringReader m_data = new StringReader("");
private static Category log = Category.getInstance( TranslatorReader.class );
//private boolean m_iscode = false;
private boolean m_isbold = false;
private boolean m_isitalic = false;
private boolean m_isTypedText = false;
private boolean m_istable = false;
private boolean m_isPre = false;
private boolean m_isdefinition = false;
private int m_listlevel = 0;
private int m_numlistlevel = 0;
/** Tag that gets closed at EOL. */
private String m_closeTag = null;
private WikiEngine m_engine;
private WikiContext m_context;
/** Optionally stores internal wikilinks */
private ArrayList m_localLinkMutatorChain = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList m_externalLinkMutatorChain = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList m_attachmentLinkMutatorChain = new ArrayList();
/** Keeps image regexp Patterns */
private ArrayList m_inlineImagePatterns;
private PatternMatcher m_inlineMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
private ArrayList m_linkMutators = new ArrayList();
* This property defines the inline image pattern. It's current value
* is jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern
public static final String PROP_INLINEIMAGEPTRN = "jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern";
/** If true, consider CamelCase hyperlinks as well. */
public static final String PROP_CAMELCASELINKS = "jspwiki.translatorReader.camelCaseLinks";
/** If true, all hyperlinks are translated as well, regardless whether they
are surrounded by brackets. */
public static final String PROP_PLAINURIS = "jspwiki.translatorReader.plainUris";
/** If true, all outward links (external links) have a small link image appended. */
public static final String PROP_USEOUTLINKIMAGE = "jspwiki.translatorReader.useOutlinkImage";
/** If set to "true", allows using raw HTML within Wiki text. Be warned,
this is a VERY dangerous option to set - never turn this on in a publicly
allowable Wiki, unless you are absolutely certain of what you're doing. */
public static final String PROP_ALLOWHTML = "jspwiki.translatorReader.allowHTML";
/** If true, then considers CamelCase links as well. */
private boolean m_camelCaseLinks = false;
/** If true, consider URIs that have no brackets as well. */
// FIXME: Currently reserved, but not used.
private boolean m_plainUris = false;
/** If true, all outward links use a small link image. */
private boolean m_useOutlinkImage = true;
/** If true, allows raw HTML. */
private boolean m_allowHTML = false;
private PatternMatcher m_matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
private PatternCompiler m_compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
private Pattern m_camelCasePtrn;
* The default inlining pattern. Currently "*.png"
public static final String DEFAULT_INLINEPATTERN = "*.png";
* These characters constitute word separators when trying
* to find CamelCase links.
private static final String WORD_SEPARATORS = ",.|:;+=&";
* @param engine The WikiEngine this reader is attached to. Is
* used to figure out of a page exits.
// FIXME: TranslatorReaders should be pooled for better performance.
public TranslatorReader( WikiContext context, Reader in )
PatternCompiler compiler = new GlobCompiler();
ArrayList compiledpatterns = new ArrayList();
m_in = new PushbackReader( new BufferedReader( in ),
m_engine = context.getEngine();
m_context = context;
Collection ptrns = getImagePatterns( m_engine );
// Make them into Regexp Patterns. Unknown patterns
// are ignored.
for( Iterator i = ptrns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
compiledpatterns.add( compiler.compile( (String) ) );
catch( MalformedPatternException e )
log.error("Malformed pattern in properties: ", e );
m_inlineImagePatterns = compiledpatterns;
m_camelCasePtrn = m_compiler.compile( "^([[:^alnum:]]*|\\~)([[:upper:]]+[[:lower:]]+[[:upper:]]+[[:alnum:]]*)[[:^alnum:]]*$" );
catch( MalformedPatternException e )
log.fatal("Internal error: Someone put in a faulty pattern.",e);
throw new InternalWikiException("Faulty camelcasepattern in TranslatorReader");
// Set the properties.
Properties props = m_engine.getWikiProperties();
m_camelCaseLinks = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
m_camelCaseLinks );
m_plainUris = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
m_plainUris );
m_useOutlinkImage = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
m_useOutlinkImage );
m_allowHTML = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
m_allowHTML );
* Adds a hook for processing link texts. This hook is called
* when the link text is written into the output stream, and
* you may use it to modify the text. It does not affect the
* actual link, only the user-visible text.
* @param mutator The hook to call. Null is safe.
public void addLinkTransmutator( StringTransmutator mutator )
if( mutator != null )
m_linkMutators.add( mutator );
* Adds a hook for processing local links. The engine
* transforms both non-existing and existing page links.
* @param mutator The hook to call. Null is safe.
public void addLocalLinkHook( StringTransmutator mutator )
if( mutator != null )
m_localLinkMutatorChain.add( mutator );
* Adds a hook for processing external links. This includes
* all http:// ftp://, etc. links, including inlined images.
* @param mutator The hook to call. Null is safe.
public void addExternalLinkHook( StringTransmutator mutator )
if( mutator != null )
m_externalLinkMutatorChain.add( mutator );
* Adds a hook for processing attachment links.
* @param mutator The hook to call. Null is safe.
public void addAttachmentLinkHook( StringTransmutator mutator )
if( mutator != null )
m_attachmentLinkMutatorChain.add( mutator );
* Figure out which image suffixes should be inlined.
* @return Collection of Strings with patterns.
protected static Collection getImagePatterns( WikiEngine engine )
Properties props = engine.getWikiProperties();
ArrayList ptrnlist = new ArrayList();
for( Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
if( name.startsWith( PROP_INLINEIMAGEPTRN ) )
String ptrn = props.getProperty( name );
ptrnlist.add( ptrn );
if( ptrnlist.size() == 0 )
return ptrnlist;
* Returns link name, if it exists; otherwise it returns null.
private String linkExists( String page )
return m_engine.getFinalPageName( page );
* Calls a transmutator chain.
* @param list Chain to call
* @param text Text that should be passed to the mutate() method
* of each of the mutators in the chain.
* @return The result of the mutation.
private String callMutatorChain( Collection list, String text )
if( list == null || list.size() == 0 )
return text;
for( Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
StringTransmutator m = (StringTransmutator);
text = m.mutate( m_context, text );
return text;
* Write a HTMLized link depending on its type.
* The link mutator chain is processed.
* @param type Type of the link.
* @param link The actual link.
* @param text The user-visible text for the link.
public String makeLink( int type, String link, String text )
String result;
if( text == null ) text = link;
// Make sure we make a link name that can be accepted
// as a valid URL.
String encodedlink = m_engine.encodeName( link );
if( encodedlink.length() == 0 )
type = EMPTY;
text = callMutatorChain( m_linkMutators, text );
case READ:
result = "<A CLASS=\"wikipage\" HREF=\""+m_engine.getViewURL(link)+"\">"+text+"</A>";
case EDIT:
result = "<U>"+text+"</U><A HREF=\""+m_engine.getEditURL(link)+"\">?</A>";
case EMPTY:
result = "<U>"+text+"</U>";
// These two are for local references - footnotes and
// references to footnotes.
// We embed the page name (or whatever WikiContext gives us)
// to make sure the links are unique across Wiki.
result = "<A CLASS=\"footnoteref\" HREF=\"#ref-"+
case LOCAL:
result = "<A CLASS=\"footnote\" NAME=\"ref-"+
// With the image, external and interwiki types we need to
// make sure nobody can put in Javascript or something else
// annoying into the links themselves. We do this by preventing
// a haxor from stopping the link name short with quotes in
// fillBuffer().
case IMAGE:
result = "<IMG CLASS=\"inline\" SRC=\""+link+"\" ALT=\""+text+"\" />";
result = "<A HREF=\""+text+"\"><IMG CLASS=\"inline\" SRC=\""+link+"\" /></A>";
String pagelink = m_engine.getViewURL(text);
result = "<A CLASS=\"wikipage\" HREF=\""+pagelink+"\"><IMG CLASS=\"inline\" SRC=\""+link+"\" ALT=\""+text+"\" /></A>";
result = "<A CLASS=\"external\" HREF=\""+link+"\">"+text+"</A>";
result = "<A CLASS=\"interwiki\" HREF=\""+link+"\">"+text+"</A>";
result = "<a class=\"attachment\" href=\""+m_engine.getBaseURL()+
"<a href=\""+m_engine.getBaseURL()+"PageInfo.jsp?page="+link+
"\"><img src=\"images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
result = "";
return result;
* Cleans a Wiki name.
* <P>
* [ This is a link ] -&gt; ThisIsALink
* @param link Link to be cleared. Null is safe, and causes this to return null.
* @return A cleaned link.
* @since 2.0
public static String cleanLink( String link )
StringBuffer clean = new StringBuffer();
if( link == null ) return null;
// Compress away all whitespace and capitalize
// all words in between.
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( link, " -" );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
StringBuffer component = new StringBuffer(st.nextToken());
component.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase( component.charAt(0) ) );
// We must do this, because otherwise compiling on JDK 1.4 causes
// a downwards incompatibility to JDK 1.3.
clean.append( component.toString() );
// Remove non-alphanumeric characters that should not
// be put inside WikiNames. Note that all valid
// Unicode letters are considered okay for WikiNames.
// It is the problem of the WikiPageProvider to take
// care of actually storing that information.
for( int i = 0; i < clean.length(); i++ )
if( !(Character.isLetterOrDigit(clean.charAt(i)) ||
clean.charAt(i) == '_' ||
clean.charAt(i) == '.') )
--i; // We just shortened this buffer.
return clean.toString();
* Figures out if a link is an off-site link. This recognizes
* the most common protocols by checking how it starts.
private boolean isExternalLink( String link )
return link.startsWith("http:") || link.startsWith("ftp:") ||
link.startsWith("https:") || link.startsWith("mailto:") ||
link.startsWith("news:") || link.startsWith("file:");
* Matches the given link to the list of image name patterns
* to determine whether it should be treated as an inline image
* or not.
private boolean isImageLink( String link )
for( Iterator i = m_inlineImagePatterns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
if( m_inlineMatcher.matches( link, (Pattern) ) )
return true;
return false;
* Returns true, if the argument contains a number, otherwise false.
* In a quick test this is roughly the same speed as Integer.parseInt()
* if the argument is a number, and roughly ten times the speed, if
* the argument is NOT a number.
private boolean isNumber( String s )
if( s == null ) return false;
if( s.length() > 1 && s.charAt(0) == '-' )
s = s.substring(1);
for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
if( !Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i)) )
return false;
return true;
* Checks for the existence of a traditional style CamelCase link.
* <P>
* We separate all white-space -separated words, and feed it to this
* routine to find if there are any possible camelcase links.
* For example, if "word" is "__HyperLink__" we return "HyperLink".
* @param word A phrase to search in.
* @return The match within the phrase. Returns null, if no CamelCase
* hyperlink exists within this phrase.
private String checkForCamelCaseLink( String word )
PatternMatcherInput input;
input = new PatternMatcherInput( word );
if( m_matcher.contains( input, m_camelCasePtrn ) )
MatchResult res = m_matcher.getMatch();
int start = res.beginOffset(2);
int end = res.endOffset(2);
String link =;
String matchedLink;
if( != null )
if("~") ||'[') != -1 )
// Delete the (~) from beginning.
// We'll make '~' the generic kill-processing-character from
// now on.
return null;
return link;
} // if match
return null;
* When given a link to a WikiName, we just return
* a proper HTML link for it. The local link mutator
* chain is also called.
private String makeCamelCaseLink( String wikiname )
String matchedLink;
String link;
callMutatorChain( m_localLinkMutatorChain, wikiname );
if( (matchedLink = linkExists( wikiname )) != null )
link = makeLink( READ, matchedLink, wikiname );
link = makeLink( EDIT, wikiname, wikiname );
return link;
* Image links are handled differently:
* 1. If the text is a WikiName of an existing page,
* it gets linked.
* 2. If the text is an external link, then it is inlined.
* 3. Otherwise it becomes an ALT text.
* @param reallink The link to the image.
* @param link Link text portion, may be a link to somewhere else.
* @param hasLinkText If true, then the defined link had a link text available.
* This means that the link text may be a link to a wiki page,
* or an external resource.
private String handleImageLink( String reallink, String link, boolean hasLinkText )
String possiblePage = cleanLink( link );
String matchedLink;
String res = "";
if( isExternalLink( link ) && hasLinkText )
res = makeLink( IMAGELINK, reallink, link );
else if( (matchedLink = linkExists( possiblePage )) != null &&
hasLinkText )
// System.out.println("Orig="+link+", Matched: "+matchedLink);
callMutatorChain( m_localLinkMutatorChain, possiblePage );
res = makeLink( IMAGEWIKILINK, reallink, link );
res = makeLink( IMAGE, reallink, link );
return res;
* If outlink images are turned on, returns a link to the outward
* linking image.
private final String outlinkImage()
if( m_useOutlinkImage )
return "<img class=\"outlink\" src=\""+m_engine.getBaseURL()+"images/out.png\" alt=\"\" />";
return "";
* Gobbles up all hyperlinks that are encased in square brackets.
private String handleHyperlinks( String link )
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String reallink;
int cutpoint;
// Start with plugin links.
if( PluginManager.isPluginLink( link ) )
String included;
included = m_engine.getPluginManager().execute( m_context, link );
catch( PluginException e )
log.error( "Failed to insert plugin", e );
log.error( "Root cause:",e.getRootThrowable() );
included = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">Plugin insertion failed: "+e.getMessage()+"</FONT>";
sb.append( included );
return sb.toString();
link = TextUtil.replaceEntities( link );
if( (cutpoint = link.indexOf('|')) != -1 )
reallink = link.substring( cutpoint+1 ).trim();
link = link.substring( 0, cutpoint );
reallink = link.trim();
int interwikipoint = -1;
// Yes, we now have the components separated.
// link = the text the link should have
// reallink = the url or page name.
// In many cases these are the same. [link|reallink].
if( VariableManager.isVariableLink( link ) )
String value;
value = m_engine.getVariableManager().parseAndGetValue( m_context, link );
catch( NoSuchVariableException e )
value = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">"+e.getMessage()+"</FONT>";
catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
value = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">"+e.getMessage()+"</FONT>";
sb.append( value );
else if( isExternalLink( reallink ) )
// It's an external link, out of this Wiki
callMutatorChain( m_externalLinkMutatorChain, reallink );
if( isImageLink( reallink ) )
sb.append( handleImageLink( reallink, link, (cutpoint != -1) ) );
sb.append( makeLink( EXTERNAL, reallink, link ) );
sb.append( outlinkImage() );
else if( (interwikipoint = reallink.indexOf(":")) != -1 )
// It's an interwiki link
// InterWiki links also get added to external link chain
// after the links have been resolved.
// FIXME: There is an interesting issue here: We probably should
// URLEncode the wikiPage, but we can't since some of the
// Wikis use slashes (/), which won't survive URLEncoding.
// Besides, we don't know which character set the other Wiki
// is using, so you'll have to write the entire name as it appears
// in the URL. Bugger.
String extWiki = reallink.substring( 0, interwikipoint );
String wikiPage = reallink.substring( interwikipoint+1 );
String urlReference = m_engine.getInterWikiURL( extWiki );
if( urlReference != null )
urlReference = TextUtil.replaceString( urlReference, "%s", wikiPage );
callMutatorChain( m_externalLinkMutatorChain, urlReference );
sb.append( makeLink( INTERWIKI, urlReference, link ) );
if( isExternalLink(urlReference) )
sb.append( outlinkImage() );
sb.append( link+" <FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">(No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called '"+extWiki+"'!)</FONT>");
else if( reallink.startsWith("#") )
// It defines a local footnote
sb.append( makeLink( LOCAL, reallink, link ) );
else if( isNumber( reallink ) )
// It defines a reference to a local footnote
sb.append( makeLink( LOCALREF, reallink, link ) );
// Internal wiki link, but is it an attachment link?
String attachment = findAttachment( reallink );
if( attachment != null )
callMutatorChain( m_attachmentLinkMutatorChain, attachment );
if( isImageLink( reallink ) )
attachment = m_engine.getBaseURL()+"attach?page="+attachment;
sb.append( handleImageLink( attachment, link, (cutpoint != -1) ) );
sb.append( makeLink( ATTACHMENT, attachment, link ) );
// It's an internal Wiki link
reallink = cleanLink( reallink );
callMutatorChain( m_localLinkMutatorChain, reallink );
String matchedLink;
if( (matchedLink = linkExists( reallink )) != null )
sb.append( makeLink( READ, matchedLink, link ) );
sb.append( makeLink( EDIT, reallink, link ) );
return sb.toString();
private String findAttachment( String link )
AttachmentManager mgr = m_engine.getAttachmentManager();
WikiPage currentPage = m_context.getPage();
Attachment att = null;
System.out.println("Finding attachment of page "+currentPage.getName());
System.out.println("With name "+link);
att = mgr.getAttachmentInfo( m_context, link );
catch( ProviderException e )
log.warn("Finding attachments failed: ",e);
return null;
if( att != null )
return att.getName();
return null;
* Closes all annoying lists and things that the user might've
* left open.
private String closeAll()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if( m_isbold )
m_isbold = false;
if( m_isitalic )
m_isitalic = false;
if( m_isTypedText )
m_isTypedText = false;
for( ; m_listlevel > 0; m_listlevel-- )
buf.append( "</UL>\n" );
for( ; m_numlistlevel > 0; m_numlistlevel-- )
buf.append( "</OL>\n" );
if( m_isPre )
m_isPre = false;
if( m_istable )
buf.append( "</TABLE>" );
m_istable = false;
return buf.toString();
* Counts how many consecutive characters of a certain type exists on the line.
* @param line String of chars to check.
* @param startPos Position to start reading from.
* @param char Character to check for.
private int countChar( String line, int startPos, char c )
int count;
for( count = 0; (startPos+count < line.length()) && (line.charAt(count+startPos) == c); count++ );
return count;
* Returns a new String that has char c n times.
private String repeatChar( char c, int n )
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) sb.append(c);
return sb.toString();
private int nextToken()
throws IOException
* Push back any character to the current input. Does not
* push back a read EOF, though.
private void pushBack( int c )
throws IOException
if( c != -1 )
m_in.unread( c );
private String handleBackslash()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
if( ch == '\\' )
int ch2 = nextToken();
if( ch2 == '\\' )
return "<BR clear=\"all\" />";
pushBack( ch2 );
return "<BR />";
pushBack( ch );
return "\\";
private String handleUnderscore()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
String res = "_";
if( ch == '_' )
res = m_isbold ? "</B>" : "<B>";
m_isbold = !m_isbold;
pushBack( ch );
return res;
* For example: italics.
private String handleApostrophe()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
String res = "'";
if( ch == '\'' )
res = m_isitalic ? "</I>" : "<I>";
m_isitalic = !m_isitalic;
m_in.unread( ch );
return res;
private String handleOpenbrace()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
String res = "{";
if( ch == '{' )
int ch2 = nextToken();
if( ch2 == '{' )
res = "<PRE>";
m_isPre = true;
pushBack( ch2 );
res = "<TT>";
m_isTypedText = true;
pushBack( ch );
return res;
* Handles both }} and }}}
private String handleClosebrace()
throws IOException
String res = "}";
int ch2 = nextToken();
if( ch2 == '}' )
int ch3 = nextToken();
if( ch3 == '}' )
if( m_isPre )
m_isPre = false;
res = "</PRE>";
res = "}}}";
pushBack( ch3 );
if( !m_isPre )
res = "</TT>";
m_isTypedText = false;
pushBack( ch2 );
pushBack( ch2 );
return res;
private String handleDash()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
if( ch == '-' )
int ch2 = nextToken();
if( ch2 == '-' )
int ch3 = nextToken();
if( ch3 == '-' )
// Empty away all the rest of the dashes.
// Do not forget to return the first non-match back.
while( (ch = nextToken()) == '-' );
return "<HR />";
pushBack( ch3 );
pushBack( ch2 );
pushBack( ch );
return "-";
private String handleHeading()
throws IOException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int ch = nextToken();
if( ch == '!' )
int ch2 = nextToken();
if( ch2 == '!' )
m_closeTag = "</H2>";
buf.append( "<H3>" );
m_closeTag = "</H3>";
pushBack( ch2 );
buf.append( "<H4>" );
m_closeTag = "</H4>";
pushBack( ch );
return buf.toString();
* Reads the stream until the next EOL or EOF.
private StringBuffer readUntilEOL()
throws IOException
int ch;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
while( true )
ch = nextToken();
if( ch == -1 || ch == '\n' )
buf.append( (char) ch );
return buf;
private int countChars( PushbackReader in, char c )
throws IOException
int count = 0;
int ch;
while( (ch = != -1 )
if( (char)ch == c )
in.unread( ch );
return count;
private String handleUnorderedList()
throws IOException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if( m_listlevel > 0 )
int numBullets = countChars( m_in, '*' ) + 1;
if( numBullets > m_listlevel )
for( ; m_listlevel < numBullets; m_listlevel++ )
else if( numBullets < m_listlevel )
for( ; m_listlevel > numBullets; m_listlevel-- )
return buf.toString();
private String handleOrderedList()
throws IOException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if( m_numlistlevel > 0 )
int numBullets = countChars( m_in, '#' ) + 1;
if( numBullets > m_numlistlevel )
for( ; m_numlistlevel < numBullets; m_numlistlevel++ )
else if( numBullets < m_numlistlevel )
for( ; m_numlistlevel > numBullets; m_numlistlevel-- )
return buf.toString();
private String handleDefinitionList()
throws IOException
if( !m_isdefinition )
m_isdefinition = true;
m_closeTag = "</DD>\n</DL>";
return "<DL>\n<DT>";
return ";";
private String handleOpenbracket()
throws IOException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int ch;
while( (ch = nextToken()) == '[' )
sb.append( (char)ch );
pushBack( ch );
if( sb.length() > 0 )
return sb.toString();
while( true )
ch = nextToken();
if( ch == -1 || ch == ']' )
sb.append( (char) ch );
if( ch == -1 )
{"Warning: unterminated link detected!");
return sb.toString();
return handleHyperlinks( sb.toString() );
private String handleBar( boolean newLine )
throws IOException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if( !m_istable && !newLine )
return "|";
if( newLine )
if( !m_istable )
sb.append("<TABLE CLASS=\"wikitable\" BORDER=\"1\">\n");
m_istable = true;
m_closeTag = "</TD></TR>";
int ch = nextToken();
if( ch == '|' )
if( !newLine )
m_closeTag = "</TH></TR>";
if( !newLine )
pushBack( ch );
return sb.toString();
* Generic escape of next character or entity.
private String handleTilde()
throws IOException
int ch = nextToken();
if( ch == '|' )
return "|";
if( Character.isUpperCase( (char) ch ) )
return String.valueOf( (char)ch );
// No escape.
pushBack( ch );
return "~";
private void fillBuffer()
throws IOException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer word = null;
int previousCh = -2;
int start = 0;
boolean quitReading = false;
boolean newLine = true; // FIXME: not true if reading starts in middle of buffer
int ch = nextToken();
String s = null;
// Check if we're actually ending the preformatted mode.
// We still must do an entity transformation here.
if( m_isPre )
if( ch == '}' )
buf.append( handleClosebrace() );
else if( ch == '<' )
else if( ch == '>' )
else if( ch == -1 )
quitReading = true;
buf.append( (char)ch );
// CamelCase detection, a non-trivial endeavour.
// We keep track of all white-space separated entities, which we
// hereby refer to as "words". We then check for an existence
// of a CamelCase format text string inside the "word", and
// if one exists, we replace it with a proper link.
if( m_camelCaseLinks )
// Quick parse of start of a word boundary.
if( word == null &&
(Character.isWhitespace( (char)previousCh ) ||
WORD_SEPARATORS.indexOf( (char)previousCh ) != -1 ||
newLine ) &&
!Character.isWhitespace( (char) ch ) )
word = new StringBuffer();
// Are we currently tracking a word?
if( word != null )
// Check for the end of the word.
if( Character.isWhitespace( (char)ch ) ||
ch == -1 ||
WORD_SEPARATORS.indexOf( (char) ch ) != -1 )
String potentialLink = word.toString();
String camelCase = checkForCamelCaseLink(potentialLink);
if( camelCase != null )
// System.out.println("Buffer is "+buf);
// System.out.println(" Replacing "+camelCase+" with proper link.");
start = buf.toString().lastIndexOf( camelCase );
makeCamelCaseLink(camelCase) );
// System.out.println(" Resulting with "+buf);
// We've ended a word boundary, so time to reset.
word = null;
// This should only be appending letters and digits.
word.append( (char)ch );
} // if end of word
} // if word's not null
// Always set the previous character to test for word starts.
previousCh = ch;
} // if m_camelCaseLinks
// Check if any lists need closing down.
if( newLine && ch != '*' && ch != ' ' && m_listlevel > 0 )
for( ; m_listlevel > 0; m_listlevel-- )
if( newLine && ch != '#' && ch != ' ' && m_numlistlevel > 0 )
for( ; m_numlistlevel > 0; m_numlistlevel-- )
if( newLine && ch != '|' && m_istable )
m_istable = false;
m_closeTag = null;
// Now, check the incoming token.
switch( ch )
case '\r':
// DOS linefeeds we forget
s = null;
case '\n':
// Close things like headings, etc.
if( m_closeTag != null )
buf.append( m_closeTag );
m_closeTag = null;
m_isdefinition = false;
if( newLine )
// Paragraph change.
newLine = true;
case '\\':
s = handleBackslash();
case '_':
s = handleUnderscore();
case '\'':
s = handleApostrophe();
case '{':
s = handleOpenbrace();
case '}':
s = handleClosebrace();
case '-':
s = handleDash();
case '!':
if( newLine )
s = handleHeading();
s = "!";
case ';':
if( newLine )
s = handleDefinitionList();
s = ";";
case ':':
if( m_isdefinition )
s = "</DT><DD>";
m_isdefinition = false;
s = ":";
case '[':
s = handleOpenbracket();
case '*':
if( newLine )
s = handleUnorderedList();
s = "*";
case '#':
if( newLine )
s = handleOrderedList();
s = "#";
case '|':
s = handleBar( newLine );
case '<':
s = m_allowHTML ? "<" : "&lt;";
case '>':
s = m_allowHTML ? ">" : "&gt;";
case '\"':
s = m_allowHTML ? "\"" : "&quot;";
case '&':
s = "&amp;";
case '~':
s = handleTilde();
case -1:
if( m_closeTag != null )
buf.append( m_closeTag );
m_closeTag = null;
quitReading = true;
buf.append( (char)ch );
newLine = false;
if( s != null )
buf.append( s );
newLine = false;
m_data = new StringReader( buf.toString() );
public int read()
throws IOException
int val =;
if( val == -1 )
val =;
if( val == -1 )
m_data = new StringReader( closeAll() );
val =;
return val;
public int read( char[] buf, int off, int len )
throws IOException
return buf, off, len );
public boolean ready()
throws IOException
log.debug("ready ? "+m_data.ready() );
return m_data.ready();
public void close()