blob: 72ac43f8ca63880099acffab87da4ca34111977d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) Janne Jalkanen 2001.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This is the Ant build file for the JSPWiki project.
The verbosity in this file is intentional - it is also
an example for those who don't know Ant yet that well
and would like to learn it.
The build file assumes the following directory structure:
| |___[ and web.xml]
| |___webdocs
| | |___[all .jsp files]
| |
| |___com
| |___[...and the rest of the source code files]
|___[...and the rest of the test source code]
$Id: build.xml,v 1.12 2002-01-27 20:06:52 jalkanen Exp $
First, we define the project. We assign it a name,
and the default action if no action is specified on the
command line. Also, all relative directory references
in the rest of the project file should be calculated from
the current directory.
<project name="JSPWiki" default="compile" basedir=".">
<!-- This denotes the directory where the source code lies. -->
<property name="code.src" value="src" />
<!-- The class files are actually put in this directory. It is
a good habit to keep .class -files separate from the .java -files. -->
<property name="" value ="build" />
<!-- Define a temporary directory, based on the system temporary directory,
the user name, and the project name (defined above) -->
<property name="tmpdir" value="${}/${}/${}" />
<!-- The following three properties define the location of the
test sources, the location of the test .class files and the
directory where the test results are written in. -->
<property name="tests.src" value="tests" />
<property name="" value="tests/build" />
<property name="tests.reports" value="tests/reports" />
<!-- The place where the javadocs are created -->
<property name="docs.javadoc" value="doc/javadoc" />
<!-- The temporary installation directory where all war-files
are collected, for example -->
<property name="install.fulldir" value="${tmpdir}/install" />
<!-- The directory where the CVS sources are checked out. -->
<property name="install.src" value="${tmpdir}/cvssrc" />
<!-- Define the CVS properties. These are used when building the
source distribution. Normally, you shouldn't have to care about these.
<property name="cvs.root" value="" />
<property name="cvs.module" value="JSPWiki" />
<property name="cvs.tag" value="HEAD" />
<!-- And finally, the directory where the final .zip-file is put -->
<property name="release.dir" value="releases" />
<!-- The base path for compilation. We include, of course, the
already built files in the build-directory, and then we
add all the jar files in the "lib" -directory. -->
<path id="path.base">
<pathelement path="${}" />
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- The path used for running tests. We add the tests/etc directory
to the base path defined above, since we put all the relevant
.properties-files in tests/etc. -->
<path id="path.tests">
<pathelement path="${tests.src}/etc" />
<path refid="path.base" />
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Initialising, cleaning, etc. -->
<target name="init"
description="Initializes everything, creates directories, etc.">
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${tests.reports}" />
<!-- Removes the build directory and the tests build directory -->
<target name="clean"
description="Cleans away all generated files.">
<delete dir="${}" />
<delete dir="${}" />
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Compilation targets -->
<!-- In English this means that the "init" -target must be executed
first. After this, the java compiler is invoked with options
that compile every .java file in ${code.src} into .class files
in directory ${}. The is no debugging information
and the compiler is instructed to optimize the resulting code.
For the classpath we use the previously defined path called
"path.base" -->
<target name="compile" depends="init"
description="Builds the source code.">
<javac srcdir="${code.src}"
<classpath refid="path.base" />
<target name="compile-optimized" depends="clean,init"
description="Builds the source code for distribution.">
<javac srcdir="${code.src}"
<classpath refid="path.base" />
<!-- This is similar to above. We use this to compile the
tests. -->
<target name="compiletests" depends="init"
description="Builds the test code.">
<javac srcdir="${tests.src}"
<classpath refid="path.base" />
<!-- Creates javadocs -->
<!-- FIXME: Must not use constant package name! -->
<target name="javadoc"
description="Compiles the javadocs.">
<mkdir dir="${docs.javadoc}" />
<javadoc sourcepath="${code.src}"
<classpath refid="path.base" />
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Installation targets -->
<!-- This target makes sure all the necessary directories exist
for building the installation package. -->
<target name="installinit">
<mkdir dir="${install.fulldir}" />
<delete dir="${install.src}" />
<mkdir dir="${install.src}" />
<mkdir dir="${release.dir}" />
<!-- Builds the jar of all compiled class files -->
<target name="jar" depends="compile-optimized,installinit">
<property name="jarfile" value="${}/${}.jar" />
<jar jarfile="${jarfile}">
<fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.class" />
<!-- Builds a Web Archive - basically a JAR file which
also contains all of the JSP pages and can be deployed
The archive gets put in the ${install.fulldir}. The
reason for this is that this is just a temporary
step when building the entire distribution archive.
We include the following things:
1) All .jar -files in the lib-directory (except servlet.jar, since
it's gonna be provided by the servlet container anyway.)
2) All .class-files from the build-directory
3) Everything from the src/webdocs -directory
4) Everything from the etc-directory go to the WEB-INF -directory
of the WAR-file.
<target name="war" depends="compile-optimized,installinit,jar"
description="Builds the WAR file for installation.">
<property name="warfile" value="${install.fulldir}/${}.war" />
<delete file="${warfile}" />
<war warfile="${install.fulldir}/${}.war"
<lib dir="lib" includes="*.jar" excludes="servlet.jar,junit.jar"/>
<lib dir="${}" includes="*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${code.src}/webdocs" includes="**" />
<webinf dir="etc" includes="**" />
Here goes some nice Ant magic... We build the source
code archive by directly exporting all code from the CVS
repository, and then zipping it to the temporary installation
Note that you must have your CVS set up so that it does
not ask for a password when you're checking it out.
If you don't have CVS access, you can't build a source
zip with this. Sorry.
<target name="srczip" depends="installinit"
description="Builds source zip.">
<cvs cvsRoot="${cvs.root}"
tag="${cvs.tag}" />
<zip zipfile="${install.fulldir}/${}">
<zipfileset dir="${install.src}" />
<zip zipfile="${install.fulldir}/${}">
<zipfileset dir="${install.src}/${}/src/wikipages" />
<!-- Builds the entire distribution set.
We build both the WAR-file and the source zip, then
copy in some useful files and zip the whole thing
into the release directory.
Note that if you don't have CVS access set up, you
probably can't run this.
<target name="dist" depends="war,srczip"
description="Builds the entire distribution archive.">
<copy file="README" todir="${install.fulldir}" />
<copy file="ChangeLog" todir="${install.fulldir}" />
<copy file="ReleaseNotes" todir="${install.fulldir}" />
<copy file="doc/LICENSE" todir="${install.fulldir}" />
<zip zipfile="${release.dir}/${}.zip">
<zipfileset dir="${install.fulldir}" prefix="${}" />
<!-- ============================================================== -->
<!-- Running tests -->
<!-- This target runs the JUnit tests that are available
under tests/. It generates the test result files
into the ${tests.reports} -directory, one file per
each tested class. The tests are generated in
plain text, but you can easily get XML format results
as well, just by setting the formatter, below.
Only tests that end with "*" are included.
This is because then you can also use a manual
"" in each directory, as per the JUnit
This runs the tests in text mode. If you want the
pretty GUI you probably want to write a new target.
<target name="tests" depends="compile,compiletests"
description="Runs the JUnit tests.">
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" fork="no">
<path refid="path.tests" />
<pathelement path="${}" />
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
<formatter type="plain" />
<batchtest todir="${tests.reports}">
<fileset dir="${tests.src}">
<include name="**/*" />
<exclude name="**/AllTest*java" />