blob: 642908230a1f3df1b9374b1c2d03f7c6a386d80d [file] [log] [blame]
1. WikiContext changes to an interface. This means that:
a. WikiContext can no longer be instantiated directly
b. WikiContext.setLocale() does not work
A. WikiContext can no longer be instantiated directly.
Guidance: use WikiContextFactory to create WikiContext objects. WikiContextFactory contains two methods for this purpose, newViewContext() (for VIEW contexts), and newContext() (for other contexts, including VIEW). WikiContextFactory can be obtained via the getWikiContextFactory() method of WikiEngine. Thus, to create WikiContexts, change:
WikiContext ctx = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
context.setRequestContext( WikiContext.VIEW );
to this:
WikiContext ctx = m_engine.getWikiContextFactory().newViewContext( null, null, page );
(example goes here)
For WikiContexts that are not VIEW contexts, setting the request context after creation via WikiContext.setRequestContext() is discouraged. The request context should instead be passed to the factory method newContext.
B. Static method WikiContext.setLocale() is no longer available.
Guidance: replace WikiContext.getLocale() with WikiContextFactory.getLocale(). For example, change:
to this:
C. Static WikiContext.findContext() is no longer available.
Guidance: replace WikiContext.findContext() with WikiContextFactory.findContext(). For example, change:
WikiContext ctx = WikiContext.findContext(pageContext);
to this:
WikiContext ctx = WikiContextFactory.findContext(pageContext);
2. Obsolete and otherwise crufty methods have been eliminated from WikiContext.
Because of the elimination of the Command interface in favor of Stripes ActionBeans, the following methods in WikiContext have been eliminated also:
- getName(). Guidance: replace wikiContext.getName() with wikiContext().getPage().getName()
3. Class Diffs
DefaultAclManager: 1 change
HTMLPageDavItem: 1 change
TraditionalDiffProvider: 2 changes
RedirectException: 7 changes (refactor to add Resolution interface)
SpamFilter: 2 changes
JSPWikiMarkupParser: 5 changes
Preferences: 3 changes
CachingProvider: 1 change
AtomAPIServlet: 2 changes
RSSGenerator: 3 changes
TemplateManager: 2 changes
WikiJSPFilter: 6 changes
DefaultURLConstructor: 4 changes (including pulling back in the JSP mappings)
WikiContext: 67 changes
WikiEngine: 22 changes -- getRedirectURL, changes CommandResolver to WikiContextFactory
WikiPage: 1 change -- adds qualified name
MetaWeblogHandler: 1 change
RPCHandler: 1 change
RPCHandlerUTF8: 1 change
ContentTag: 2 changes -- calculates template name based on ActionBean; can be over-ridden with 'contentTemplate' variable
EditorIteratorTag: 2 changes
IteratorTag: 2 changes
MessagesTag: retrofitted to return Stripes Validation errors also, if any are found
PageNameTag: 1 change
PermissionTag: 6 changes (elimination of Command)
SearchResultInterator: 3 changes
TabTag: 2 changes
WikiTagBase: 12 changes -- extends StripesTagSupport