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Web unit tests
Each of these tests needs to be tested for five scenarios (webapps):
I. Test Anonymous View & Anonymous View Image
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Verify the presence of text "You have successfully installed" and "This wiki is done using"
2. Verify that you can see the JSPWiki logo in the upper left corner.
II. Test Login
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Go to front page.
2. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd); verify redirect to front page.
3. Verify "G'Day JanneJalkanen" on front page.
III. Test Logout
0. Keep session from previous test alive...
1. Log out; verify redirect to front page.
2. Verify "G'Day anonymous guest" on front page
3. Verify that the cookie "JSPWikiAssertedName" is cleared in the browser.
IV. Test Asserted Name
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Go to the Main page. Verify the 'G'day anonymous guest' message.
2. Navivate to the 'My Prefs' page.
3. Set the asserted-name cookies to "Don Quixote"
4. Verify redirect to the Main page; verify the message "G'Day Don Quixote" (not logged in)"
5. Verify that the browser's cookie JSPWikiAssertedName is "Don+Quixote"
6. Go back to the "My Prefs" page and clear the asserted-name cookie.
7. Verify redirect to the Main page; verify the message "G'Day anonymous guest"
8. Verify that the cookie JSPWikiAssertedName is cleared.
V. Test ACL: Asserted Permissions
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create a new group called "AssertedPermissions" with these menbers:
Fred Flintstone
3. After creation go to "/Group.jsp?group=AssertedPermissions"; verify that the group was created and that it contains janne and Fred Flintstone.
4. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
5. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=AssertedPermissions"; verify that the anonymous user can't view the group.
6. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
7. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=AssertedPermissions"; verify that janne can still view the group.
8. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
9. Set the asserted-name cookie to "Fred Flintstone"
A. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=AssertedPermissions"; verify that Fred Flintstone can view the group.
B. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=AssertedPermissions"; verify that Fred Flintstone cannot edit; should be redirected to login page.
VI. Test ACL: Authenticated
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create new page "ACLAuthenticated" with these contents:
[{ALLOW view Authenticated}]
We created this page to test redirects.
3. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
4. Go to "/Wiki.jsp?page=ACLAuthenticated"; verify that anonymous can't view.
5. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
6. Verify that janne can see the page's text.
VII. Test ACL: Janne Edit
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in as 'janne'
2. Create new page via /Edit.jsp?page=AclEditOnly
3. Add this text:
[{ALLOW edit janne}]
This page was created with an ACL by janne
4. Click 'ok'
5. Log out & clear cookies.
6. Try to view page 'AclEditOnly'. It should NOT succeed; will be redirected to the login page.
7. Try to edit page 'AclEditOnly'. It should NOT succeed; will be redirected to the login page.
8. Login as 'janne' again.
9. Try to view page 'AclEditOnly'. It should succeed.
10. Try to edit page 'AclEditOnly'. It should succeed also.
VIII. Test Acl: Janne Edit, All View
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create new page via /Edit.jsp?page=AclViewAndEdit
3. Add this text:
[{ALLOW edit janne}]
[{ALLOW view All}]
This page was created with an ACL by janne
4. Click 'ok'
5. Log out & clear cookies.
6. Try to view page 'AclViewAndEdit'. It should succeed.
7. Try to edit page 'AclViewAndEdit'. It should NOT succeed; will be redirected to the login page.
8. Login as 'janne' again.
9. Try to view page 'AclEditOnly'. It should succeed.
10. Try to view page 'AclEditOnly'. It should succeed also.
IX. Test Anonymous Create Group
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Try to create a new group by navigating to "/NewGroup.jsp"
2. Verify redirect to login page.
X. Test Create Group: Full Name
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create a new group called FullName with this member:
Janne Jalkanen
3. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=FullName"; verify that Janne Jalkanen is a member.
4. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
5. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=FullName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
6. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=FullName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
7. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
8. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=FullName"; verify that janne can still view the group.
9. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=FullName"; verify that janne can still edit the group.
XI. Test Create Group: Login Name
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create a new group called LoginName with this member:
3. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=LoginName"; verify that janne is a member.
4. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
5. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=LoginName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
6. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=LoginName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
7. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
8. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=LoginName"; verify that janne can still view the group.
9. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=LoginName"; verify that janne can still edit the group.
XII. Test Create Group: Wiki Name
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
2. Create a new group called WikiName with this member:
3. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=WikiName"; verify that JanneJalkanen is a member.
4. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
5. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=WikiName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
6. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=WikiName"; verify that anonymous can't view; should be redirected to login page.
7. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
8. Go to "/Group.jsp?group=WikiName"; verify that janne can still view the group.
9. Go to "/EditGroup.jsp?group=WikiName"; verify that janne can still edit the group.
XIII. Test Rename Profile
0. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
1. Create new user profile with login name "TestRenameProfileUser", name "TestRenameProfileUser" and password "password".
2. Verify that it was created by looking for the text "G'Day TestRenameProfileUser".
3. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
4. Log in with test user name and password (janne/myP@5sw0rd).
5. Create a new page called "TestRenameProfilePage" with these contents:
[{ALLOW edit TestRenameProfileUser}]
This page was created with an ACL by TestRenameProfileUser
6. Clear all session/assertion cookies using the browser options/preferences tools.
7. Log in with renamed user name (TestRenameProfileUser/password).
8. Try to view page 'TestRenameProfilePage'. It should succeed.
9. Try to edit page 'TestRenameProfilePage'. It should succeed also.
A. Go to the My Prefs page, the Profile tab. Change the login name and wiki name to "RenamedUser".
B. Verify that the front page now shows "G'Day RenamedUser".
C. Try to edit page 'TestRenameProfilePage'. It should still succeed. Verify that the ACL contains:
[{ALLOW edit RenamedUser}]
This page was created with an ACL by TestRenameProfileUser