blob: cb134f1df08eeb7c0a0b98dcb206a7c7b4e54c5a [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ page import="org.apache.log4j.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.CookieAssertionLoginModule" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.login.CookieAuthenticationLoginModule" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.DuplicateUserException" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.UserProfile" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.workflow.DecisionRequiredException" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.WikiTagBase" %>
<%@ page errorPage="/Error.jsp" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/jspwiki.tld" prefix="wiki" %>
Logger log = Logger.getLogger("JSPWiki");
WikiEngine wiki = WikiEngine.getInstance( getServletConfig() );
AuthenticationManager mgr = wiki.getAuthenticationManager();
WikiContext wikiContext = wiki.createContext( request, WikiContext.LOGIN );
pageContext.setAttribute( WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT,
PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE );
WikiSession wikiSession = wikiContext.getWikiSession();
ResourceBundle rb = wikiContext.getBundle("CoreResources");
// Set the redirect-page variable if one was passed as a parameter
if( request.getParameter( "redirect" ) != null )
wikiContext.setVariable( "redirect", request.getParameter( "redirect" ) );
wikiContext.setVariable( "redirect", wiki.getFrontPage());
// Are we saving the profile?
if( "saveProfile".equals(request.getParameter("action")) )
UserManager userMgr = wiki.getUserManager();
UserProfile profile = userMgr.parseProfile( wikiContext );
// Validate the profile
userMgr.validateProfile( wikiContext, profile );
// If no errors, save the profile now & refresh the principal set!
if ( wikiSession.getMessages( "profile" ).length == 0 )
userMgr.setUserProfile( wikiSession, profile );
CookieAssertionLoginModule.setUserCookie( response, profile.getFullname() );
catch( DuplicateUserException e )
// User collision! (full name or wiki name already taken)
wikiSession.addMessage( "profile", e.getMessage() );
catch( DecisionRequiredException e )
String redirect = wiki.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW,"ApprovalRequiredForUserProfiles",null,true);
response.sendRedirect( redirect );
catch( WikiSecurityException e )
// Something went horribly wrong! Maybe it's an I/O error...
wikiSession.addMessage( "profile", e.getMessage() );
if ( wikiSession.getMessages( "profile" ).length == 0 )
String redirectPage = request.getParameter( "redirect" );
response.sendRedirect( wiki.getViewURL(redirectPage) );
// If NOT using container auth, perform all of the access control logic here...
// (Note: if using the container for auth, it will handle all of this for us.)
if( !mgr.isContainerAuthenticated() )
// If user got here and is already authenticated, it means
// they just aren't allowed access to what they asked for.
// Weepy tears and hankies all 'round.
if( wikiSession.isAuthenticated() )
response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, rb.getString("login.error.noaccess") );
// If using custom auth, we need to do the login now
String action = request.getParameter("action");
if( request.getParameter("submitlogin") != null )
String uid = request.getParameter( "j_username" );
String passwd = request.getParameter( "j_password" );
log.debug( "Attempting to authenticate user " + uid );
// Log the user in!
if ( mgr.login( wikiSession, uid, passwd ) )
{ "Successfully authenticated user " + uid + " (custom auth)" );
{ "Failed to authenticate user " + uid );
wikiSession.addMessage( "login", rb.getString("login.error.password") );
// Have we already been submitted? If yes, then we can assume that
// we have been logged in before.
Object seen = session.getAttribute("_redirect");
if( seen != null )
response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, rb.getString("login.error.noaccess") );
session.setAttribute("_redirect","I love Outi"); // Just any marker will do
// If using container auth, the container will have automatically
// attempted to log in the user before Login.jsp was loaded.
// Thus, if we got here, the container must have authenticated
// the user already. All we do is simply record that fact.
// Nice and easy.
Principal user = wikiSession.getLoginPrincipal(); "Successfully authenticated user " + user.getName() + " (container auth)" );
// If user logged in, set the user cookie with the wiki principal's name.
// redirect to wherever we're supposed to go. If login.jsp
// was called without parameters, this will be the front page. Otherwise,
// there's probably a 'page' parameter telling us where to go.
if( wikiSession.isAuthenticated() )
String rember = request.getParameter( "j_remember" );
// Set user cookie
Principal principal = wikiSession.getUserPrincipal();
CookieAssertionLoginModule.setUserCookie( response, principal.getName() );
if( rember != null )
CookieAuthenticationLoginModule.setLoginCookie( wiki, response, principal.getName() );
// If wiki page was "Login", redirect to main, otherwise use the page supplied
String redirectPage = request.getParameter( "redirect" );
if ( redirectPage == null )
redirectPage = wiki.getFrontPage();
String viewUrl = ( "Login".equals( redirectPage ) ) ? "Wiki.jsp" : wiki.getViewURL( redirectPage );
// Redirect! "Redirecting user to " + viewUrl );
response.sendRedirect( viewUrl );
// If we've gotten here, the user hasn't authenticated yet.
// So, find the login form and include it. This should be in the same directory
// as this page. We don't need to use the wiki:Include tag.
response.setContentType("text/html; charset="+wiki.getContentEncoding() );
%><jsp:include page="LoginForm.jsp" />