blob: 09c4ba7c2a14b203aea3189cff3da6f8cd8ca3ac [file] [log] [blame]
# This is the main i18n resource file for JSPWiki internal
# code, the so-called core code.
# Anrede Du oder Sie?
# Please, do not forget to use proper HTML entities, so
# " = "
# ' = ' Note that ' is NOT HTML, and does not necessarily work in all browsers.
# Decisions: {0}=task owner; {1}=requester; {2-9}=additional message arguments for workflow
decision.editWikiApproval=Edit page {2}
# Security
security.error.noaccess.logged=You don't have access to '{0}'. Do you want to log in as another user?.
security.error.noaccess=You don't have access to '{0}'. Please log in first.
security.error.wrongip=Attempt to post from a different IP address than where the page was originally fetched.
security.error.createprofilebeforelogin=You must log in before creating a profile.
security.error.blankpassword=Password cannot be blank
security.error.passwordnomatch=Passwords don't match
security.error.illegalfullname=Full name "{0}" is illegal
security.error.illegalloginname=Login name "{0}" is illegal
# These should roughly match whatever is used in for UserProfile.jsp
security.user.loginname=Login name
security.user.fullname=Full name address
# Renaming
rename.empty=New page name empty. Click "back" on your browser and fill in the new name.
rename.error.title=Unable to rename page
rename.identical=Page names identical. Click "back" on your browser and change the new name.
rename.exists=Page "{0}" already exists. Click "back" on your browser and change the new name or delete the page "{0}" first.
rename.unknownerror=An unknown error occurred ({0})
# Login.jsp
#login.error.capslock=Invalid login (please check your Caps Lock key) #obsolete
login.error.password=Not a valid login.
login.error.noaccess=It seems you don't have access to that. Sorry.
# Lostpassword.jsp
# 0 = login name, 1 = password, 2 = URL, 3 = Application name (as signature)
# This is text, not HTML. requested, your new password for login "{0}" is "{1}" \
\n\nYou may log in at {2}.\n\n-- {3}
lostpwd.newpassword.subject=New password for {0}
lostpwd.nouser=No user or email '{0}' was found.
lostpwd.nomail=Internal error: couldn't send the email! Contact the site administrator, please.
lostpwd.emailed=A new password has been emailed to the requested account.
lostpwd.reset.title=Password reset
lostpwd.reset.unable=Unable to reset password. Please try again.
lostpwd.reset.blurb=Lost or forgot your password? Enter your account name or email here:
lostpwd.reset.submit=Reset password!
# TraditionalDiffProvider
diff.traditional.added=At line {0} added {1}
diff.traditional.changed=At line {0} changed {1}
diff.traditional.removed=At line {0} removed {1}
diff.traditional.oneline=one line
diff.traditional.lines={2} lines
# InputValidator
validate.unsafechars={0} cannot contain these characters: {1}
validate.invalidemail={0} is not valid
validate.cantbenull={0} cannot be blank
# UserProfileTag
# NewGroup.jsp
newgroup.exists=Group {0} already exists. Try another name.
# JSPWikiMarkupParser
markupparser.error.invalidset = Invalid SET found: {0}
markupparser.error.nointerwikiref = No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called "{0}"!
markupparser.error.parserfailure = Parser failed: {0}
markupparser.error.javascriptattempt = Attempt to output javascript! = Create "{0}"
# Captcha.jsp
captcha.js.humancheckcomplete.alert=Please correctly identify the cats.
captcha.description=We believe you may be a robot or a spammer. Could you please pick out the kittens from the below \
set of images, so we know you are a normal human being? select all the cat photos: me
captcha.asirra.a.get.challenge=Request different images.
captcha.asirra.a.whatsthis=What is this?
# Install.jsp
install.jsp.title=JSPWiki Installer
install.jsp.intro.title=JSPWiki Installer
install.jsp.intro.p1=Welcome! This little JSP page is here to help you do the first difficult stage of JSPWiki \
installation. If you're seeing this page, you have already installed JSPWiki correctly \
inside your container.
install.jsp.intro.p2=There are now some things that you should configure. When you press submit, the \
<code></code> file from the distribution will be modified, or if it \
can't be found, a new one will be created.
install.jsp.intro.p3=This setup system is really meant for people who just want to be up and running really quickly. \
If you want to integrate JSPWiki with an existing system, I would recommend that you go and edit \
the <code></code> file directly. You can find a sample config file from \
<code>yourwiki/WEB-INF/</code>. news:
install.jsp.install.error=Could not save configuration:
install.jsp.install.msg.rnd.pwd=Because no administrator account exists yet, JSPWiki created one for you, with a \
random password. You can change this password later, of course. The account''s id is \
{0} and the password is {1}. Please write this information down and keep it in a \
safe place. JSPWiki also created a wiki group called {2} that contains this user.
install.jsp.install.msg.admin.notexists=Is this the first time you've run the Installer? If it is, you should know that \
after JSPWiki validates and saves your configuration for the first time, you will \
need administrative privileges to access this page again. We do this to prevent \
random people on the Internet from doing bad things to your wiki.
install.jsp.basics.appname.label=Application Name
install.jsp.basics.appname.desc=What should your wiki be called? Try and make this a relatively short name.
install.jsp.basics.baseurl.label=Base URL
install.jsp.basics.baseurl.desc=Please tell JSPWiki where your wiki is located. storage default, JSPWiki will use the VersioningFileProvider that stores files in a particular \
directory on your hard drive. If you specify a directory that does not exist, JSPWiki will \
create one for you. All attachments will also be put in the same directory. configuration plus container security (default) security only default, JSPWiki manages access to resources using a JAAS-based security system. \
It will also respect any container security constraints you might have, \
if you've enabled them in your <code>web.xml</code> file. If you disable JAAS security, \
JSPWiki might not work as you expect. But sometimes you might want to do this if you're \
trying to troubleshoot. account enabled wiki has an administrator account named <strong>admin</strong> that is part of \
the wiki group <strong>Admin</strong>. By default, JSPWiki's security policy grants \
all members of the Admin group the all-powerful <code>AllPermission</code>. wiki doesn't seem to have an administrator account. When you click <em>Configure!</em>,\
JSPWiki will create one for you.
install.jsp.adv.settings.title=Advanced Settings
install.jsp.adv.settings.logfile.label=Log files
install.jsp.adv.settings.logfile.desc=JSPWiki uses Jakarta Log4j for logging. Please tell JSPWiki where the log files should go.
install.jsp.adv.settings.workdir.label=Work directory
install.jsp.adv.settings.workdir.desc=This is the place where all caches and other runtime stuff is stored.
install.jsp.instr.desc=After you click <em>Configure!</em>, the installer will write your settings to <code>{0}</code>. \
It will also create an Administrator account with a random password and a corresponding Admin group.
install.jsp.instr.submit=Configure! is your new
# to read properties: {0}
install.installer.default.pagedir=Please configure me!
install.installer.props.saved=Your new properties have been saved. Please restart your container (unless this was your first \
install). Scroll down a bit to see your new
install.installer.props.notsaved=Unable to write properties: {0}. Please copy the file below as your\n{1}
install.installer.validate.baseurl=You must define the base URL for this wiki.
install.installer.validate.pagedir=You must define the location where the files are stored.
install.installer.validate.appname=You must define the application name.
install.installer.validate.workdir=You must define a work directory.
install.installer.validate.logdir=You must define a log directory.