blob: f09e2e1ed299dc449e5a549072180c2a403cccb8 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.WikiPermission;
* <p>Defines Commands for wiki-wide operations such as creating groups, editing
* preferences and profiles, and logging in/out. WikiCommands can be combined
* with Strings (representing the name of a wiki instance) to produce
* targeted Commands.</p>
* <p>This class is not <code>final</code>; it may be extended in
* the future.</p>
* @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine#getApplicationName().
* @author Andrew Jaquith
* @since 2.4.22
public class WikiCommand extends AbstractCommand
public static final Command CREATE_GROUP
= new WikiCommand( "createGroup", "%uNewGroup.jsp", "NewGroupContent.jsp", null, WikiPermission.CREATE_GROUPS_ACTION );
public static final Command ERROR
= new WikiCommand( "error", "%uError.jsp", "DisplayMessage.jsp", null, null );
public static final Command FIND
= new WikiCommand( "find", "%uSearch.jsp", "FindContent.jsp", null, null );
public static final Command INSTALL
= new WikiCommand( "install", "%uInstall.jsp", null, null, null );
public static final Command LOGIN
= new WikiCommand( "login", "%uLogin.jsp?redirect=%n", "LoginContent.jsp", null, WikiPermission.LOGIN_ACTION );
public static final Command LOGOUT
= new WikiCommand( "logout", "%uLogout.jsp", null, null, WikiPermission.LOGIN_ACTION );
public static final Command PREFS
= new WikiCommand( "prefs", "%uUserPreferences.jsp", "PreferencesContent.jsp", null, WikiPermission.EDIT_PROFILE_ACTION );
private final String m_action;
private final Permission m_permission;
* Constructs a new Command with a specified wiki context, URL pattern,
* type, and content template. The WikiPage for this action is initialized
* to <code>null</code>.
* @param requestContext the request context
* @param urlPattern the URL pattern
* @param type the type
* @param contentTemplate the content template; may be <code>null</code>
* @return IllegalArgumentException if the request content, URL pattern, or
* type is <code>null</code>
private WikiCommand( String requestContext, String urlPattern, String contentTemplate, String target, String action )
super( requestContext, urlPattern, contentTemplate, target );
m_action = action;
if ( target == null || m_action == null )
m_permission = null;
m_permission = new WikiPermission( target, action );
* Creates and returns a targeted Command by combining a wiki
* (a String) with this Command. The supplied <code>target</code>
* object must be non-<code>null</code> and of type String.
* @param target the name of the wiki to combine into the current Command
* @return the new targeted command
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the target is not of the correct type
public final Command targetedCommand( Object target )
if ( !( target != null && target instanceof String ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Target must non-null and of type String." );
return new WikiCommand( getRequestContext(), getURLPattern(), getContentTemplate(), (String)target, m_action );
* Always returns the "friendly" JSP name.
* @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getName()
public final String getName()
return getJSPFriendlyName();
* @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#requiredPermission()
public final Permission requiredPermission()
return m_permission;