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import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* JUnit test cases for Converting Html to Wiki Markup.
public class HtmlStringToWikiTranslatorTest extends TestCase
HtmlStringToWikiTranslator html2wiki;
public static void main( String[] args )
{ HtmlStringToWikiTranslatorTest.class );
public HtmlStringToWikiTranslatorTest( String arg0 )
super( arg0 );
public void setUp()
html2wiki = new HtmlStringToWikiTranslator();
public void testAnchor() throws Exception
.translate( " <a class=\"attachment\" href=\"attach?page=startup.bat\">startup.bat</a><a href=\"PageInfo.jsp?page=startup.bat\"><img src=\"images/attachment_small.png\" alt=\"(att)\" border=\"0\"></a>" ) );
.translate( "<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a><img class=\"outlink\" src=\"images/out.png\" alt=\"\">" ) );
assertEquals( " [AbsolutelyTestNotExisting]\n\n", html2wiki
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" align=\"left\" border=\"0\">\r\n" + "<tbody><tr><td><br>\r\n"
+ "</td></tr>\r\n" + "</tbody></table>\r\n" + "\r\n" + " [AbsolutelyTestNotExisting]<p>\r\n"
+ "<table class=\"imageplugin\" align=\"left\" border=\"0\">\r\n" + "\r\n" + "<tbody>\r\n"
+ "</tbody></table>\r\n" + "\r\n" + "</p><p>\r\n" + "</p>" ) );
assertEquals( "[ThisPageDoesNotExist]", html2wiki
.translate( "<a href=\"Edit.jsp?page=ThisPageDoesNotExist\">ThisPageDoesNotExist</a>" ) );
assertEquals( "[/JSPWiki/wysiwyg/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif]", html2wiki
.translate( "<img src=\"/JSPWiki/wysiwyg/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif\" alt=\"\"/>" ) );
assertEquals( "[AugumentedWikiLinks|AugumentedWikiLinks|title='my \"custom\" title' target='_blank']", html2wiki
.translate( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"Wiki.jsp?page=AugumentedWikiLinks\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"my 'custom' title\">AugumentedWikiLinks</a>" ) );
// footnote links
assertEquals( "[23]", html2wiki.translate( "<a class=\"footnoteref\" href=\"#ref-PageName-23\">[23]</a>" ) );
assertEquals( "[something|23]", html2wiki.translate( "<a class=\"footnoteref\" href=\"#ref-PageName-23\">[something]</a>" ) );
public void testTable() throws Exception
assertEquals( "a\n| erste\n", html2wiki
.translate( "a <table border=\"1\"> <tbody><tr> <td> erste</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>" ) );
"|| Throalisches Jahr || Ereignis\n"
+ "| 100 v. TH | Elianer Messias \u00fcbersetzt die tausendj\u00e4hrigen B\u00fccher von Harrow.\n"
+ "| 50 v. TH | Gr\u00fcndung Nehr?eshams und der ewigen Bibliothek.\n",
.translate( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr><th> Throalisches Jahr </th><th> Ereignis</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td> 100 v. TH</td><td> Elianer Messias \u00fcbersetzt die tausendj\u00e4hrigen B\u00fccher von Harrow.</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td> 50 v. TH</td><td> Gr\u00fcndung Nehr?eshams und der ewigen Bibliothek.</td></tr>\n"
+ "</tbody></table>" ) );
"|| Throalisches Jahr || Ereignis\n"
+ "| 100 v. TH | Elianer Messias \u00fcbersetzt die tausendj\u00e4hrigen B\u00fccher von Harrow.\n"
+ "| 50 v. TH | Gr\u00fcndung Nehr?eshams und der ewigen Bibliothek.\n\u00A0",
.translate( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr><th> Throalisches Jahr </th><th> Ereignis</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td> 100 v. TH</td><td> Elianer Messias \u00fcbersetzt die tausendj\u00e4hrigen B\u00fccher von Harrow.</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td> 50 v. TH</td><td> Gr\u00fcndung Nehr?eshams und der ewigen Bibliothek.</td></tr>\n"
+ "</tbody></table> &nbsp;" ) );
"| 3. Rang | Name des Helden, den der Bogen t\u00f6ten sollte.\n"
+ "| F\u00e4higkeit | Bonus auf die Initiative von 1\n",
.translate( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr><td> 3. Rang</td><td> Name des Helden, den der Bogen t\u00f6ten sollte.</td></tr>\n"
+ "<tr><td> F\u00e4higkeit</td><td> Bonus auf die Initiative von 1</td></tr></tbody></table></p><p>" ) );
"| Name: [Christian|ChristianS] \\\\ Geschicklichkeit: 2 \\\\ Hang zu perversen Sexorgien. Jongliert mit Worten und K\u00f6pfen. \\\\ [Berian Nachtschleicher|Berian] \\\\ [XLerul] \\\\ [Effifot Erif|EffifotErif]\n",
.translate( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr><td> Name: <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"Wiki.jsp?page=ChristianS\">Christian</a> <br> Geschicklichkeit: 2 <br> Hang zu perversen Sexorgien. Jongliert mit Worten und K\u00f6pfen. <br> <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"Wiki.jsp?page=Berian\">Berian Nachtschleicher</a> <br> <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"Wiki.jsp?page=XLerul\">XLerul</a> <br> <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"Wiki.jsp?page=EffifotErif\">Effifot Erif</a></td></tr> </tbody></table>" ) );
public void testRulers() throws Exception
assertEquals( "a\n----\nb", html2wiki.translate( "a<hr/>b" ) );
assertEquals( "by\n" + "----\n" + "Dies", html2wiki.translate( "by\n" + "<hr>\n" + "Dies" ) );
public void testParagraphs() throws Exception
assertEquals( "a\nb\nc", html2wiki.translate( "a<p>b</p>c" ) );
assertEquals( "ab", html2wiki.translate( "a<p></p>b" ) );
assertEquals( "a\n\nb", html2wiki.translate( "a<p>\n</p>b" ) );
"\n\\\\\n__Willkommen__ \\\\\n\\\\\nUnd niemand wird sie sehen \\\\\nEine Page ...\n\nAls Unterthema\n",
.translate( "<p><br />\n<strong>Willkommen</strong> <br />\n<br />\nUnd niemand wird sie sehen <br />\nEine Page ...</p>\n<p>Als Unterthema</p>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n\u00A0\n\nTop\n\nBottom\n\n\n", html2wiki.translate( "<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Top</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Bottom</p> <p> </p>" ) );
public void testWhitespace() throws Exception
assertEquals( "", html2wiki.translate( "" ) );
assertEquals( "", html2wiki.translate( " " ) );
assertEquals( "", html2wiki.translate( "<div>\n\n\n</div>" ) );
assertEquals( "a ", html2wiki.translate( "a\n \n\n \t\r\n" ) );
public void testLists() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n* Punkt 1\n* Punkt 2\n", html2wiki.translate( "<ul><li>Punkt 1</li><li>Punkt 2</li></ul>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n# Punkt 1\n# Punkt 2\n", html2wiki.translate( "<ol><li>Punkt 1</li><li>Punkt 2</li></ol>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n# Punkt 1\n## Punkt 2\n\n", html2wiki.translate( "<ol><li>Punkt 1<ol><li>Punkt 2</li></ol></li></ol>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n* Punkt 1\n** Punkt 2\n\n", html2wiki.translate( "<ul><li>Punkt 1<ul><li>Punkt 2</li></ul></li></ul>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n* Punkt 1\n*# Punkt 2\n\n", html2wiki.translate( "<ul><li>Punkt 1<ol><li>Punkt 2</li></ol></li></ul>" ) );
"\n# list item 1\n# list item 2\n## list item 2.1\n##* list item 2.1.1\n##* list item 2.1.2\n## list item 2.2\n# list item 3\n## list item 3.1\n##* list item 3.1.1\n## list item 3.2\n# list item 4\n",
.translate( "<ol> <li>list item 1</li> <li>list item 2 <ol> <li>list item 2.1 <ul> <li>list item 2.1.1</li> <li>list item 2.1.2</li> </ul> </li> <li>list item 2.2</li> </ol> </li> <li>list item 3 <ol> <li>list item 3.1 <ul> <li>list item 3.1.1</li> </ul> </li> <li>list item 3.2</li> </ol> </li> <li>list item 4</li> </ol>" ) );
"\n* Diese Karte kann von jedem editiert und um neue Links erweitert werden. \\\\Klickt einfach unten neben der Karte auf {{{[edit]}}}\n",
.translate( "<ul><li> Diese Karte kann von jedem editiert und um neue Links erweitert werden.<br>Klickt einfach unten neben der Karte auf <span style=\"font-family: monospace; white-space: pre;\">[edit]</span></li></ul>" ) );
"\n* Diese Karte kann von jedem editiert und um neue Links erweitert werden. \\\\Klickt einfach unten neben der Karte auf {{{[edit]}}}\n",
.translate( "<ul><li> Diese Karte kann von jedem editiert und um neue Links erweitert werden.<br>Klickt einfach unten neben der Karte auf <span style=\"font-family: monospace; white-space: pre;\">[edit]</span></li></ul>" ) );
public void testPre() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n{{{hallo}}}\n", html2wiki.translate( "<pre>hallo</pre>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n{{{Hallo\nWelt!\n\n}}}\n", html2wiki.translate( "<pre>Hallo<br>Welt!<br><br></pre>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n{{{\n\n\n\nHallo\n\n\n\nWelt!\n\n\n\n}}}\n", html2wiki
.translate( "\n\n\n\n<pre>\n\n\n\nHallo\n\n\n\nWelt!\n\n\n\n</pre>\n\n\n\n" ) );
assertEquals( "\n{{{\n\n* Baltramon \n lasdjfh\n\n}}}\n", html2wiki.translate( "<pre>\n\n* Baltramon \n lasdjfh\n\n</pre>" ) );
// The style "font-family: courier new" is no longer translated as monospace text, so this test case is no longer needed.
assertEquals( "Diese Karte{{{ kann }}} von", html2wiki
.translate( "Diese Karte<span style=\"font-family: courier new,courier,mono;\"> kann </span> von" ) );
"Fahrt einfac{{{h mit\u00A0\u00A0 \n der \u00A0 Maus}}} drueber",
.translate( "Fahrt einfac<span style=\"font-family: monospace; white-space: pre;\">h mit&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> der &nbsp; Maus</span> drueber" ) );
public void testTT() throws Exception
assertEquals( "{{hallo}}", html2wiki.translate( "<tt>hallo</tt>" ) );
assertEquals( "{{hallo}}", html2wiki.translate( "<code>hallo</code>" ) );
public void testCenter() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n%%( text-align: center; )\nHello \\\\\nWorld!\n%%\n", html2wiki
.translate( "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">Hello<br>World!</div>" ) );
assertEquals( "__%%( text-align: center; display: block; )Hello \\\\World!%%__", html2wiki
.translate( "<span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-align: center; display: block;\">Hello<br>World!</span>" ) );
public void testImage() throws Exception
"[{Image src='Homunkulus/homunculus4.jpg' align='left'}]",
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" align=\"left\" border=\"0\"> <tbody><tr><td><img src=\"attach?page=Homunkulus%2Fhomunculus4.jpg\"></td></tr> </tbody></table>" ) );
assertEquals( "[{Image src=\'AbenteuerQuilpins/Quilpins.jpg\' align=\'left\'}]", html2wiki
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" align=\"left\" border=\"0\">\r\n"
+ "<tbody><tr><td><img src=\"attach?page=AbenteuerQuilpins%2FQuilpins.jpg\"></td></tr>\r\n</tbody>"
+ "</table>" ) );
"[{Image src=\'AbenteuerQuilpins/Quilpins.jpg\' caption=\'Testing Image\' style=\'font-size: 120%; color: green;\'}]",
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" style=\"font-size: 120%; color: green;\" border=\"0\">\r\n"
+ "<caption align=\"bottom\">Testing Image</caption>\r\n"
+ "<tbody><tr><td><img src=\"attach?page=AbenteuerQuilpins%2FQuilpins.jpg\"></td></tr>\r\n</tbody>"
+ "</table>" ) );
"[{Image src=\'\' link=\'\'}]",
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" border=\"0\">\r\n"
+ "<tbody><tr><td>"
+ "<a href=\";.src=pg\">"
+ "<img src=\";m=g&amp;t=2\">"
+ "</a></td></tr>\r\n" + "</tbody>" + "</table>" ) );
"[{Image src=\'homunculus4.jpg\' align=\'left\' height=\'100px\' width=\'100px\' alt=\'alt text\' caption=\'caption text\' link=\'\' border=\'1\'}]",
.translate( "<table class=\"imageplugin\" align=\"left\" border=\"0\"> \r\n"
+ " <caption align=\"bottom\">caption text</caption> \r\n"
+ " <tbody><tr><td>\r\n"
+ " <a href=\"\"><img src=\"homunculus4.jpg\" alt=\"alt text\" border=\"1\" height=\"100px\" width=\"100px\">\r\n"
+ " </a></td></tr> \r\n" + " </tbody> \r\n" + "</table>" ) );
"[{Image src=\'\' link=\'\'}]",
.translate( " <a href=\";.src=pg\">\r\n"
+ " <img src=\";m=g&amp;t=2\">\r\n"
+ " </a" ) );
public void testPlugin() throws Exception
assertEquals( "This is a private homepage done by\n" + "----\n"
+ "Dies ist eine private, nicht-kommerzielle Homepage von\n"
+ "[{Text2gif width=\'150\' height=\'100\' \n" + " \n" + "Sebastian L. Baltes \n" + "Lange Str. 53 \n"
+ "44137 Dortmund \n" + " \n" + "email: \n" + "}]\n", html2wiki
.translate( "This is a private homepage done by\n" + "<hr>\n"
+ "Dies ist eine private, nicht-kommerzielle Homepage von\n" + "<p>\n"
+ "[{Text2gif width=\'150\' height=\'100\'\n" + "<br> <br>Sebastian L. Baltes\n"
+ "<br>Lange Str. 53\n" + "<br>44137 Dortmund\n" + "<br> <br>email:\n" + "<br>}]\n"
+ "</p><p>" ) );
public void testCSS() throws Exception
assertEquals( "%%( color: rgb(255, 0, 0); )Und niemand wird sie sehen%%, die", html2wiki
.translate( "<span style=\"color: rgb(255, 0, 0);\">Und niemand wird sie sehen</span>, die" ) );
assertEquals( "\n%%information\nCSS class here\n%%\n\nFont %%( color: #ff9900; font-family: arial; font-size: large; )styling here.%% Some %%( background-color: #ffff00; )more here%%.\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<div class=\"information\">CSS class here</div>\n"
+ "<p>Font <font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#ff9900\" size=\"5\">styling here.</font>"
+ " Some <font style=\"background-color: #ffff00\">more here</font>.</p>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n\n%%( text-align: center; )\nsome leading text %%strike line through this text%% some trailing text\n%%\n\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<p align=\"center\">some leading text <strike>line through this text</strike> some trailing text</p>" ) );
public void testParsing() throws Exception
assertEquals( "Hello World!", html2wiki.translate( "Hello World!" ) );
assertEquals( "a", html2wiki.translate( "a" ) );
assertEquals( "a \\\\b", html2wiki.translate( "a<br/>b" ) );
assertEquals( "\\\\\\", html2wiki.translate( "\\\\\\" ) );
assertEquals( "[{Test\nHello World!}]", html2wiki.translate( "[{Test\\\\Hello World!}]" ) );
assertEquals( "{{{[{Test\\\\Hello World!}]}}}", html2wiki.translate( "{{{[{Test\\\\Hello World!}]}}}" ) );
"{{{[{Test\\\\Hello World!}]}}}{{{[{Test\\\\\\\\Hello World!}]}}}[{Test\n\nHello World!}][{Test\n\nHello World!}]",
.translate( "{{{[{Test\\\\Hello World!}]}}}{{{[{Test\\\\\\\\Hello World!}]}}}[{Test\\\\\\\\Hello World!}][{Test\\\\\\\\Hello World!}]" ) );
public void testBoldAndItalic()
throws Exception
"Dies ist __bold__, ''italic'' und __''both''__.",
html2wiki.translate( "Dies ist <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">bold</span>, <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">italic</span> und <span style=\"font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;\">both</span>." ) );
"Dies ist __bold__, ''italic'' und __''both''__ 2.",
html2wiki.translate( "Dies ist <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i> und <b><i>both</i></b> 2." ) );
"Dies ist __bold__, ''italic'' und __''both''__ 3.",
html2wiki.translate( "Dies ist <strong>bold</strong>, <em>italic</em> und <strong><em>both</em></strong> 3." ) );
assertEquals( "Wilma: ''Ich m\u00f6chte hiermal in allerDeutlichkeit sagen! ''", html2wiki
.translate( "Wilma: <i>Ich m\u00f6chte hier\nmal in aller\nDeutlichkeit sagen! </i>" ) );
public void testHeading() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n!!! Heading 1 should be translated to large heading.\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<h1>Heading 1 should be translated to large heading.</h1>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n!!! Heading 2 should be translated to large heading.\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<h2>Heading 2 should be translated to large heading.</h2>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n!! Heading 3 should be translated to medium heading.\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<h3>Heading 3 should be translated to medium heading.</h3>" ) );
assertEquals( "\n! Heading 4 should be translated to small heading.\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<h4>Heading 4 should be translated to small heading.</h4>" ) );
public void testForm() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n[{FormOpen form='myForm'}]\n\n[{FormClose}]\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<div class=\"wikiform\">\n<form name=\"myForm\"><input name=\"formname\" value=\"myForm\" type=\"hidden\">\n</div>" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormInput type='hidden' name='myHiddenField' value='myHiddenField'}]myHiddenField",
html2wiki.translate( "<input name=\"nbf_myHiddenField\" value=\"myHiddenField\" type=\"hidden\">myHiddenField" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormInput type='checkbox' name='myCheckbox' value='myCheckbox' checked='checked'}]myCheckbox",
html2wiki.translate( "<input checked=\"checked\" value=\"myCheckbox\" name=\"nbf_myCheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\">myCheckbox" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormInput type='radio' name='myRadioButton' value='myRadioButton'}]myRadioButton",
html2wiki.translate( "<input name=\"nbf_myRadioButton\" value=\"myRadioButton\" type=\"radio\">myRadioButton" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormInput type='button' name='myButton' value='myButton'}]myButton",
html2wiki.translate( "<input name=\"nbf_myButton\" value=\"myButton\" type=\"button\">myButton" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormTextarea name='myTextarea' rows='6' cols='50'}]myTextarea",
html2wiki.translate( "<textarea cols=\"50\" name=\"nbf_myTextarea\" rows=\"6\"></textarea>myTextarea" ) );
assertEquals( "[{FormSelect name='mySelectionList' value='apple;*orange;pear'}]mySelectList",
html2wiki.translate( "<select name=\"nbf_mySelectionList\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"apple\">apple</option>\n"
+ "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"orange\">orange</option>\n"
+ "<option value=\"pear\">pear</option>\n"
+ "</select>mySelectList" ) );
public void testDefinitionList() throws Exception
assertEquals( "\n;__Priority__:High\n\n;__TODO Name__:Initialization\n\n;__Requester__:John Smith\n",
html2wiki.translate( "<dl><dt><b>Priority</b></dt><dd>High</dd></dl>\n"
+ "<dl><dt><b>TODO Name</b></dt><dd>Initialization</dd></dl>\n"
+ "<dl><dt><b>Requester</b></dt><dd>John Smith</dd></dl>\n" ) );
assertEquals( "Some text here\n;:(A)indented comment here\n\n;:(B)another comment here\n",
html2wiki.translate( "Some text here\n<dl><dt></dt><dd>(A)indented comment here</dd></dl>\n"
+ "<dl><dt></dt><dd>(B)another comment here</dd></dl>\n" ) );
assertEquals( "\n;__New Page Name__:[{FormInput type='text' name='newPageName'}]\n",
html2wiki.translate( "\n<dl><dt><b>New Page Name</b></dt><dd><input name=\"nbf_newPageName\" type=\"text\"></dd></dl>\n" ) );
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite( HtmlStringToWikiTranslatorTest.class );