blob: 3f98af07b218c499be65732c75560b9266b14918 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
public class TextUtilTest {
public void testGenerateRandomPassword() {
for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
Assertions.assertEquals( TextUtil.PASSWORD_LENGTH, TextUtil.generateRandomPassword().length(), "pw" );
public void testEncodeName_1() {
final String name = "Hello/World";
Assertions.assertEquals( "Hello/World", TextUtil.urlEncode(name,"ISO-8859-1") );
public void testEncodeName_2() {
final String name = "Hello~World";
Assertions.assertEquals( "Hello%7EWorld", TextUtil.urlEncode(name,"ISO-8859-1") );
public void testEncodeName_3() {
final String name = "Hello/World ~";
Assertions.assertEquals( "Hello/World+%7E", TextUtil.urlEncode(name,"ISO-8859-1") );
public void testDecodeName_1() {
final String name = "Hello/World+%7E+%2F";
Assertions.assertEquals( "Hello/World ~ /", TextUtil.urlDecode(name,"ISO-8859-1") );
public void testEncodeNameUTF8_1() {
final String name = "\u0041\u2262\u0391\u002E";
Assertions.assertEquals( "A%E2%89%A2%CE%91.", TextUtil.urlEncodeUTF8(name) );
public void testEncodeNameUTF8_2() {
final String name = "\uD55C\uAD6D\uC5B4";
Assertions.assertEquals( "%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4", TextUtil.urlEncodeUTF8(name) );
public void testEncodeNameUTF8_3() {
final String name = "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E";
Assertions.assertEquals( "%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E", TextUtil.urlEncodeUTF8(name) );
public void testEncodeNameUTF8_4() {
final String name = "Hello World";
Assertions.assertEquals( "Hello+World", TextUtil.urlEncodeUTF8(name) );
public void testDecodeNameUTF8_1() {
final String name = "A%E2%89%A2%CE%91.";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\u0041\u2262\u0391\u002E", TextUtil.urlDecodeUTF8(name) );
public void testDecodeNameUTF8_2() {
final String name = "%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\uD55C\uAD6D\uC5B4", TextUtil.urlDecodeUTF8(name) );
public void testDecodeNameUTF8_3() {
final String name = "%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E", TextUtil.urlDecodeUTF8(name) );
public void testReplaceString1() {
final String text = "aabacaa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ddbacdd", TextUtil.replaceString( text, "aa", "dd" ) );
public void testReplaceString4() {
final String text = "aabacaafaa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ddbacddfdd", TextUtil.replaceString( text, "aa", "dd" ) );
public void testReplaceString5() {
final String text = "aaabacaaafaa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "dbacdfaa", TextUtil.replaceString( text, "aaa", "d" ) );
public void testReplaceString2() {
final String text = "abcde";
Assertions.assertEquals( "fbcde", TextUtil.replaceString( text, "a", "f" ) );
public void testReplaceString3() {
final String text = "ababab";
Assertions.assertEquals( "afafaf", TextUtil.replaceString( text, "b", "f" ) );
public void testReplaceStringCaseUnsensitive1() {
final String text = "aABcAa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ddBcdd", TextUtil.replaceStringCaseUnsensitive( text, "aa", "dd" ) );
public void testReplaceStringCaseUnsensitive2() {
final String text = "Abcde";
Assertions.assertEquals( "fbcde", TextUtil.replaceStringCaseUnsensitive( text, "a", "f" ) );
public void testReplaceStringCaseUnsensitive3() {
final String text = "aBAbab";
Assertions.assertEquals( "afAfaf", TextUtil.replaceStringCaseUnsensitive( text, "b", "f" ) );
public void testReplaceStringCaseUnsensitive4() {
final String text = "AaBAcAAfaa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ddBAcddfdd", TextUtil.replaceStringCaseUnsensitive( text, "aa", "dd" ) );
public void testReplaceStringCaseUnsensitive5() {
final String text = "aAaBaCAAafaa";
Assertions.assertEquals( "dBaCdfaa", TextUtil.replaceStringCaseUnsensitive( text, "aaa", "d" ) );
// Pure UNIX.
public void testNormalizePostdata1() {
final String text = "ab\ncd";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ab\r\ncd\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Pure MSDOS.
public void testNormalizePostdata2() {
final String text = "ab\r\ncd";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ab\r\ncd\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Pure Mac
public void testNormalizePostdata3() {
final String text = "ab\rcd";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ab\r\ncd\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Mixed, ending correct.
public void testNormalizePostdata4()
final String text = "ab\ncd\r\n\r\n\r";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ab\r\ncd\r\n\r\n\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Multiple newlines
public void testNormalizePostdata5() {
final String text = "ab\ncd\n\n\n\n";
Assertions.assertEquals( "ab\r\ncd\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Empty.
public void testNormalizePostdata6() {
final String text = "";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
// Just a newline.
public void testNormalizePostdata7() {
final String text = "\n";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\r\n", TextUtil.normalizePostData( text ) );
public void testGetBooleanProperty() {
final Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("foobar.0", "YES");
props.setProperty("foobar.1", "true");
props.setProperty("foobar.2", "false");
props.setProperty("foobar.3", "no");
props.setProperty("foobar.4", "on");
props.setProperty("foobar.5", "OFF");
props.setProperty("foobar.6", "gewkjoigew");
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.0", false ), "foobar.0" );
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.1", false ), "foobar.1" );
Assertions.assertFalse( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.2", true ), "foobar.2" );
Assertions.assertFalse( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.3", true ), "foobar.3" );
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.4", false ), "foobar.4" );
Assertions.assertFalse( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.5", true ), "foobar.5" );
Assertions.assertFalse( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, "foobar.6", true ), "foobar.6" );
public void testGetSection1() {
final String src = "Single page.";
Assertions.assertEquals( src, TextUtil.getSection(src,1), "section 1" );
Assertions.assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> TextUtil.getSection( src, 5 ) );
Assertions.assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> TextUtil.getSection( src, -1 ) );
public void testGetSection2() {
final String src = "First section\n----\nSecond section\n\n----\n\nThird section";
Assertions.assertEquals( "First section\n", TextUtil.getSection(src,1), "section 1" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "\nSecond section\n\n", TextUtil.getSection(src,2), "section 2" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "\n\nThird section", TextUtil.getSection(src,3), "section 3" );
Assertions.assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> TextUtil.getSection( src, 4 ) );
public void testGetSection3() {
final String src = "----\nSecond section\n----";
Assertions.assertEquals( "", TextUtil.getSection(src,1), "section 1" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "\nSecond section\n", TextUtil.getSection(src,2), "section 2" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "", TextUtil.getSection(src,3), "section 3" );
Assertions.assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> TextUtil.getSection( src, 4 ) );
public void testGetSectionWithMoreThanFourDashes() {
final String src = "----------------\nSecond section\n----";
Assertions.assertEquals( "\nSecond section\n", TextUtil.getSection(src, 2), "section 2" );
public void testBooleanParameter() {
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.isPositive(" true "), "1" );
Assertions.assertFalse( TextUtil.isPositive(" fewqkfow kfpokwe "), "2" );
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.isPositive("on"), "3" );
Assertions.assertTrue( TextUtil.isPositive("\t\ton"), "4" );
public void testTrimmedProperty() {
final String[] vals = { "foo", " this is a property ", "bar", "60" };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(vals);
Assertions.assertEquals( "this is a property", TextUtil.getStringProperty(props,"foo",""), "foo" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 60, TextUtil.getIntegerProperty(props,"bar",0), "bar" );
public void testGetStringProperty() {
final String[] vals = { "foo", " this is a property " };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(vals);
Assertions.assertEquals( "this is a property", TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, "foo", "err" ) );
public void testGetStringPropertyDefaultValue() {
final String defaultValue = System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separator + "jspwiki-files";
final String[] vals = { "foo", " this is a property " };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(vals);
Assertions.assertEquals( defaultValue, TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, "bar", defaultValue ) );
public void testGetCanonicalFilePathProperty() {
final String[] values = { "jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir", " ." + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "private " };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(values);
final String path = TextUtil.getCanonicalFilePathProperty(props, "jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir", "NA");
Assertions.assertTrue( path.endsWith( File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "private" ) );
Assertions.assertFalse( path.endsWith( "." + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "private" ) );
public void testGetCanonicalFilePathPropertyDefaultValue() {
final String defaultValue = System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separator + "jspwiki-files";
final String[] values = {};
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(values);
final String path = TextUtil.getCanonicalFilePathProperty(props, "jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir", defaultValue);
public void testGetRequiredProperty() {
final String[] vals = { "foo", " this is a property ", "bar", "60" };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties( vals );
Assertions.assertEquals( "60", TextUtil.getRequiredProperty( props, "bar" ) );
public void testGetRequiredPropertyNSEE() {
final String[] vals = { "foo", " this is a property ", "bar", "60" };
final Properties props = TextUtil.createProperties(vals);
Assertions.assertThrows( NoSuchElementException.class, () -> TextUtil.getRequiredProperty( props, "ber" ) );
public void testCleanString() {
Assertions.assertNull( TextUtil.cleanString( null, TextUtil.PUNCTUATION_CHARS_ALLOWED ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( " This is a link ", TextUtil.cleanString( " [ This is a link ] ", TextUtil.PUNCTUATION_CHARS_ALLOWED ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( "ThisIsALink", TextUtil.cleanString( " [ This is a link ] ", TextUtil.LEGACY_CHARS_ALLOWED ) );