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import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
public class MarkdownRendererTest {
Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
List<String> created = new ArrayList<>();
static final String PAGE_NAME = "testpage";
TestEngine testEngine;
public void testMarkupSimpleMarkdown() throws Exception {
final String src = "This should be a **bold**";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be a <strong>bold</strong></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionSelfViewLink() throws Exception {
newPage( "MarkupExtensionSelfViewLink" );
final String src = "This should be a [MarkupExtensionSelfViewLink]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be a <a href=\"/test/Wiki.jsp?page=MarkupExtensionSelfViewLink\" class=\"wikipage\">MarkupExtensionSelfViewLink</a></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionSelfEditLink() throws Exception {
final String src = "This should be a [self<->link]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be a <a href=\"/test/Edit.jsp?page=self%3C-%3Elink\" title=\"Create &quot;self&lt;-&gt;link&quot;\" class=\"createpage\">self&lt;-&gt;link</a></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionExternalLink() throws Exception {
testEngine.getWikiProperties().setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.useOutlinkImage", "true" );
final String src = "This should be an [external link](";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be an <a href=\"\" class=\"external\">external link</a><img class=\"outlink\" alt=\"\" src=\"/test/images/out.png\" /></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
testEngine.getWikiProperties().remove( "jspwiki.translatorReader.useOutlinkImage" );
public void testMarkupExtensionInterWikiLink() throws Exception {
final String src = "This should be an [interwiki link](JSPWiki:About)";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be an <a href=\"\" class=\"interwiki\">interwiki link</a></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionWrongInterWikiLink() throws Exception {
final String src = "This should be an [interwiki link](JSPWiko:About)";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be an <span class=\"error\">No InterWiki reference defined in properties for Wiki called \"JSPWiko\"!</span></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionACL() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{ALLOW view PerryMason}]() This should be visible if the ACL allows you to see it";
// text is seen because although ACL is added to the page, it is not applied while parsing / rendering
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p> This should be visible if the ACL allows you to see it</p>\n", translate( src ) );
// in any case, we also check that the created wikipage has the ACL added
Assertions.assertEquals( " user = PerryMason: ((\"\",\"JSPWiki:testpage\",\"view\"))\n",
testEngine.getPageManager().getPage( PAGE_NAME ).getAcl().toString() );
public void testMarkupExtensionMetadata() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{SET Perry='Mason'}]() Some text after setting metadata";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p> Some text after setting metadata</p>\n", translate( src ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Mason", testEngine.getPageManager().getPage( PAGE_NAME ).getAttribute( "Perry" ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionPlugin() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{SamplePlugin text=test}]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>test</p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionTOCPluginGetsSubstitutedWithMDTocExtension() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{TableOfContents}]()\n" +
"# Header 1\n" +
"## Header 2\n" +
"## Header 2\n";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p><div class=\"toc\">\n" +
"<div class=\"collapsebox\">\n" +
"<h4 id=\"section-TOC\">Table of Contents</h4>\n" +
"<ul>\n" +
"<li><a href=\"#header-1\">Header 1</a>\n" +
"<ul>\n" +
"<li><a href=\"#header-2\">Header 2</a></li>\n" +
"<li><a href=\"#header-2-1\">Header 2</a></li>\n" +
"</ul>\n" +
"</li>\n" +
"</ul>\n" +
"</div>\n" +
"</div>\n" +
"</p>\n" +
"<h1 id=\"header-1\">Header 1</h1>\n" +
"<h2 id=\"header-2\">Header 2</h2>\n" +
"<h2 id=\"header-2-1\">Header 2</h2>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionNonExistentPlugin() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{PampleSlugin text=test}]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p><span class=\"error\">JSPWiki : testpage - Plugin insertion failed: Could not find plugin PampleSlugin</span></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionVariable0() throws Exception {
final String src = "Some text with some pre-set variable: [{$applicationname}]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Some text with some pre-set variable: JSPWiki</p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionVariable1() throws Exception {
final String src = "[{SET Perry='Mason'}]() Some text after setting some metadata: [{$Perry}]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p> Some text after setting some metadata: Mason</p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionFootnote0() throws Exception {
final String src = "Footnote[1]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Footnote<a href=\"#ref-testpage-1\" class=\"footnoteref\">[1]</a></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testMarkupExtensionFootnoteMD() throws Exception {
final String src = "text [^footnote] embedded.\n\n" +
"[^footnote]: footnote text\n" +
"with continuation";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>text <sup id=\"fnref-1\"><a class=\"footnoteref\" href=\"#fn-1\">1</a></sup> embedded.</p>\n" +
"<div class=\"footnotes\">\n" +
"<hr />\n" +
"<ol>\n" +
"<li id=\"fn-1\">\n" +
"<p>footnote text\n" +
"with continuation</p>\n" +
"<a href=\"#fnref-1\" class=\"footnote-backref\">&#8617;</a>\n" +
"</li>\n" +
"</ol>\n" +
"</div>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testAttachmentLink() throws Exception {
final String src = "This should be an [attachment link](Test/TestAtt.txt)";
newPage( "Test" );
final Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine, "Test", "TestAtt.txt" );
att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
testEngine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>This should be an <a href=\"/test/attach/Test/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"attachment\">attachment link</a>" +
"<a href=\"/test/PageInfo.jsp?page=Test/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"infolink\">" +
"<img src=\"/test/images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"(info)\" />" +
translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImages() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [test](";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"\" alt=\"test\" /></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImages2() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [test](";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <a href=\"\" class=\"external\">test</a></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImages3() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [test](";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"\" alt=\"test\" /></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImages4() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [test](http://foobar.jpg)";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"test\" /></p>\n", translate( src ) );
// No link text should be just embedded link.
public void testInlineImagesLink2() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [http://foobar.jpg]()";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"http://foobar.jpg\" /></p>\n", translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImagesLink() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [](http://foobar.jpg)";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <a href=\"\" class=\"external\"><img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></a></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testInlineImagesLink3() throws Exception {
final String src = "Link [SandBox](http://foobar.jpg)";
newPage( "SandBox" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "<p>Link <a href=\"/test/Wiki.jsp?page=SandBox\" class=\"wikipage\"><img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"SandBox\" /></a></p>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void testHeadersWithSameNameGetIdWithCounter() throws Exception {
final String src = "### Awesome H3\n" +
"### Awesome H3";
Assertions.assertEquals( "<h3 id=\"awesome-h3\">Awesome H3</h3>\n" +
"<h3 id=\"awesome-h3-1\">Awesome H3</h3>\n",
translate( src ) );
public void setUp() throws Exception {
props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals", "true" );
props.setProperty( "jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir", "./target/md-pageDir" );
props.setProperty( "jspwiki.renderingManager.markupParser", MarkdownParser.class.getName() );
props.setProperty( "jspwiki.renderingManager.renderer", MarkdownRenderer.class.getName() );
testEngine = new TestEngine( props );
public void tearDown() {
for( final String name : created ) {
String translate( final String src ) throws Exception {
return translate( new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME ), src );
String translate( final WikiEngine e, final String src) throws Exception {
return translate( e, new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME ), src );
String translate( final WikiPage p, final String src ) throws Exception {
return translate( testEngine, p, src );
String translate( final WikiEngine e, final WikiPage p, final String src ) throws Exception {
final WikiContext context = new WikiContext( e, testEngine.newHttpRequest(), p );
final MarkdownParser tr = new MarkdownParser( context, new BufferedReader( new StringReader( src ) ) );
final MarkdownRenderer conv = new MarkdownRenderer( context, tr.parse() );
newPage( p.getName(), src );
return conv.getString();
void newPage( final String name ) throws WikiException {
newPage( name, "<test>" );
void newPage( final String name, final String text ) throws WikiException {
testEngine.saveText( name, text );
created.add( name );