blob: 7475092bc4b9c3260a3690c1ed39d57356656443 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Collection;
public interface ModuleManager {
/** Location of the property-files of plugins. (Each plugin should include this property-file in its jar-file) */
String PLUGIN_RESOURCE_LOCATION = "ini/jspwiki_module.xml";
* Returns true, if the given module is compatible with this version of JSPWiki.
* @param info The module to check
* @return True, if the module is compatible.
boolean checkCompatibility( WikiModuleInfo info );
* Returns the {@link WikiModuleInfo} information about the provided moduleName.
* @param moduleName
* @return The wikiModuleInfo
WikiModuleInfo getModuleInfo( String moduleName );
* Returns a collection of modules currently managed by this ModuleManager. Each
* entry is an instance of the WikiModuleInfo class. This method should return something
* which is safe to iterate over, even if the underlying collection changes.
* @return A Collection of WikiModuleInfo instances.
Collection< WikiModuleInfo > modules();