blob: 0175d6cba65529e54ecf3c85ec7fe40367e2cc3f [file] [log] [blame]
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import net.sf.akismet.Akismet;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff.Diff;
import org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff.DifferentiationFailedException;
import org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff.Revision;
import org.suigeneris.jrcs.diff.myers.MyersDiff;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
* This is Herb, the JSPWiki spamfilter that can also do choke modifications.
* Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>wordlist - Page name where the spamword regexps are found. Use [{SET spamwords='regexp list separated with spaces'}] on
* that page. Default is "SpamFilterWordList".
* <li>IPlist - Page name where the IP regexps are found. Use [{SET ips='regexp list separated with spaces'}] on
* that page. Default is "SpamFilterIPList".
* <li>maxpagenamelength - Maximum page name length. Default is 100.
* <li>blacklist - The name of an attachment containing the list of spam patterns, one per line. Default is
* "SpamFilterWordList/blacklist.txt"</li>
* <li>errorpage - The page to which the user is redirected. Has a special variable $msg which states the reason. Default is "RejectedMessage".
* <li>pagechangesinminute - How many page changes are allowed/minute. Default is 5.</li>
* <li>similarchanges - How many similar page changes are allowed before the host is banned. Default is 2. (since 2.4.72)</li>
* <li>bantime - How long an IP address stays on the temporary ban list (default is 60 for 60 minutes).</li>
* <li>maxurls - How many URLs can be added to the page before it is considered spam (default is 5)</li>
* <li>akismet-apikey - The Akismet API key (see</li>
* <li>ignoreauthenticated - If set to "true", all authenticated users are ignored and never caught in SpamFilter</li>
* <li>captcha - Sets the captcha technology to use. Current allowed values are "none" and "asirra".</li>
* <li>strategy - Sets the filtering strategy to use. If set to "eager", will stop at the first probable
* match, and won't consider any other tests. This is the default, as it's considerably lighter. If set to "score", will go through all of the tests
* and calculates a score for the spam, which is then compared to a filter level value.
* </ul>
* <p>Please see the default editors/plain.jsp for examples on how the SpamFilter integrates
* with the editor system.</p>
* <p>Changes by admin users are ignored in any case.</p>
* @since 2.1.112
public class SpamFilter extends BasicPageFilter {
private static final String ATTR_SPAMFILTER_SCORE = "spamfilter.score";
private static final String REASON_REGEXP = "Regexp";
private static final String REASON_IP_BANNED_TEMPORARILY = "IPBannedTemporarily";
private static final String REASON_IP_BANNED_PERMANENTLY = "IPBannedPermanently";
private static final String REASON_BOT_TRAP = "BotTrap";
private static final String REASON_AKISMET = "Akismet";
private static final String REASON_TOO_MANY_URLS = "TooManyUrls";
private static final String REASON_SIMILAR_MODIFICATIONS = "SimilarModifications";
private static final String REASON_TOO_MANY_MODIFICATIONS = "TooManyModifications";
private static final String REASON_PAGENAME_TOO_LONG = "PageNameTooLong";
private static final String REASON_UTF8_TRAP = "UTF8Trap";
private static final String LISTVAR = "spamwords";
private static final String LISTIPVAR = "ips";
/** The filter property name for specifying the page which contains the list of spamwords.
* Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_WORDLIST = "wordlist";
/** The filter property name for specifying the page which contains the list of IPs to ban.
* Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_IPLIST = "IPlist";
/** The filter property name for specifying the maximum page name length.
* Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH = "maxpagenamelength";
/** The filter property name for the page to which you are directed if Herb rejects your
* edit. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_ERRORPAGE = "errorpage";
/** The filter property name for specifying how many changes is any given IP address
* allowed to do per minute. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>.
public static final String PROP_PAGECHANGES = "pagechangesinminute";
/** The filter property name for specifying how many similar changes are allowed
* before a host is banned. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>.
public static final String PROP_SIMILARCHANGES = "similarchanges";
/** The filter property name for specifying how long a host is banned. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>.*/
public static final String PROP_BANTIME = "bantime";
/** The filter property name for the attachment containing the blacklist. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>.*/
public static final String PROP_BLACKLIST = "blacklist";
/** The filter property name for specifying how many URLs can any given edit contain.
* Value is <tt>{@value}</tt> */
public static final String PROP_MAXURLS = "maxurls";
/** The filter property name for specifying the Akismet API-key. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_AKISMET_API_KEY = "akismet-apikey";
/** The filter property name for specifying whether authenticated users should be ignored. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_IGNORE_AUTHENTICATED = "ignoreauthenticated";
/** The filter property name for specifying which captcha technology should be used. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_CAPTCHA = "captcha";
/** The filter property name for specifying which filter strategy should be used. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PROP_FILTERSTRATEGY = "strategy";
/** The string specifying the "eager" strategy. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String STRATEGY_EAGER = "eager";
/** The string specifying the "score" strategy. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String STRATEGY_SCORE = "score";
private static final String URL_REGEXP = "(http://|https://|mailto:)([A-Za-z0-9_/\\.\\+\\?\\#\\-\\@=&;]+)";
private String m_forbiddenWordsPage = "SpamFilterWordList";
private String m_forbiddenIPsPage = "SpamFilterIPList";
private String m_pageNameMaxLength = "100";
private String m_errorPage = "RejectedMessage";
private String m_blacklist = "SpamFilterWordList/blacklist.txt";
private PatternMatcher m_matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
private PatternCompiler m_compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
private Collection<Pattern> m_spamPatterns = null;
private Collection<Pattern> m_IPPatterns = null;
private Date m_lastRebuild = new Date( 0L );
private static Logger c_spamlog = Logger.getLogger( "SpamLog" );
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( SpamFilter.class );
private Vector<Host> m_temporaryBanList = new Vector<>();
private int m_banTime = 60; // minutes
private Vector<Host> m_lastModifications = new Vector<>();
* How many times a single IP address can change a page per minute?
private int m_limitSinglePageChanges = 5;
* How many times can you add the exact same string to a page?
private int m_limitSimilarChanges = 2;
* How many URLs can be added at maximum.
private int m_maxUrls = 10;
private Pattern m_urlPattern;
private Akismet m_akismet;
private String m_akismetAPIKey = null;
private boolean m_useCaptcha = false;
/** The limit at which we consider something to be spam. */
private int m_scoreLimit = 1;
* If set to true, will ignore anyone who is in Authenticated role.
private boolean m_ignoreAuthenticated = false;
private boolean m_stopAtFirstMatch = true;
private static String c_hashName;
private static long c_lastUpdate;
/** The HASH_DELAY value is a maximum amount of time that an user can keep
* a session open, because after the value has expired, we will invent a new
* hash field name. By default this is {@value} hours, which should be ample
* time for someone.
private static final long HASH_DELAY = 24;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void initialize( final WikiEngine engine, final Properties properties ) {
m_forbiddenWordsPage = properties.getProperty( PROP_WORDLIST, m_forbiddenWordsPage );
m_forbiddenIPsPage = properties.getProperty( PROP_IPLIST, m_forbiddenIPsPage);
m_pageNameMaxLength = properties.getProperty( PROP_MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH, m_pageNameMaxLength);
m_errorPage = properties.getProperty( PROP_ERRORPAGE, m_errorPage );
m_limitSinglePageChanges = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties,
m_limitSinglePageChanges );
m_limitSimilarChanges = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties,
m_limitSimilarChanges );
m_maxUrls = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties, PROP_MAXURLS, m_maxUrls );
m_banTime = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties, PROP_BANTIME, m_banTime );
m_blacklist = properties.getProperty( PROP_BLACKLIST, m_blacklist );
m_ignoreAuthenticated = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( properties,
m_ignoreAuthenticated );
m_useCaptcha = properties.getProperty( PROP_CAPTCHA, "" ).equals("asirra");
try {
m_urlPattern = m_compiler.compile( URL_REGEXP );
} catch( final MalformedPatternException e ) {
log.fatal( "Internal error: Someone put in a faulty pattern.", e );
throw new InternalWikiException( "Faulty pattern." , e);
m_akismetAPIKey = TextUtil.getStringProperty( properties,
m_akismetAPIKey );
m_stopAtFirstMatch = TextUtil.getStringProperty( properties,
STRATEGY_EAGER ).equals( STRATEGY_EAGER ); "# Spam filter initialized. Temporary ban time " + m_banTime +
" mins, max page changes/minute: " + m_limitSinglePageChanges );
private static final int REJECT = 0;
private static final int ACCEPT = 1;
private static final int NOTE = 2;
private static String log( final WikiContext ctx, final int type, final String source, String message ) {
message = TextUtil.replaceString( message, "\r\n", "\\r\\n" );
message = TextUtil.replaceString( message, "\"", "\\\"" );
final String uid = getUniqueID();
final String page = ctx.getPage().getName();
String reason = "UNKNOWN";
final String addr = ctx.getHttpRequest() != null ? HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( ctx.getHttpRequest() ) : "-";
switch( type ) {
case REJECT:
reason = "REJECTED";
case ACCEPT:
reason = "ACCEPTED";
case NOTE:
reason = "NOTE";
throw new InternalWikiException( "Illegal type " + type );
} reason + " " + source + " " + uid + " " + addr + " \"" + page + "\" " + message );
return uid;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String preSave( final WikiContext context, final String content ) throws RedirectException {
refreshBlacklists( context );
final Change change = getChange( context, content );
if( !ignoreThisUser( context ) ) {
checkBanList( context, change );
checkSinglePageChange( context, content, change );
checkIPList( context );
checkPatternList( context, content, change );
checkPageName( context, content, change);
if( !m_stopAtFirstMatch ) {
final Integer score = ( Integer )context.getVariable( ATTR_SPAMFILTER_SCORE );
if( score != null && score.intValue() >= m_scoreLimit ) {
throw new RedirectException( "Herb says you got too many points", getRedirectPage( context ) );
log( context, ACCEPT, "-", change.toString() );
return content;
private void checkPageName( final WikiContext context, final String content, final Change change) throws RedirectException {
final WikiPage page = context.getPage();
final String pageName = page.getName();
final int maxlength = Integer.valueOf(m_pageNameMaxLength);
if ( pageName.length() > maxlength) {
// Spam filter has a match.
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_PAGENAME_TOO_LONG + "(" + m_pageNameMaxLength + ")" , pageName);"SPAM:PageNameTooLong (" + uid + "). The length of the page name is too large (" + pageName.length() + " , limit is " + m_pageNameMaxLength + ")");
checkStrategy( context, REASON_PAGENAME_TOO_LONG, "Herb says '" + pageName + "' is a bad pageName and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
private void checkStrategy( final WikiContext context, final String error, final String message ) throws RedirectException {
if( m_stopAtFirstMatch ) {
throw new RedirectException( message, getRedirectPage( context ) );
Integer score = ( Integer )context.getVariable( ATTR_SPAMFILTER_SCORE );
if( score != null ) {
score = score + 1;
} else {
score = 1;
context.setVariable( ATTR_SPAMFILTER_SCORE, score );
* Parses a list of patterns and returns a Collection of compiled Pattern
* objects.
* @param source
* @param list
* @return A Collection of the Patterns that were found from the lists.
private Collection< Pattern > parseWordList( final WikiPage source, final String list ) {
final ArrayList< Pattern > compiledpatterns = new ArrayList<>();
if( list != null ) {
final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( list, " \t\n" );
while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
final String pattern = tok.nextToken();
try {
compiledpatterns.add( m_compiler.compile( pattern ) );
} catch( final MalformedPatternException e ) {
log.debug( "Malformed spam filter pattern " + pattern );
source.setAttribute("error", "Malformed spam filter pattern " + pattern);
return compiledpatterns;
* Takes a MT-Blacklist -formatted blacklist and returns a list of compiled Pattern objects.
* @param list
* @return The parsed blacklist patterns.
private Collection< Pattern > parseBlacklist( final String list ) {
final ArrayList< Pattern > compiledpatterns = new ArrayList<>();
if( list != null ) {
try {
final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new StringReader(list) );
String line;
while( (line = in.readLine() ) != null ) {
line = line.trim();
if( line.length() == 0 ) continue; // Empty line
if( line.startsWith("#") ) continue; // It's a comment
int ws = line.indexOf( ' ' );
if( ws == -1 ) ws = line.indexOf( '\t' );
if( ws != -1 ) line = line.substring( 0, ws );
try {
compiledpatterns.add( m_compiler.compile( line ) );
} catch( final MalformedPatternException e ) {
log.debug( "Malformed spam filter pattern " + line );
} catch( final IOException e ) { "Could not read patterns; returning what I got" , e );
return compiledpatterns;
* Takes a single page change and performs a load of tests on the content change.
* An admin can modify anything.
* @param context
* @param content
* @throws RedirectException
private synchronized void checkSinglePageChange( final WikiContext context, final String content, final Change change )
throws RedirectException {
final HttpServletRequest req = context.getHttpRequest();
if( req != null ) {
final String addr = HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( req );
int hostCounter = 0;
int changeCounter = 0;
log.debug( "Change is " + change.m_change );
final long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - 60*1000L; // 1 minute
for( final Iterator< Host > i = m_lastModifications.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final Host host =;
// Check if this item is invalid
if( host.getAddedTime() < time ) {
log.debug( "Removed host " + host.getAddress() + " from modification queue (expired)" );
// Check if this IP address has been seen before
if( host.getAddress().equals( addr ) ) {
// Check, if this change has been seen before
if( host.getChange() != null && host.getChange().equals( change ) ) {
// Now, let's check against the limits.
if( hostCounter >= m_limitSinglePageChanges ) {
final Host host = new Host( addr, null );
m_temporaryBanList.add( host );
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_TOO_MANY_MODIFICATIONS, change.m_change ); "SPAM:TooManyModifications (" + uid + "). Added host " + addr + " to temporary ban list for doing too many modifications/minute" );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_TOO_MANY_MODIFICATIONS, "Herb says you look like a spammer, and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
if( changeCounter >= m_limitSimilarChanges ) {
final Host host = new Host( addr, null );
m_temporaryBanList.add( host );
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_SIMILAR_MODIFICATIONS, change.m_change ); "SPAM:SimilarModifications (" + uid + "). Added host " + addr + " to temporary ban list for doing too many similar modifications" );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_SIMILAR_MODIFICATIONS, "Herb says you look like a spammer, and I trust Herb! (Incident code "+uid+")");
// Calculate the number of links in the addition.
String tstChange = change.toString();
int urlCounter = 0;
while( m_matcher.contains( tstChange,m_urlPattern ) ) {
final MatchResult m = m_matcher.getMatch();
tstChange = tstChange.substring( m.endOffset(0) );
if( urlCounter > m_maxUrls ) {
final Host host = new Host( addr, null );
m_temporaryBanList.add( host );
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_TOO_MANY_URLS, change.toString() ); "SPAM:TooManyUrls (" + uid + "). Added host " + addr + " to temporary ban list for adding too many URLs" );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_TOO_MANY_URLS, "Herb says you look like a spammer, and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
// Check bot trap
checkBotTrap( context, change );
// Check UTF-8 mangling
checkUTF8( context, change );
// Do Akismet check. This is good to be the last, because this is the most
// expensive operation.
checkAkismet( context, change );
m_lastModifications.add( new Host( addr, change ) );
* Checks against the akismet system.
* @param context
* @param change
* @throws RedirectException
private void checkAkismet( final WikiContext context, final Change change ) throws RedirectException {
if( m_akismetAPIKey != null ) {
if( m_akismet == null ) { "Initializing Akismet spam protection." );
m_akismet = new Akismet( m_akismetAPIKey, context.getEngine().getBaseURL() );
if( !m_akismet.verifyAPIKey() ) {
log.error( "Akismet API key cannot be verified. Please check your config." );
m_akismetAPIKey = null;
m_akismet = null;
final HttpServletRequest req = context.getHttpRequest();
// Akismet will mark all empty statements as spam, so we'll just
// ignore them.
if( change.m_adds == 0 && change.m_removals > 0 ) {
if( req != null && m_akismet != null ) {
log.debug( "Calling Akismet to check for spam..." );
final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
final String ipAddress = HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( req );
final String userAgent = req.getHeader( "User-Agent" );
final String referrer = req.getHeader( "Referer");
final String permalink = context.getViewURL( context.getPage().getName() );
final String commentType = context.getRequestContext().equals( WikiContext.COMMENT ) ? "comment" : "edit";
final String commentAuthor = context.getCurrentUser().getName();
final String commentAuthorEmail = null;
final String commentAuthorURL = null;
final boolean isSpam = m_akismet.commentCheck( ipAddress,
null );
log.debug( "Akismet request done in: " + sw );
if( isSpam ) {
// Host host = new Host( ipAddress, null );
// m_temporaryBanList.add( host );
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_AKISMET, change.toString() ); "SPAM:Akismet (" + uid + "). Akismet thinks this change is spam; added host to temporary ban list." );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_AKISMET, "Akismet tells Herb you're a spammer, Herb trusts Akismet, and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
* Returns a static string which can be used to detect spambots which just wildly fill in all the fields.
* @return A string
public static String getBotFieldName() {
return "submit_auth";
* This checks whether an invisible field is available in the request, and whether it's contents are suspected spam.
* @param context
* @param change
* @throws RedirectException
private void checkBotTrap( final WikiContext context, final Change change ) throws RedirectException {
final HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpRequest();
if( request != null ) {
final String unspam = request.getParameter( getBotFieldName() );
if( unspam != null && unspam.length() > 0 ) {
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_BOT_TRAP, change.toString() ); "SPAM:BotTrap (" + uid + "). Wildly behaving bot detected." );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_BOT_TRAP, "Spamming attempt detected. (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
private void checkUTF8( final WikiContext context, final Change change ) throws RedirectException {
final HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpRequest();
if( request != null ) {
final String utf8field = request.getParameter( "encodingcheck" );
if( utf8field != null && !utf8field.equals( "\u3041" ) ) {
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_UTF8_TRAP, change.toString() ); "SPAM:UTF8Trap (" + uid + "). Wildly posting dumb bot detected." );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_UTF8_TRAP, "Spamming attempt detected. (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
/** Goes through the ban list and cleans away any host which has expired from it. */
private synchronized void cleanBanList() {
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( final Iterator< Host > i = m_temporaryBanList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final Host host =;
if( host.getReleaseTime() < now ) {
log.debug( "Removed host " + host.getAddress() + " from temporary ban list (expired)" );
* Checks the ban list if the IP address of the changer is already on it.
* @param context
* @throws RedirectException
private void checkBanList( final WikiContext context, final Change change ) throws RedirectException {
final HttpServletRequest req = context.getHttpRequest();
if( req != null ) {
final String remote = HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress(req);
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( final Host host : m_temporaryBanList ) {
if( host.getAddress().equals( remote ) ) {
final long timeleft = ( host.getReleaseTime() - now ) / 1000L;
log( context, REJECT, REASON_IP_BANNED_TEMPORARILY, change.m_change );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_IP_BANNED_TEMPORARILY,
"You have been temporarily banned from modifying this wiki. (" + timeleft + " seconds of ban left)" );
* If the spam filter notices changes in the black list page, it will refresh them automatically.
* @param context associated WikiContext
private void refreshBlacklists( final WikiContext context ) {
try {
boolean rebuild = false;
// Rebuild, if the spam words page, the attachment or the IP ban page has changed since.
final WikiPage sourceSpam = context.getEngine().getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( m_forbiddenWordsPage );
if( sourceSpam != null ) {
if( m_spamPatterns == null || m_spamPatterns.isEmpty() || sourceSpam.getLastModified().after( m_lastRebuild ) ) {
rebuild = true;
final Attachment att = context.getEngine().getManager( AttachmentManager.class ).getAttachmentInfo( context, m_blacklist );
if( att != null ) {
if( m_spamPatterns == null || m_spamPatterns.isEmpty() || att.getLastModified().after( m_lastRebuild ) ) {
rebuild = true;
final WikiPage sourceIPs = context.getEngine().getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( m_forbiddenIPsPage );
if( sourceIPs != null ) {
if( m_IPPatterns == null || m_IPPatterns.isEmpty() || sourceIPs.getLastModified().after( m_lastRebuild ) ) {
rebuild = true;
// Do the actual rebuilding. For simplicity's sake, we always rebuild the complete
// filter list regardless of what changed.
if( rebuild ) {
m_lastRebuild = new Date();
m_spamPatterns = parseWordList( sourceSpam, ( sourceSpam != null ) ? sourceSpam.getAttribute( LISTVAR ) : null ); "Spam filter reloaded - recognizing " + m_spamPatterns.size() + " patterns from page " + m_forbiddenWordsPage );
m_IPPatterns = parseWordList( sourceIPs, ( sourceIPs != null ) ? sourceIPs.getAttribute( LISTIPVAR ) : null ); "IP filter reloaded - recognizing " + m_IPPatterns.size() + " patterns from page " + m_forbiddenIPsPage );
if( att != null ) {
final InputStream in = context.getEngine().getManager( AttachmentManager.class ).getAttachmentStream(att);
final StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
FileUtil.copyContents( new InputStreamReader( in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ), out );
final Collection< Pattern > blackList = parseBlacklist( out.toString() ); "...recognizing additional " + blackList.size() + " patterns from blacklist " + m_blacklist );
m_spamPatterns.addAll( blackList );
} catch( final IOException ex ) { "Unable to read attachment data, continuing...", ex );
} catch( final ProviderException ex ) { "Failed to read spam filter attachment, continuing...", ex );
* Does a check against a known pattern list.
* @param context
* @param content
* @param change
* @throws RedirectException
private void checkPatternList( final WikiContext context, final String content, final Change change ) throws RedirectException {
// If we have no spam patterns defined, or we're trying to save
// the page containing the patterns, just return.
if( m_spamPatterns == null || context.getPage().getName().equals( m_forbiddenWordsPage ) ) {
String ch = change.toString();
if( context.getHttpRequest() != null ) {
ch += HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( context.getHttpRequest() );
for( final Pattern p : m_spamPatterns ) {
// log.debug("Attempting to match page contents with "+p.getPattern());
if( m_matcher.contains( ch, p ) ) {
// Spam filter has a match.
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_REGEXP + "(" + p.getPattern() + ")", ch ); "SPAM:Regexp (" + uid + "). Content matches the spam filter '" + p.getPattern() + "'" );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_REGEXP, "Herb says '" + p.getPattern() + "' is a bad spam word and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
* Does a check against a pattern list of IPs.
* @param context
* @throws RedirectException
private void checkIPList( final WikiContext context ) throws RedirectException {
// If we have no IP patterns defined, or we're trying to save
// the page containing the IP patterns, just return.
if( m_IPPatterns == null || context.getPage().getName().equals( m_forbiddenIPsPage ) ) {
final String remoteIP = HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( context.getHttpRequest() );"Attempting to match remoteIP " + remoteIP + " against " + m_IPPatterns.size() + " patterns");
for( final Pattern p : m_IPPatterns ) {
log.debug("Attempting to match remoteIP with " + p.getPattern());
if( m_matcher.contains( remoteIP, p ) ) {
// IP filter has a match.
final String uid = log( context, REJECT, REASON_IP_BANNED_PERMANENTLY + "(" + p.getPattern() + ")", remoteIP ); "SPAM:IPBanList (" + uid + "). remoteIP matches the IP filter '" + p.getPattern() + "'" );
checkStrategy( context, REASON_IP_BANNED_PERMANENTLY, "Herb says '" + p.getPattern() + "' is a banned IP and I trust Herb! (Incident code " + uid + ")" );
private void checkPatternList( final WikiContext context, final String content, final String change ) throws RedirectException {
final Change c = new Change();
c.m_change = change;
checkPatternList( context, content, c );
* Creates a simple text string describing the added content.
* @param context
* @param newText
* @return Empty string, if there is no change.
private static Change getChange( final WikiContext context, final String newText ) {
final WikiPage page = context.getPage();
final StringBuffer change = new StringBuffer();
final Engine engine = context.getEngine();
// Get current page version
final Change ch = new Change();
try {
final String oldText = engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPureText( page.getName(), WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
final String[] first = Diff.stringToArray( oldText );
final String[] second = Diff.stringToArray( newText );
final Revision rev = Diff.diff( first, second, new MyersDiff() );
if( rev == null || rev.size() == 0 ) {
return ch;
for( int i = 0; i < rev.size(); i++ ) {
final Delta d = rev.getDelta( i );
if( d instanceof AddDelta ) {
d.getRevised().toString( change, "", "\r\n" );
} else if( d instanceof ChangeDelta ) {
d.getRevised().toString( change, "", "\r\n" );
} else if( d instanceof DeleteDelta ) {
} catch( final DifferentiationFailedException e ) {
log.error( "Diff failed", e );
// Don't forget to include the change note, too
final String changeNote = page.getAttribute( WikiPage.CHANGENOTE );
if( changeNote != null ) {
change.append( "\r\n" );
change.append( changeNote );
// And author as well
if( page.getAuthor() != null ) {
change.append( "\r\n" + page.getAuthor() );
ch.m_change = change.toString();
return ch;
* Returns true, if this user should be ignored. For example, admin users.
* @param context
* @return True, if this users should be ignored.
private boolean ignoreThisUser( final WikiContext context ) {
if( context.hasAdminPermissions() ) {
return true;
if( m_ignoreAuthenticated && context.getWikiSession().isAuthenticated() ) {
return true;
if( context.getVariable( "captcha" ) != null ) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a random string of six uppercase characters.
* @return A random string
private static String getUniqueID() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final Random rand = new Random();
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
final char x = ( char )( 'A' + rand.nextInt( 26 ) );
sb.append( x );
return sb.toString();
* Returns a page to which we shall redirect, based on the current value of the "captcha" parameter.
* @param ctx WikiContext
* @return An URL to redirect to
private String getRedirectPage( final WikiContext ctx ) {
if( m_useCaptcha ) {
return ctx.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, "Captcha.jsp", "page="+ctx.getEngine().encodeName( ctx.getPage().getName() ) );
return ctx.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, m_errorPage );
* Checks whether the UserProfile matches certain checks.
* @param profile The profile to check
* @param context The WikiContext
* @return False, if this userprofile is suspect and should not be allowed to be added.
* @since 2.6.1
public boolean isValidUserProfile( final WikiContext context, final UserProfile profile ) {
try {
checkPatternList( context, profile.getEmail(), profile.getEmail() );
checkPatternList( context, profile.getFullname(), profile.getFullname() );
checkPatternList( context, profile.getLoginName(), profile.getLoginName() );
} catch( final RedirectException e ) {"Detected attempt to create a spammer user account (see above for rejection reason)");
return false;
return true;
* This method is used to calculate an unique code when submitting the page to detect edit conflicts.
* It currently incorporates the last-modified date of the page, and the IP address of the submitter.
* @param page The WikiPage under edit
* @param request The HTTP Request
* @since 2.6
* @return A hash value for this page and session
public static final String getSpamHash( final WikiPage page, final HttpServletRequest request ) {
long lastModified = 0;
if( page.getLastModified() != null ) {
lastModified = page.getLastModified().getTime();
final long remote = HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( request ).hashCode();
return Long.toString( lastModified ^ remote );
* Returns the name of the hash field to be used in this request. The value is unique per session, and once
* the session has expired, you cannot edit anymore.
* @param request The page request
* @return The name to be used in the hash field
* @since 2.6
public static final String getHashFieldName( final HttpServletRequest request ) {
String hash = null;
if( request.getSession() != null ) {
hash = ( String )request.getSession().getAttribute( "_hash" );
if( hash == null ) {
hash = c_hashName;
request.getSession().setAttribute( "_hash", hash );
if( c_hashName == null || c_lastUpdate < ( System.currentTimeMillis() - HASH_DELAY * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ) {
c_hashName = getUniqueID().toLowerCase();
c_lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
return hash != null ? hash : c_hashName;
* This method checks if the hash value is still valid, i.e. if it exists at all. This can occur in two cases:
* either this is a spam bot which is not adaptive, or it is someone who has been editing one page for too long,
* and their session has expired.
* <p>
* This method puts a redirect to the http response field to page "SessionExpired" and logs the incident in
* the spam log (it may or may not be spam, but it's rather likely that it is).
* @param context The WikiContext
* @param pageContext The JSP PageContext.
* @return True, if hash is okay. False, if hash is not okay, and you need to redirect.
* @throws IOException If redirection fails
* @since 2.6
public static final boolean checkHash( final WikiContext context, final PageContext pageContext ) throws IOException {
final String hashName = getHashFieldName( (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest() );
if( pageContext.getRequest().getParameter(hashName) == null ) {
if( pageContext.getAttribute( hashName ) == null ) {
final Change change = getChange( context, EditorManager.getEditedText( pageContext ) );
log( context, REJECT, "MissingHash", change.m_change );
final String redirect = context.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW,"SessionExpired" );
( ( HttpServletResponse )pageContext.getResponse() ).sendRedirect( redirect );
return false;
return true;
* This helper method adds all the input fields to your editor that the SpamFilter requires
* to check for spam. This <i>must</i> be in your editor form if you intend to use the SpamFilter.
* @param pageContext The PageContext
* @return A HTML string which contains input fields for the SpamFilter.
public static final String insertInputFields( final PageContext pageContext ) {
final WikiContext ctx = WikiContext.findContext( pageContext );
final Engine engine = ctx.getEngine();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if( engine.getContentEncoding().equals( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) ) {
sb.append( "<input name='encodingcheck' type='hidden' value='\u3041' />\n" );
return sb.toString();
* A local class for storing host information.
* @since
private class Host {
private long m_addedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private long m_releaseTime;
private String m_address;
private Change m_change;
public String getAddress() {
return m_address;
public long getReleaseTime() {
return m_releaseTime;
public long getAddedTime() {
return m_addedTime;
public Change getChange() {
return m_change;
public Host( final String ipaddress, final Change change ) {
m_address = ipaddress;
m_change = change;
m_releaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + m_banTime * 60 * 1000L;
private static class Change {
public String m_change;
public int m_adds;
public int m_removals;
@Override public String toString() {
return m_change;
@Override public boolean equals( final Object o ) {
if( o instanceof Change ) {
return m_change.equals( ( ( Change )o ).m_change );
return false;
@Override public int hashCode() {
return m_change.hashCode() + 17;