blob: 282f2a5a22a662298259cb062d2c2a6998e3d6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.awaitility.Awaitility;
import org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public class BasicAttachmentProviderTest {
public static final String NAME1 = "FirstTestPage";
public static final String NAME2 = "AfterFirstTestPage";
Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
TestEngine m_engine;
BasicAttachmentProvider m_provider;
/** This is the sound of my head hitting the keyboard. */
private static final String FILE_CONTENTS = "gy th tgyhgthygyth tgyfgftrfgvtgfgtr";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
m_provider = new BasicAttachmentProvider();
m_provider.initialize( m_engine, props );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "Foobar" );
m_engine.saveText( NAME2, "Foobar2" );
private File makeAttachmentFile() throws Exception {
final File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test-",".txt");
return copyContents( tmpFile );
private File makeExtraFile( final File directory, final String name ) throws Exception {
final File tmpFile = new File( directory, name );
return copyContents( tmpFile );
private File copyContents( final File to ) throws Exception {
try( final FileWriter out = new FileWriter( to ) ) {
FileUtil.copyContents( new StringReader( FILE_CONTENTS ), out );
return to;
public void testExtension() {
final String s = "test.png";
Assertions.assertEquals( "png", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
public void testExtension2() {
final String s = ".foo";
Assertions.assertEquals( "foo", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
public void testExtension3() {
final String s = "test.png.3";
Assertions.assertEquals( "3", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
public void testExtension4() {
final String s = "testpng";
Assertions.assertEquals( "bin", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
public void testExtension5() {
final String s = "test.";
Assertions.assertEquals( "bin", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
public void testExtension6() {
final String s = "test.a";
Assertions.assertEquals( "a", BasicAttachmentProvider.getFileExtension(s) );
* Can we save attachments with names in UTF-8 range?
public void testPutAttachmentUTF8() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "\u3072\u3048\u308b\u00e5\u00e4\u00f6test.f\u00fc\u00fc" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date(0L) );
final Attachment a0 = res.get(0);
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a0.getName(), "name" );
public void testGetAttachmentDataRaisesProviderExceptionIfInexistentFileOnDisk() {
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1.txt" );
Assertions.assertThrows( ProviderException.class, () -> m_provider.getAttachmentData( att ) );
ConditionFactory awaitility() {
return Awaitility.given().ignoreException( ProviderException.class );
* Actual save on disk is OS-dependent, meaning the files of two consecutive attachment saves may end up having the
* same last modified date. As we'll check the order of {@link BasicAttachmentProvider#listAllChanged(Date)}, we must
* wait until the file saved is actually on disk.
* If after all, the next saves of two consecutive attachments end up with the same last modified date,
* {@link BasicAttachmentProvider#listAllChanged(Date)} will sort attachments using wiki page names and versions,
* so we're preparing attachment names too in order to not mangle with the assertions.
* @param att attachment to check
* @return {@code Callable< Boolean.TRUE >} or {@code ProviderException}.
Callable< Boolean > attachmentIsSaved( final Attachment att ) {
return () -> {
m_provider.getAttachmentData( att ).close(); // throws exception if file does not exist on disk
return true;
public void testListAll() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
awaitility().await( "testListAll" ).until( attachmentIsSaved( att ) );
final Attachment att2 = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME2, "test2.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att2, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date(0L) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, res.size(), "list size" );
final Attachment a2 = res.get(0); // Most recently changed
final Attachment a1 = res.get(1); // Least recently changed
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a1.getName(), "a1 name :: " + res );
Assertions.assertEquals( att2.getName(), a2.getName(), "a2 name :: " + res );
* Check that the system does not if there are extra files in the directory.
public void testListAllExtrafile() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final File sDir = new File(m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( BasicAttachmentProvider.PROP_STORAGEDIR ) );
makeExtraFile( sDir, "foobar.blob" );
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
awaitility().await( "testListAllExtrafile" ).until( attachmentIsSaved( att ) );
final Attachment att2 = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME2, "test2.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att2, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date(0L) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, res.size(), "list size" );
final Attachment a2 = res.get(0); // Most recently changed
final Attachment a1 = res.get(1); // Least recently changed
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a1.getName(), "a1 name :: " + res );
Assertions.assertEquals( att2.getName(), a2.getName(), "a2 name :: " + res );
* Check that the system does not if there are extra files in the attachment directory.
public void testListAllExtrafileInAttachmentDir() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final File sDir = new File( m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( BasicAttachmentProvider.PROP_STORAGEDIR ) );
final File attDir = new File( sDir, NAME1+"-att" );
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
makeExtraFile( attDir, "ping.pong" );
awaitility().await( "testListAllExtrafileInAttachmentDir" ).until( attachmentIsSaved( att ) );
final Attachment att2 = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME2, "test2.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att2, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date(0L) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, res.size(), "list size" );
final Attachment a2 = res.get(0); // Most recently changed
final Attachment a1 = res.get(1); // Least recently changed
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a1.getName(), "a1 name :: " + res );
Assertions.assertEquals( att2.getName(), a2.getName(), "a2 name :: " + res );
* Check that the system does not if there are extra dirs in the attachment directory.
public void testListAllExtradirInAttachmentDir() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final File sDir = new File(m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( BasicAttachmentProvider.PROP_STORAGEDIR ));
final File attDir = new File( sDir, NAME1+"-att" );
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
// This is our extraneous directory.
final File extrafile = new File( attDir, "ping.pong" );
awaitility().await( "testListAllExtradirInAttachmentDir" ).until( attachmentIsSaved( att ) );
final Attachment att2 = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME2, "test2.txt" );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att2, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date(0L) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, res.size(), "list size" );
final Attachment a2 = res.get(0); // Most recently changed
final Attachment a1 = res.get(1); // Least recently changed
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a1.getName(), "a1 name :: " + res );
Assertions.assertEquals( att2.getName(), a2.getName(), "a2 name :: " + res );
public void testListAllNoExtension() throws Exception {
final File in = makeAttachmentFile();
final Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "test1." );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att, new FileInputStream(in) );
awaitility().await( "testListAllNoExtension" ).until( attachmentIsSaved( att ) );
final Attachment att2 = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME2, "test2." );
m_provider.putAttachmentData( att2, new FileInputStream(in) );
final List< Attachment > res = m_provider.listAllChanged( new Date( 0L ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, res.size(), "list size" );
final Attachment a2 = res.get(0); // Most recently changed
final Attachment a1 = res.get(1); // Least recently changed
Assertions.assertEquals( att.getName(), a1.getName(), "a1 name :: " + res );
Assertions.assertEquals( att2.getName(), a2.getName(), "a2 name :: " + res );