blob: 0cae15a355a73eeffaf6436f8476822b7197e253 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Provides Wiki services to the JSP page.
* <P>
* This is the main interface through which everything should go.
* <P>
* Using this class: Always get yourself an instance from JSP page
* by using the WikiEngine.getInstance() method. Never create a new
* WikiEngine() from scratch, unless you're writing tests.
* <p>
* There's basically only a single WikiEngine for each web application, and
* you should always get it using the WikiEngine.getInstance() method.
public class WikiEngine {
private static final String ATTR_WIKIENGINE = "";
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WikiEngine.class);
/** True, if log4j has been configured. */
// FIXME: If you run multiple applications, the first application
// to run defines where the log goes. Not what we want.
private static boolean c_configured = false;
/** Stores properties. */
private Properties m_properties;
/** The default inlining pattern. Currently "*.png" */
public static final String DEFAULT_INLINEPATTERN = "*.png";
/** The name used for the default template. The value is {@value}. */
public static final String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME = "default";
/** Property for application name */
public static final String PROP_APPNAME = "jspwiki.applicationName";
/** This property defines the inline image pattern. It's current value is {@value} */
public static final String PROP_INLINEIMAGEPTRN = "jspwiki.translatorReader.inlinePattern";
/** Property start for any interwiki reference. */
public static final String PROP_INTERWIKIREF = "jspwiki.interWikiRef.";
/** If true, then the user name will be stored with the page data.*/
public static final String PROP_STOREUSERNAME= "jspwiki.storeUserName";
/** Define the used encoding. Currently supported are ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 */
public static final String PROP_ENCODING = "jspwiki.encoding";
/** Do not use encoding in WikiJSPFilter, default is false for most servers.
Double negative, cause for most servers you don't need the property */
public static final String PROP_NO_FILTER_ENCODING = "jspwiki.nofilterencoding";
/** The name for the property which allows you to set the current reference style. The value is {@value}. */
public static final String PROP_REFSTYLE = "jspwiki.referenceStyle";
/** Property name for the "spaces in titles" -hack. */
public static final String PROP_BEAUTIFYTITLE = "jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces";
/** Property name for where the jspwiki work directory should be.
If not specified, reverts to ${java.tmpdir}. */
public static final String PROP_WORKDIR = "jspwiki.workDir";
/** The name of the cookie that gets stored to the user browser. */
public static final String PREFS_COOKIE_NAME = "JSPWikiUserProfile";
/** Property name for the "match english plurals" -hack. */
public static final String PROP_MATCHPLURALS = "jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals";
/** Property name for the template that is used. */
public static final String PROP_TEMPLATEDIR = "jspwiki.templateDir";
/** Property name for the default front page. */
public static final String PROP_FRONTPAGE = "jspwiki.frontPage";
/** Property name for setting the url generator instance */
public static final String PROP_URLCONSTRUCTOR = "jspwiki.urlConstructor";
/** If this property is set to false, all filters are disabled when translating. */
public static final String PROP_RUNFILTERS = "jspwiki.runFilters";
/** Does the work in renaming pages. */
private PageRenamer m_pageRenamer = null;
/** The name of the property containing the ACLManager implementing class. The value is {@value}. */
public static final String PROP_ACL_MANAGER_IMPL = "jspwiki.aclManager";
/** If this property is set to false, we don't allow the creation of empty pages */
public static final String PROP_ALLOW_CREATION_OF_EMPTY_PAGES = "jspwiki.allowCreationOfEmptyPages";
/** Should the user info be saved with the page data as well? */
private boolean m_saveUserInfo = true;
/** If true, uses UTF8 encoding for all data */
private boolean m_useUTF8 = true;
/** Store the file path to the basic URL. When we're not running as a servlet, it defaults to the user's current directory. */
private String m_rootPath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
/** Stores references between wikipages. */
private ReferenceManager m_referenceManager = null;
/** Stores the Plugin manager */
private PluginManager m_pluginManager;
/** Stores the Variable manager */
private VariableManager m_variableManager;
/** Stores the Attachment manager */
private AttachmentManager m_attachmentManager = null;
/** Stores the Page manager */
private PageManager m_pageManager = null;
/** Stores the authorization manager */
private AuthorizationManager m_authorizationManager = null;
/** Stores the authentication manager.*/
private AuthenticationManager m_authenticationManager = null;
/** Stores the ACL manager. */
private AclManager m_aclManager = null;
/** Resolves wiki actions, JSPs and special pages. */
private CommandResolver m_commandResolver = null;
private TemplateManager m_templateManager = null;
/** Does all our diffs for us. */
private DifferenceManager m_differenceManager;
/** Handlers page filters. */
private FilterManager m_filterManager;
/** Stores the Search manager */
private SearchManager m_searchManager = null;
/** Facade for managing users */
private UserManager m_userManager = null;
/** Facade for managing users */
private GroupManager m_groupManager = null;
private RenderingManager m_renderingManager;
private EditorManager m_editorManager;
private InternationalizationManager m_internationalizationManager;
private ProgressManager m_progressManager;
private TasksManager m_tasksManager;
/** Constructs URLs */
private URLConstructor m_urlConstructor;
/** Generates RSS feed when requested. */
private RSSGenerator m_rssGenerator;
/** The RSS file to generate. */
private String m_rssFile;
/** Store the ServletContext that we're in. This may be null if WikiEngine
is not running inside a servlet container (i.e. when testing). */
private ServletContext m_servletContext = null;
/** If true, all titles will be cleaned. */
private boolean m_beautifyTitle = false;
/** Stores the template path. This is relative to "templates". */
private String m_templateDir;
/** The default front page name. Defaults to "Main". */
private String m_frontPage;
/** The time when this engine was started. */
private Date m_startTime;
/** The location where the work directory is. */
private String m_workDir;
/** Each engine has their own application id. */
private String m_appid = "";
private boolean m_isConfigured = false; // Flag.
/** Each engine has its own workflow manager. */
private WorkflowManager m_workflowMgr = null;
private AdminBeanManager m_adminBeanManager;
/** Stores wikiengine attributes. */
private Map<String,Object> m_attributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Gets a WikiEngine related to this servlet. Since this method
* is only called from JSP pages (and JspInit()) to be specific,
* we throw a RuntimeException if things don't work.
* @param config The ServletConfig object for this servlet.
* @return A WikiEngine instance.
* @throws InternalWikiException in case something fails. This is a RuntimeException, so be prepared for it.
// FIXME: It seems that this does not work too well, jspInit()
// does not react to RuntimeExceptions, or something...
public static synchronized WikiEngine getInstance( final ServletConfig config ) throws InternalWikiException {
return getInstance( config.getServletContext(), null );
* Gets a WikiEngine related to the servlet. Works like getInstance(ServletConfig),
* but does not force the Properties object. This method is just an optional way
* of initializing a WikiEngine for embedded JSPWiki applications; normally, you
* should use getInstance(ServletConfig).
* @param config The ServletConfig of the webapp servlet/JSP calling this method.
* @param props A set of properties, or null, if we are to load JSPWiki's default
* (this is the usual case).
* @return One well-behaving WikiEngine instance.
public static synchronized WikiEngine getInstance( final ServletConfig config, final Properties props ) {
return getInstance( config.getServletContext(), props );
* Gets a WikiEngine related to the servlet. Works just like getInstance( ServletConfig )
* @param context The ServletContext of the webapp servlet/JSP calling this method.
* @param props A set of properties, or null, if we are to load JSPWiki's default
* (this is the usual case).
* @return One fully functional, properly behaving WikiEngine.
* @throws InternalWikiException If the WikiEngine instantiation fails.
// FIXME: Potential make-things-easier thingy here: no need to fetch the wikiengine anymore
// Wiki.jsp.jspInit() [really old code]; it's probably even faster to fetch it
// using this method every time than go to pageContext.getAttribute().
public static synchronized WikiEngine getInstance( final ServletContext context, Properties props ) throws InternalWikiException {
WikiEngine engine = ( WikiEngine )context.getAttribute( ATTR_WIKIENGINE );
if( engine == null ) {
final String appid = Integer.toString(context.hashCode()); //FIXME: Kludge, use real type.
context.log(" Assigning new engine to "+appid);
try {
if( props == null ) {
props = PropertyReader.loadWebAppProps( context );
engine = new WikiEngine( context, appid, props );
context.setAttribute( ATTR_WIKIENGINE, engine );
} catch( final Exception e ) {
context.log( "ERROR: Failed to create a Wiki engine: "+e.getMessage() );
log.error( "ERROR: Failed to create a Wiki engine, stacktrace follows " , e);
throw new InternalWikiException( "No wiki engine, check logs." , e);
return engine;
* Instantiate the WikiEngine using a given set of properties.
* Use this constructor for testing purposes only.
* @param properties A set of properties to use to initialize this WikiEngine.
* @throws WikiException If the initialization fails.
public WikiEngine( final Properties properties ) throws WikiException {
initialize( properties );
* Instantiate using this method when you're running as a servlet and
* WikiEngine will figure out where to look for the property
* file.
* Do not use this method - use WikiEngine.getInstance() instead.
* @param context A ServletContext.
* @param appid An Application ID. This application is an unique random string which
* is used to recognize this WikiEngine.
* @param props The WikiEngine configuration.
* @throws WikiException If the WikiEngine construction fails.
protected WikiEngine( final ServletContext context, final String appid, final Properties props ) throws WikiException {
m_servletContext = context;
m_appid = appid;
// Stash the WikiEngine in the servlet context
if ( context != null ) {
context.setAttribute( ATTR_WIKIENGINE, this );
m_rootPath = context.getRealPath("/");
try {
// Note: May be null, if JSPWiki has been deployed in a WAR file.
initialize( props ); "Root path for this Wiki is: '" + m_rootPath + "'" );
} catch( final Exception e ) {
final String msg = Release.APPNAME+": Unable to load and setup properties from "+e.getMessage();
if ( context != null ) {
context.log( msg );
throw new WikiException( msg, e );
* Does all the real initialization.
private void initialize( final Properties props ) throws WikiException {
m_startTime = new Date();
m_properties = props;
// Initialize log4j. However, make sure that we don't initialize it multiple times.
// By default we load the log4j config statements from, unless
// the property jspwiki.use.external.logconfig=true, in that case we let log4j figure out the
// logging configuration.
if( !c_configured ) {
final String useExternalLogConfig = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props,"jspwiki.use.external.logconfig","false" );
if( useExternalLogConfig == null || useExternalLogConfig.equals( "false" ) ) {
PropertyConfigurator.configure( props );
c_configured = true;
} "*******************************************" ); Release.APPNAME + " " + Release.getVersionString() + " starting. Whee!" );
fireEvent( WikiEngineEvent.INITIALIZING ); // begin initialization
log.debug("Java version: "+System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"));
log.debug("Java vendor: "+System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"));
log.debug("OS: "+System.getProperty("")+" "+System.getProperty("os.version")+" "+System.getProperty("os.arch"));
log.debug("Default server locale: "+Locale.getDefault());
log.debug("Default server timezone: "+TimeZone.getDefault().getDisplayName(true, TimeZone.LONG));
if( m_servletContext != null )
{"Servlet container: "+m_servletContext.getServerInfo() );
if( m_servletContext.getMajorVersion() < 2 ||
(m_servletContext.getMajorVersion() == 2 && m_servletContext.getMinorVersion() < 4) )
throw new InternalWikiException("I require a container which supports at least version 2.4 of Servlet specification");
log.debug("Configuring WikiEngine...");
// Initializes the CommandResolver
m_commandResolver = new CommandResolver( this, props );
// Create and find the default working directory.
m_workDir = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_WORKDIR, null );
if( m_workDir == null ) {
m_workDir = System.getProperty("", ".");
m_workDir += File.separator+Release.APPNAME+"-"+m_appid;
try {
final File f = new File( m_workDir );
// A bunch of sanity checks
if( !f.exists() ) {
throw new WikiException("Work directory does not exist: "+m_workDir);
if( !f.canRead() ) {
throw new WikiException("No permission to read work directory: "+m_workDir);
if( !f.canWrite() ) {
throw new WikiException("No permission to write to work directory: "+m_workDir);
if( !f.isDirectory() ) {
throw new WikiException("jspwiki.workDir does not point to a directory: "+m_workDir);
} catch( final SecurityException e ) {
log.fatal( "Unable to find or create the working directory: "+m_workDir, e );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find or create the working dir: " + m_workDir, e );
} "JSPWiki working directory is '" + m_workDir + "'" );
m_saveUserInfo = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, PROP_STOREUSERNAME, m_saveUserInfo );
m_useUTF8 = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_ENCODING, ) );
m_beautifyTitle = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, PROP_BEAUTIFYTITLE, m_beautifyTitle );
m_templateDir = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_TEMPLATEDIR, "default" );
m_frontPage = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_FRONTPAGE, "Main" );
// Initialize the important modules. Any exception thrown by the
// managers means that we will not start up.
// FIXME: This part of the code is getting unwieldy. We must think
// of a better way to do the startup-sequence.
try {
final Class< ? > urlclass = ClassUtil.findClass( "",
TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_URLCONSTRUCTOR, "DefaultURLConstructor" ) );
m_urlConstructor = ( URLConstructor ) urlclass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
m_urlConstructor.initialize( this, props );
m_pageManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( PageManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_pluginManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( PluginManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_differenceManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( DifferenceManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_attachmentManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( AttachmentManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_variableManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( VariableManager.class.getName(), props );
m_renderingManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( RenderingManager.class.getName() );
m_searchManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( SearchManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_authenticationManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( AuthenticationManager.class.getName() );
m_authorizationManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( AuthorizationManager.class.getName() );
m_userManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( UserManager.class.getName() );
m_groupManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( GroupManager.class.getName() );
m_editorManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( EditorManager.class.getName(), this );
m_editorManager.initialize( props );
m_progressManager = new ProgressManager();
// Initialize the authentication, authorization, user and acl managers
m_authenticationManager.initialize( this, props );
m_authorizationManager.initialize( this, props );
m_userManager.initialize( this, props );
m_groupManager.initialize( this, props );
m_aclManager = getAclManager();
// Start the Workflow manager
m_workflowMgr = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(WorkflowManager.class.getName());
m_workflowMgr.initialize(this, props);
m_tasksManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(TasksManager.class.getName());
m_internationalizationManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(InternationalizationManager.class.getName(),this);
m_templateManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(TemplateManager.class.getName(), this, props );
// Since we want to use a page filters initilize() method
// as a engine startup listener where we can initialize global event listeners,
// it must be called lastly, so that all object references in the engine
// are availabe to the initialize() method
m_filterManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(FilterManager.class.getName(), this, props );
m_adminBeanManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AdminBeanManager.class.getName(),this);
// RenderingManager depends on FilterManager events.
m_renderingManager.initialize( this, props );
// ReferenceManager has the side effect of loading all
// pages. Therefore after this point, all page attributes
// are available.
// initReferenceManager is indirectly using m_filterManager, therefore
// it has to be called after it was initialized.
// Hook the different manager routines into the system.
m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_referenceManager, -1001 );
m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_searchManager, -1002 );
} catch( final RuntimeException e ) {
// RuntimeExceptions may occur here, even if they shouldn't.
log.fatal( "Failed to start managers.", e );
throw new WikiException( "Failed to start managers: " + e.getMessage(), e );
} catch( final ClassNotFoundException e ) {
log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor was not found: " + e.getMessage(), e );
throw new WikiException( e.getMessage(), e );
} catch( final InstantiationException e ) {
log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor could not be instantiated: " + e.getMessage(), e );
throw new WikiException( e.getMessage(), e );
} catch( final IllegalAccessException e ) {
log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor cannot be accessed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
throw new WikiException( e.getMessage(), e );
} catch( final Exception e ) {
// Final catch-all for everything
log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, due to an unknown exception when starting.",e );
throw new WikiException( "Failed to start. Caused by: " + e.getMessage() +
"; please check log files for better information.", e );
// Initialize the good-to-have-but-not-fatal modules.
try {
if( TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props, RSSGenerator.PROP_GENERATE_RSS,false ) ) {
m_rssGenerator = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( RSSGenerator.class.getName(), this, props );
m_pageRenamer = ClassUtil.getMappedObject( PageRenamer.class.getName(), this, props );
} catch( final Exception e ) {
log.error( "Unable to start RSS generator - JSPWiki will still work, but there will be no RSS feed.", e );
// Start the RSS generator & generator thread
if( m_rssGenerator != null ) {
m_rssFile = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, RSSGenerator.PROP_RSSFILE, "rss.rdf" );
final File rssFile;
if( m_rssFile.startsWith( File.separator ) ) { // honor absolute pathnames:
rssFile = new File(m_rssFile );
} else { // relative path names are anchored from the webapp root path:
rssFile = new File( getRootPath(), m_rssFile );
final int rssInterval = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( props, RSSGenerator.PROP_INTERVAL, 3600 );
final RSSThread rssThread = new RSSThread( this, rssFile, rssInterval );
fireEvent( WikiEngineEvent.INITIALIZED ); // initialization complete"WikiEngine configured.");
m_isConfigured = true;
* Checks if the template directory specified in the wiki's properties actually exists. If it doesn't, then {@code m_templateDir} is
* set to {@link #DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME}.
* <p>
* This checks the existence of the <tt>ViewTemplate.jsp</tt> file, which exists in every template using {@code m_servletContext.getRealPath("/")}.
* <p>
* {@code m_servletContext.getRealPath("/")} can return {@code null} on certain servers/conditions (f.ex, packed wars), an extra check
* against {@code m_servletContext.getResource} is made.
void enforceValidTemplateDirectory() {
if( m_servletContext != null ) {
final String viewTemplate = "templates" + File.separator + getTemplateDir() + File.separator + "ViewTemplate.jsp";
boolean exists = new File( m_servletContext.getRealPath("/") + viewTemplate ).exists();
if( !exists ) {
try {
final URL url = m_servletContext.getResource( viewTemplate );
exists = url != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( url.getFile() );
} catch( final MalformedURLException e ) {
exists = false;
if( !exists ) {
log.warn( getTemplateDir() + " template not found, updating WikiEngine's default template to " + DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME );
* Initializes the reference manager. Scans all existing WikiPages for
* internal links and adds them to the ReferenceManager object.
* @throws WikiException If the reference manager initialization fails.
public void initReferenceManager() throws WikiException {
try {
final ArrayList<WikiPage> pages = new ArrayList<>();
pages.addAll( m_pageManager.getAllPages() );
pages.addAll( m_attachmentManager.getAllAttachments() );
// Build a new manager with default key lists.
if( m_referenceManager == null ) {
m_referenceManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(ReferenceManager.class.getName(), this );
m_referenceManager.initialize( pages );
} catch( final ProviderException e ) {
log.fatal("PageProvider is unable to list pages: ", e);
} catch( final ReflectiveOperationException | IllegalArgumentException e ) {
throw new WikiException( "Could not instantiate ReferenceManager: " + e.getMessage(), e );
* Returns the set of properties that the WikiEngine was initialized
* with. Note that this method returns a direct reference, so it's possible
* to manipulate the properties. However, this is not advised unless you
* really know what you're doing.
* @return The wiki properties
public Properties getWikiProperties()
return m_properties;
* Returns the JSPWiki working directory set with "jspwiki.workDir".
* @since 2.1.100
* @return The working directory.
public String getWorkDir()
return m_workDir;
* Returns the current template directory.
* @since 1.9.20
* @return The template directory as initialized by the engine.
public String getTemplateDir()
return m_templateDir;
* Returns the current TemplateManager.
* @return A TemplateManager instance.
public TemplateManager getTemplateManager()
return m_templateManager;
* Returns the base URL, telling where this Wiki actually lives.
* @since 1.6.1
* @return The Base URL.
public String getBaseURL() {
return m_servletContext.getContextPath();
* Returns the moment when this engine was started.
* @since 2.0.15.
* @return The start time of this wiki.
public Date getStartTime()
return (Date)m_startTime.clone();
* <p>
* Returns the basic absolute URL to a page, without any modifications. You may add any parameters to this.
* </p>
* <p>
* Since 2.3.90 it is safe to call this method with <code>null</code> pageName, in which case it will default to the front page.
* </p>
* @since 2.0.3
* @param pageName The name of the page. May be null, in which case defaults to the front page.
* @return An absolute URL to the page.
public String getViewURL( String pageName ) {
if( pageName == null ) {
pageName = getFrontPage();
//FIXME: final boolean absolute = getVariableManager().getVariable( this, WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE );
return getURLConstructor().makeURL( WikiContext.VIEW, pageName, "absolute".equals( PROP_REFSTYLE ), null );
* Returns an URL if a WikiContext is not available.
* @param context The WikiContext (VIEW, EDIT, etc...)
* @param pageName Name of the page, as usual
* @param params List of parameters. May be null, if no parameters.
* @param absolute If true, will generate an absolute URL regardless of properties setting.
* @return An URL (absolute or relative).
public String getURL( final String context, String pageName, final String params, final boolean absolute ) {
if( pageName == null ) {
pageName = getFrontPage();
return m_urlConstructor.makeURL( context, pageName, absolute, params );
* Returns the default front page, if no page is used.
* @return The front page name.
public String getFrontPage()
return m_frontPage;
* Returns the ServletContext that this particular WikiEngine was
* initialized with. <B>It may return null</B>, if the WikiEngine is not
* running inside a servlet container!
* @since 1.7.10
* @return ServletContext of the WikiEngine, or null.
public ServletContext getServletContext()
return m_servletContext;
* Returns an URL to some other Wiki that we know.
* @param wikiName The name of the other wiki.
* @return null, if no such reference was found.
public String getInterWikiURL( final String wikiName ) {
return TextUtil.getStringProperty( m_properties,PROP_INTERWIKIREF + wikiName,null );
* Returns a collection of all supported InterWiki links.
* @return A Collection of Strings.
public Collection< String > getAllInterWikiLinks() {
final ArrayList< String > list = new ArrayList< >();
for( final Enumeration< ? > i = m_properties.propertyNames(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) {
final String prop = ( String )i.nextElement();
if( prop.startsWith( PROP_INTERWIKIREF ) ) {
list.add( prop.substring( prop.lastIndexOf( "." ) + 1 ) );
return list;
* Returns a collection of all image types that get inlined.
* @return A Collection of Strings with a regexp pattern.
public Collection< String > getAllInlinedImagePatterns() {
final ArrayList< String > ptrnlist = new ArrayList<>();
for( Enumeration< ? > e = m_properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
final String name = ( String )e.nextElement();
if( name.startsWith( PROP_INLINEIMAGEPTRN ) ) {
ptrnlist.add( TextUtil.getStringProperty( m_properties, name, null ) );
if( ptrnlist.size() == 0 ) {
return ptrnlist;
* <p>If the page is a special page, then returns a direct URL to that page. Otherwise returns <code>null</code>.
* This method delegates requests to {@link}.
* </p>
* <p>
* Special pages are defined in using the jspwiki.specialPage setting. They're typically used to give Wiki page
* names to e.g. custom JSP pages.
* </p>
* @param original The page to check
* @return A reference to the page, or null, if there's no special page.
public String getSpecialPageReference( final String original )
return m_commandResolver.getSpecialPageReference( original );
* Returns the name of the application.
* @return A string describing the name of this application.
// FIXME: Should use servlet context as a default instead of a constant.
public String getApplicationName() {
String appName = TextUtil.getStringProperty( m_properties, PROP_APPNAME, Release.APPNAME );
return MarkupParser.cleanLink( appName );
* Beautifies the title of the page by appending spaces in suitable places, if the user has so decreed in the properties when
* constructing this WikiEngine. However, attachment names are only beautified by the name.
* @param title The title to beautify
* @return A beautified title (or, if beautification is off, returns the title without modification)
* @since 1.7.11
public String beautifyTitle( final String title ) {
if( m_beautifyTitle ) {
try {
final Attachment att = m_attachmentManager.getAttachmentInfo( title );
if( att == null ) {
return TextUtil.beautifyString( title );
final String parent = TextUtil.beautifyString( att.getParentName() );
return parent + "/" + att.getFileName();
} catch( final ProviderException e ) {
return title;
return title;
* Beautifies the title of the page by appending non-breaking spaces in suitable places. This is really suitable only for HTML output,
* as it uses the &amp;nbsp; -character.
* @param title The title to beautify
* @return A beautified title.
* @since 2.1.127
public String beautifyTitleNoBreak( final String title ) {
if( m_beautifyTitle ) {
return TextUtil.beautifyString( title, "&nbsp;" );
return title;
* Returns the correct page name, or null, if no such page can be found. Aliases are considered. This method simply delegates to
* {@link}.
* @since 2.0
* @param page Page name.
* @return The rewritten page name, or null, if the page does not exist.
* @throws ProviderException If something goes wrong in the backend.
public String getFinalPageName( final String page ) throws ProviderException {
return m_commandResolver.getFinalPageName( page );
* Turns a WikiName into something that can be called through using an URL.
* @since 1.4.1
* @param pagename A name. Can be actually any string.
* @return A properly encoded name.
* @see #decodeName(String)
public String encodeName( final String pagename ) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode( pagename, m_useUTF8 ? "UTF-8" : "ISO-8859-1" );
} catch( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
throw new InternalWikiException( "ISO-8859-1 not a supported encoding!?! Your platform is borked." , e);
* Decodes a URL-encoded request back to regular life. This properly heeds the encoding as defined in the settings file.
* @param pagerequest The URL-encoded string to decode
* @return A decoded string.
* @see #encodeName(String)
public String decodeName( final String pagerequest ) {
try {
return URLDecoder.decode( pagerequest, m_useUTF8 ? "UTF-8" : "ISO-8859-1" );
} catch( final UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
throw new InternalWikiException("ISO-8859-1 not a supported encoding!?! Your platform is borked.", e);
* Returns the IANA name of the character set encoding we're supposed to be using right now.
* @since 1.5.3
* @return The content encoding (either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1).
public Charset getContentEncoding() {
if( m_useUTF8 ) {
return StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
return StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1;
* Returns the {@link} associated with this WikiEngine. If the WIkiEngine has not been
* initialized, this method will return <code>null</code>.
* @return the task queue
public WorkflowManager getWorkflowManager()
return m_workflowMgr;
* Returns the converted HTML of the page using a different context than the default context.
* @param context A WikiContext in which you wish to render this page in.
* @param page WikiPage reference.
* @return HTML-rendered version of the page.
public String getHTML( final WikiContext context, final WikiPage page ) {
final String pagedata = getPageManager().getPureText( page.getName(), page.getVersion() );
return textToHTML( context, pagedata );
* Returns the converted HTML of the page.
* @param page WikiName of the page to convert.
* @return HTML-rendered version of the page.
public String getHTML( final String page )
return getHTML( page, WikiPageProvider.LATEST_VERSION );
* Returns the converted HTML of the page's specific version. The version must be a positive integer, otherwise the current
* version is returned.
* @param pagename WikiName of the page to convert.
* @param version Version number to fetch
* @return HTML-rendered page text.
public String getHTML( final String pagename, final int version ) {
final WikiPage page = getPageManager().getPage( pagename, version );
final WikiContext context = new WikiContext( this, page );
context.setRequestContext( WikiContext.NONE );
return getHTML( context, page );
* Converts raw page data to HTML.
* @param pagedata Raw page data to convert to HTML
* @param context The WikiContext in which the page is to be rendered
* @return Rendered page text
public String textToHTML( final WikiContext context, String pagedata ) {
String result = "";
final boolean runFilters = "true".equals(m_variableManager.getValue(context,PROP_RUNFILTERS,"true"));
final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
try {
if( runFilters ) {
pagedata = m_filterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering( context, pagedata );
result = m_renderingManager.getHTML( context, pagedata );
if( runFilters ) {
result = m_filterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering( context, result );
} catch( final FilterException e ) {
log.error( "page filter threw exception: ", e );
// FIXME: Don't yet know what to do
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "Page " + context.getRealPage().getName() + " rendered, took " + sw );
return result;
* Protected method that signals that the WikiEngine will be shut down by the servlet container. It is called by
* {@link WikiServlet#destroy()}. When this method is called, it fires a "shutdown" WikiEngineEvent to all registered listeners.
protected void shutdown() {
fireEvent( WikiEngineEvent.SHUTDOWN );
* Just convert WikiText to HTML.
* @param context The WikiContext in which to do the conversion
* @param pagedata The data to render
* @param localLinkHook Is called whenever a wiki link is found
* @param extLinkHook Is called whenever an external link is found
* @return HTML-rendered page text.
public String textToHTML( final WikiContext context,
final String pagedata,
final StringTransmutator localLinkHook,
final StringTransmutator extLinkHook ) {
return textToHTML( context, pagedata, localLinkHook, extLinkHook, null, true, false );
* Just convert WikiText to HTML.
* @param context The WikiContext in which to do the conversion
* @param pagedata The data to render
* @param localLinkHook Is called whenever a wiki link is found
* @param extLinkHook Is called whenever an external link is found
* @param attLinkHook Is called whenever an attachment link is found
* @return HTML-rendered page text.
public String textToHTML( final WikiContext context,
final String pagedata,
final StringTransmutator localLinkHook,
final StringTransmutator extLinkHook,
final StringTransmutator attLinkHook ) {
return textToHTML( context, pagedata, localLinkHook, extLinkHook, attLinkHook, true, false );
* Helper method for doing the HTML translation.
* @param context The WikiContext in which to do the conversion
* @param pagedata The data to render
* @param localLinkHook Is called whenever a wiki link is found
* @param extLinkHook Is called whenever an external link is found
* @param parseAccessRules Parse the access rules if we encounter them
* @param justParse Just parses the pagedata, does not actually render. In this case, this methods an empty string.
* @return HTML-rendered page text.
public String textToHTML( final WikiContext context,
String pagedata,
final StringTransmutator localLinkHook,
final StringTransmutator extLinkHook,
final StringTransmutator attLinkHook,
final boolean parseAccessRules,
final boolean justParse ) {
String result = "";
if( pagedata == null ) {
log.error("NULL pagedata to textToHTML()");
return null;
final boolean runFilters = "true".equals(m_variableManager.getValue(context,PROP_RUNFILTERS,"true"));
try {
final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
if( runFilters && m_filterManager != null ) {
pagedata = m_filterManager.doPreTranslateFiltering( context, pagedata );
final MarkupParser mp = m_renderingManager.getParser( context, pagedata );
mp.addLocalLinkHook( localLinkHook );
mp.addExternalLinkHook( extLinkHook );
mp.addAttachmentLinkHook( attLinkHook );
if( !parseAccessRules ) {
final WikiDocument doc = mp.parse();
// In some cases it's better just to parse, not to render
if( !justParse ) {
result = m_renderingManager.getHTML( context, doc );
if( runFilters && m_filterManager != null ) {
result = m_filterManager.doPostTranslateFiltering( context, result );
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "Page " + context.getRealPage().getName() + " rendered, took " + sw );
} catch( final IOException e ) {
log.error( "Failed to scan page data: ", e );
} catch( final FilterException e ) {
log.error( "page filter threw exception: ", e );
// FIXME: Don't yet know what to do
return result;
* Returns this object's ReferenceManager.
* @return The current ReferenceManager instance.
* @since 1.6.1
public ReferenceManager getReferenceManager()
return m_referenceManager;
* Returns the current rendering manager for this wiki application.
* @since 2.3.27
* @return A RenderingManager object.
public RenderingManager getRenderingManager()
return m_renderingManager;
* Returns the current plugin manager.
* @since 1.6.1
* @return The current PluginManager instance
public PluginManager getPluginManager() {
return m_pluginManager;
* Returns the current variable manager.
* @return The current VariableManager.
public VariableManager getVariableManager()
return m_variableManager;
* Returns the current PageManager which is responsible for storing
* and managing WikiPages.
* @return The current PageManager instance.
public PageManager getPageManager()
return m_pageManager;
* Returns the CommandResolver for this wiki engine.
* @return the resolver
public CommandResolver getCommandResolver()
return m_commandResolver;
* Returns the current AttachmentManager, which is responsible for
* storing and managing attachments.
* @since 1.9.31.
* @return The current AttachmentManager instance
public AttachmentManager getAttachmentManager()
return m_attachmentManager;
* Returns the currently used authorization manager.
* @return The current AuthorizationManager instance
public AuthorizationManager getAuthorizationManager()
return m_authorizationManager;
* Returns the currently used authentication manager.
* @return The current AuthenticationManager instance.
public AuthenticationManager getAuthenticationManager()
return m_authenticationManager;
* Returns the manager responsible for the filters.
* @since 2.1.88
* @return The current FilterManager instance
public FilterManager getFilterManager() {
return m_filterManager;
* Returns the manager responsible for searching the Wiki.
* @since 2.2.21
* @return The current SearchManager instance
public SearchManager getSearchManager()
return m_searchManager;
* Returns the progress manager we're using
* @return A ProgressManager
* @since 2.6
public ProgressManager getProgressManager()
return m_progressManager;
* Figure out to which page we are really going to. Considers special page names from the, and possible aliases.
* This method delgates requests to {@link}.
* @param context The Wiki Context in which the request is being made.
* @return A complete URL to the new page to redirect to
* @since 2.2
public String getRedirectURL( final WikiContext context )
return context.getRedirectURL();
* Shortcut to create a WikiContext from a supplied HTTP request, using a default wiki context.
* @param request the HTTP request
* @param requestContext the default context to use
* @return a new WikiContext object.
* @see
* @see
* @since 2.1.15.
// FIXME: We need to have a version which takes a fixed page name as well, or check it elsewhere.
public WikiContext createContext( final HttpServletRequest request, final String requestContext ) {
if( !m_isConfigured ) {
throw new InternalWikiException( "WikiEngine has not been properly started. It is likely that the configuration is faulty. Please check all logs for the possible reason." );
// Build the wiki context
final Command command = m_commandResolver.findCommand( request, requestContext );
return new WikiContext( this, request, command );
* Returns the URL of the global RSS file. May be null, if the RSS file generation is not operational.
* @since 1.7.10
* @return The global RSS url
public String getGlobalRSSURL()
if( m_rssGenerator != null && m_rssGenerator.isEnabled() )
return getBaseURL()+ "/" + m_rssFile;
return null;
* Returns the root path. The root path is where the WikiEngine is located in the file system.
* @since 2.2
* @return A path to where the Wiki is installed in the local filesystem.
public String getRootPath()
return m_rootPath;
* @since 2.2.6
* @return the URL constructor
public URLConstructor getURLConstructor()
return m_urlConstructor;
* Returns the RSSGenerator. If the property <code>jspwiki.rss.generate</code> has not been set to <code>true</code>, this method
* will return <code>null</code>, <em>and callers should check for this value.</em>
* @since 2.1.165
* @return the RSS generator
public RSSGenerator getRSSGenerator()
return m_rssGenerator;
* Returns the PageRenamer employed by this WikiEngine.
* @since 2.5.141
* @return The current PageRenamer instance.
public PageRenamer getPageRenamer()
return m_pageRenamer;
* Returns the UserManager employed by this WikiEngine.
* @since 2.3
* @return The current UserManager instance.
public UserManager getUserManager()
return m_userManager;
* Returns the TasksManager employed by this WikiEngine.
* @return The current TasksManager instance.
public TasksManager getTasksManager()
return m_tasksManager;
* Returns the GroupManager employed by this WikiEngine.
* @since 2.3
* @return The current GroupManager instance
public GroupManager getGroupManager()
return m_groupManager;
* Returns the current {@link AdminBeanManager}.
* @return The current {@link AdminBeanManager}.
* @since 2.6
public AdminBeanManager getAdminBeanManager() {
return m_adminBeanManager;
* Returns the AclManager employed by this WikiEngine. The AclManager is lazily initialized.
* <p>
* The AclManager implementing class may be set by the System property {@link #PROP_ACL_MANAGER_IMPL}.
* </p>
* @since 2.3
* @return The current AclManager.
public AclManager getAclManager() {
if( m_aclManager == null ) {
try {
final String s = m_properties.getProperty( PROP_ACL_MANAGER_IMPL, ClassUtil.getMappedClass( AclManager.class.getName() ).getName() );
m_aclManager = ClassUtil.getMappedObject(s); // TODO: I am not sure whether this is the right call
m_aclManager.initialize( this, m_properties );
} catch( final ReflectiveOperationException | IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log.fatal( "unable to instantiate class for AclManager: " + e.getMessage() );
throw new InternalWikiException( "Cannot instantiate AclManager, please check logs.", e );
return m_aclManager;
* Returns the DifferenceManager so that texts can be compared.
* @return the difference manager
public DifferenceManager getDifferenceManager()
return m_differenceManager;
* Returns the current EditorManager instance.
* @return The current EditorManager.
public EditorManager getEditorManager()
return m_editorManager;
* Returns the current i18n manager.
* @return The current Intertan... Interante... Internatatializ... Whatever.
public InternationalizationManager getInternationalizationManager()
return m_internationalizationManager;
* Registers a WikiEventListener with this instance.
* @param listener the event listener
public final synchronized void addWikiEventListener( final WikiEventListener listener ) {
WikiEventManager.addWikiEventListener( this, listener );
* Un-registers a WikiEventListener with this instance.
* @param listener the event listener
public final synchronized void removeWikiEventListener( final WikiEventListener listener ) {
WikiEventManager.removeWikiEventListener( this, listener );
* Fires a WikiEngineEvent to all registered listeners.
* @param type the event type
protected final void fireEvent( final int type ) {
if( WikiEventManager.isListening(this ) ) {
WikiEventManager.fireEvent( this, new WikiEngineEvent(this, type ) );
* Fires a WikiPageEvent to all registered listeners.
* @param type the event type
protected final void firePageEvent( final int type, final String pageName ) {
if( WikiEventManager.isListening(this ) ) {
WikiEventManager.fireEvent(this,new WikiPageEvent(this, type, pageName ) );
* Adds an attribute to the engine for the duration of this engine. The value is not persisted.
* @since 2.4.91
* @param key the attribute name
* @param value the value
public void setAttribute( final String key, final Object value )
m_attributes.put( key, value );
* Gets an attribute from the engine.
* @param key the attribute name
* @return the value
public <T> T getAttribute( final String key ) {
return (T)m_attributes.get( key );
* Removes an attribute.
* @param key The key of the attribute to remove.
* @return The previous attribute, if it existed.
public Object removeAttribute( final String key )
return m_attributes.remove( key );
* Returns a WatchDog for current thread.
* @return The current thread WatchDog.
* @since 2.4.92
public WatchDog getCurrentWatchDog()
return WatchDog.getCurrentWatchDog(this);