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import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import java.util.Map;
* The IfPlugin allows parts of a WikiPage to be executed conditionally, and is intended as a flexible way
* of customizing a page depending on certain conditions. Do not use it as a security mechanism to conditionally
* hide content from users (use page ACLs for that).
* You can also use shorthand "If" to run it.
* Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><b>group</b> - A "|" -separated list of group names.
* <li><b>user</b> - A "|" -separated list of user names.
* <li><b>ip</b> - A "|" -separated list of ip addresses.
* <li><b>var</b> - A wiki variable
* <li><b>page</b> - A page name
* <li><b>contains</b> - A Perl5 regexp pattern
* <li><b>is</b> - A Perl5 regexp pattern
* <li><b>exists</b> - "true" or "false".
* </ul>
* <p>If any of them match, the body of the plugin is executed. You can
* negate the content by prefixing it with a "!". For example, to greet
* all admins, put the following in your LeftMenu:</p>
* <pre>
* [{If group='Admin'
* Hello, Admin, and your mighty powers!}]
* </pre>
* <p>In order to send a message to everybody except Jack use</p>
* <pre>
* [{If user='!Jack'
* %%warning
* Jack's surprise birthday party at eleven!
* %%}]
* </pre>
* <p>Note that you can't use "!Jack|!Jill", because for Jack, !Jill matches;
* and for Jill, !Jack matches. These are not regular expressions (though
* they might become so in the future).<p>
* <p>To check for page content, use</p>
* <pre>
* [{If page='TestPage' contains='xyzzy'
* Page contains the text "xyzzy"}]
* </pre>
* <p>The difference between "contains" and "is" is that "is" is always an exact match,
* whereas "contains" just checks if a pattern is available.</p>
* <p>To check for page existence, use</p>
* <pre>
* [{If page='TestPage' exists='true'
* Page "TestPage" exists.}]
* </pre>
* <p>With the same mechanism, it's also possible to test for the existence
* of a variable - just use "var" instead of "page".</p>
* <p>Another caveat is that the plugin body content is not counted
* towards ReferenceManager links. So any links do not appear on any reference
* lists. Depending on your position, this may be a good or a bad
* thing.</p>
* <h3>Calling Externally</h3>
* <p>The functional, decision-making part of this plugin may be called from
* other code (e.g., other plugins) since it is available as a static method
* {@link #ifInclude(Context,Map)}. Note that the plugin body may contain
* references to other plugins.</p>
* @since 2.6
public class IfPlugin implements Plugin {
/** The parameter name for setting the group to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_GROUP = "group";
/** The parameter name for setting the user id to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_USER = "user";
/** The parameter name for setting the ip address to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_IP = "ip";
/** The parameter name for setting the page name to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_PAGE = "page";
/** The parameter name for setting the contents of the page to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_CONTAINS = "contains";
/** The parameter name for setting the variable name to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_VAR = "var";
/** The parameter name for setting the exact content to check. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_IS = "is";
/** The parameter name for checking whether a page/var exists. Value is <tt>{@value}</tt>. */
public static final String PARAM_EXISTS = "exists";
* {@inheritDoc}
public String execute( final Context context, final Map< String, String > params ) throws PluginException {
return ifInclude( context,params )
? context.getEngine().getManager( RenderingManager.class ).textToHTML( context, params.get( DefaultPluginManager.PARAM_BODY ) )
: "" ;
* Returns a boolean result based on processing the WikiContext and
* parameter Map as according to the rules stated in the IfPlugin
* documentation.
* As a static method this may be called by other classes.
* @param context The current WikiContext.
* @param params The parameter Map which contains key-value pairs.
* @throws PluginException If something goes wrong
* @return True, if the condition holds.
public static boolean ifInclude( final Context context, final Map< String, String > params ) throws PluginException {
final String group = params.get( PARAM_GROUP );
final String user = params.get( PARAM_USER );
final String ip = params.get( PARAM_IP );
final String page = params.get( PARAM_PAGE );
final String contains = params.get( PARAM_CONTAINS );
final String var = params.get( PARAM_VAR );
final String is = params.get( PARAM_IS );
final String exists = params.get( PARAM_EXISTS );
boolean include = checkGroup( context, group );
include |= checkUser(context, user);
include |= checkIP(context, ip);
if( page != null ) {
final String content = context.getEngine().getManager( PageManager.class ).getPureText(page, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION).trim();
include |= checkContains(content,contains);
include |= checkIs(content,is);
include |= checkExists(context,page,exists);
if( var != null ) {
final String content = context.getEngine().getManager( VariableManager.class ).getVariable(context, var);
include |= checkContains(content,contains);
include |= checkIs(content,is);
include |= checkVarExists(content,exists);
return include;
private static boolean checkExists( final Context context, final String page, final String exists ) {
if( exists == null ) {
return false;
return !context.getEngine().getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists( page ) ^ TextUtil.isPositive(exists);
private static boolean checkVarExists( final String varContent, final String exists ) {
if( exists == null ) {
return false;
return varContent == null ^ TextUtil.isPositive( exists );
private static boolean checkGroup( final Context context, final String group ) {
if( group == null ) {
return false;
final String[] groupList = StringUtils.split(group,'|');
boolean include = false;
for( final String grp : groupList ) {
String gname = grp;
boolean invert = false;
if( grp.startsWith( "!" ) ) {
if( grp.length() > 1 ) {
gname = grp.substring( 1 );
invert = true;
final Principal g = context.getEngine().getManager( AuthorizationManager.class ).resolvePrincipal( gname );
include |= context.getEngine().getManager( AuthorizationManager.class ).isUserInRole( context.getWikiSession(), g ) ^ invert;
return include;
private static boolean checkUser( final Context context, final String user ) {
if( user == null || context.getCurrentUser() == null ) {
return false;
final String[] list = StringUtils.split(user,'|');
boolean include = false;
for( final String usr : list ) {
String userToCheck = usr;
boolean invert = false;
if( usr.startsWith( "!" ) ) {
invert = true;
// strip !
if( user.length() > 1 ) {
userToCheck = usr.substring( 1 );
include |= userToCheck.equals( context.getCurrentUser().getName() ) ^ invert;
return include;
// TODO: Add subnetwork matching, e.g.
private static boolean checkIP( final Context context, final String ipaddr ) {
if( ipaddr == null || context.getHttpRequest() == null ) {
return false;
final String[] list = StringUtils.split(ipaddr,'|');
boolean include = false;
for( final String ip : list ) {
String ipaddrToCheck = ip;
boolean invert = false;
if( ip.startsWith( "!" ) ) {
invert = true;
// strip !
if( ip.length() > 1 ) {
ipaddrToCheck = ip.substring( 1 );
include |= ipaddrToCheck.equals( HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress( context.getHttpRequest() ) ) ^ invert;
return include;
private static boolean doMatch( final String content, final String pattern ) throws PluginException {
final PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
final PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
try {
final Pattern matchp = compiler.compile( pattern, Perl5Compiler.SINGLELINE_MASK );
return matcher.matches( content, matchp );
} catch( final MalformedPatternException e ) {
throw new PluginException( "Faulty pattern " + pattern );
private static boolean checkContains( final String pagecontent, final String matchPattern ) throws PluginException {
if( pagecontent == null || matchPattern == null ) {
return false;
return doMatch( pagecontent, ".*"+matchPattern+".*" );
private static boolean checkIs( final String content, final String matchPattern ) throws PluginException {
if( content == null || matchPattern == null ) {
return false;
return doMatch( content, "^" + matchPattern + "$");