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import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocaleSupport;
* Calculate pagination string. Used for page-info and search results
* <P><B>Attributes</B></P>
* <UL>
* <LI> start - start item of the page to be highlighted
* <LI> total - total number of items
* <LI> pagesize - total number of items per page
* <LI> maxlinks - number of page links to be generated
* <LI> fmtkey - pagination prefix of the i18n resource keys. Following keys are used:
* <br>fmtkey="info.pagination"
* <UL>
* <LI> info.pagination.first=<span class="first">First</span>
* <LI> info.pagination.last=<span class="last">Last</span>
* <LI> info.pagination.previous=<span class="prev">Previous</span>
* <LI><span class="next">Next</span>
* <LI> info.pagination.all=<span class="all">all</span>
* <LI>;(Total items: {0} )
* <LI> items from {0} to {1}
* <LI> info.pagination.showall.title=Show all items
* </UL>
* </UL>
* <P>Following optional attributes can be parameterized with '%s' (item count)</P>
* <UL>
* <LI> href - href of each page link. (optional)
* <LI> onclick - onclick of each page link. (optional)
* </UL>
* @since 2.5.109
public class SetPaginationTag
extends WikiTagBase
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static final int ALLITEMS = -1;
private int m_start;
private int m_total;
private int m_pagesize;
private int m_maxlinks;
private String m_fmtkey;
private String m_href;
private String m_onclick;
public void initTag()
m_start = 0;
m_total = 0;
m_pagesize = 20;
m_maxlinks = 9;
m_fmtkey = null;
m_href = null;
m_onclick = null;
public void setStart(int arg)
m_start = arg;
public void setTotal(int arg)
m_total = arg;
public void setPagesize(int arg)
m_pagesize = arg;
public void setMaxlinks(int arg)
m_maxlinks = arg;
if( m_maxlinks % 2 == 0 ) m_maxlinks--; /* must be odd */
public void setFmtkey(String arg)
m_fmtkey = arg;
public void setHref(String arg)
m_href = arg;
public void setOnclick(String arg)
m_onclick = arg;
// 0 20 40 60
// 0 20 40 60 80 next last
// first previous 20 40 *60* 80 100 next last
// fist previous 40 60 80 100 120
public int doWikiStartTag()
throws IOException
if( m_total <= m_pagesize ) return SKIP_BODY;
StringBuilder pagination = new StringBuilder();
if( m_start > m_total ) m_start = m_total;
if( m_start < ALLITEMS ) m_start = 0;
int maxs = m_pagesize * m_maxlinks;
int mids = m_pagesize * ( m_maxlinks / 2 );
pagination.append( "<div class='pagination'>");
pagination.append( LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, m_fmtkey )+ " " );
int cursor = 0;
int cursormax = m_total;
if( m_total > maxs ) //need to calculate real window ends
if( m_start > mids ) cursor = m_start - mids;
if( (cursor + maxs) > m_total )
cursor = ( ( 1 + m_total/m_pagesize ) * m_pagesize ) - maxs ;
cursormax = cursor + maxs;
if( ( m_start == ALLITEMS ) || (cursor > 0) )
appendLink ( pagination, 0, m_fmtkey + ".first" );
if( (m_start != ALLITEMS ) && (m_start-m_pagesize >= 0) )
appendLink( pagination, m_start-m_pagesize, m_fmtkey + ".previous" );
if( m_start != ALLITEMS )
while( cursor < cursormax )
if( cursor == m_start )
pagination.append( "<span class='cursor'>" );
pagination.append( 1 + cursor/m_pagesize );
pagination.append( "</span>" );
appendLink( pagination, cursor, 1+cursor/m_pagesize );
cursor += m_pagesize;
if( (m_start != ALLITEMS ) && (m_start + m_pagesize < m_total) )
appendLink( pagination, m_start+m_pagesize, m_fmtkey + ".next" );
if( (m_start == ALLITEMS ) || (cursormax < m_total) )
appendLink ( pagination, ( (m_total/m_pagesize) * m_pagesize ), m_fmtkey + ".last" );
if( m_start == ALLITEMS )
pagination.append( "<span class='cursor'>" );
pagination.append( LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, m_fmtkey + ".all" ) );
pagination.append( "</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" );
appendLink ( pagination, ALLITEMS, m_fmtkey + ".all" );
//(Total items: " + m_total + ")" );
pagination.append( LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, m_fmtkey + ".total",
new Object[]{ m_total } ) );
pagination.append( "</div>" );
/* +++ processing done +++ */
String p = pagination.toString();
pageContext.getOut().println( p );
pageContext.setAttribute( "pagination", p ); /* and cache for later use in page context */
return SKIP_BODY;
* Generate pagination links <a href='' title='' onclick=''>text</a>
* for pagination blocks starting a page.
* Uses m_href and m_onclick as attribute patterns
* '%s' in the patterns are replaced with page offset
* @param sb : stringbuilder to write output to
* @param page : start of page block
* @param onclick : link text
private void appendLink( StringBuilder sb, int page, String fmttextkey )
appendLink2( sb, page, LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage( pageContext, fmttextkey ) );
private void appendLink( StringBuilder sb, int page, int paginationblock )
appendLink2( sb, page, Integer.toString( paginationblock ) );
private void appendLink2( StringBuilder sb, int page, String text )
sb.append( "<a title=\"" );
if( page == ALLITEMS )
sb.append( LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage( pageContext, m_fmtkey + ".showall.title" ) );
sb.append( LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage( pageContext, m_fmtkey + ".show.title",
new Object[]{ page + 1, page + m_pagesize } ) );
sb.append( "\" " );
if( m_href != null )
sb.append( "href=\"" );
sb.append( TextUtil.replaceString( m_href, "%s", Integer.toString( page ) ) );
sb.append( "\" " );
if( m_onclick != null )
sb.append( "onclick=\"" );
sb.append( TextUtil.replaceString( m_onclick, "%s", Integer.toString( page ) ) );
sb.append( "\" " );
sb.append( ">" );
sb.append( text );
sb.append( "</a>" );