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import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* WatchDog is a general system watchdog. You can attach any Watchable or a
* Thread object to it, and it will notify you if a timeout has been exceeded.
* <p>
* The notification of the timeouts is done from a separate WatchDog thread,
* of which there is one per watched thread. This Thread is named 'WatchDog for
* XXX', where XXX is your Thread name.
* <p>
* The suggested method of obtaining a WatchDog is via the static factory
* method, since it will return you the correct watchdog for the current
* thread. However, we do not prevent you from creating your own watchdogs
* either.
* <p>
* If you create a WatchDog for a Thread, the WatchDog will figure out when
* the Thread is dead, and will stop itself accordingly. However, this object
* is not automatically released, so you might want to check it out after a while.
* @since 2.4.92
public final class WatchDog {
private Watchable m_watchable;
private Stack< State > m_stateStack = new Stack< State >();
private boolean m_enabled = true;
private WikiEngine m_engine;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( WatchDog.class );
private static Map< Integer, WeakReference< WatchDog > > c_kennel = new ConcurrentHashMap< Integer, WeakReference< WatchDog > >();
private static WikiBackgroundThread c_watcherThread;
* Returns the current watchdog for the current thread. This
* is the preferred method of getting you a Watchdog, since it
* keeps an internal list of Watchdogs for you so that there
* won't be more than one watchdog per thread.
* @param engine The WikiEngine to which the Watchdog should be bonded to.
* @return A usable WatchDog object.
public static WatchDog getCurrentWatchDog( WikiEngine engine ) {
Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
WatchDog wd = null;
WeakReference< WatchDog > w = c_kennel.get( t.hashCode() );
if( w != null ) {
wd = w.get();
if( w == null || wd == null ) {
wd = new WatchDog( engine, t );
w = new WeakReference< WatchDog >( wd );
c_kennel.put( t.hashCode(), w );
return wd;
* Creates a new WatchDog for a Watchable.
* @param engine The WikiEngine.
* @param watch A Watchable object.
public WatchDog( WikiEngine engine, Watchable watch ) {
m_engine = engine;
m_watchable = watch;
synchronized( this.getClass() ) {
if( c_watcherThread == null ) {
c_watcherThread = new WatchDogThread( engine );
* Creates a new WatchDog for a Thread. The Thread is wrapped in a Watchable wrapper for this purpose.
* @param engine The WikiEngine
* @param thread A Thread for watching.
public WatchDog(WikiEngine engine, Thread thread) {
this( engine, new ThreadWrapper(thread) );
* Hopefully finalizes this properly. This is rather untested for now...
private static void scrub() {
// During finalization, the object may already be cleared (depending
// on the finalization order). Therefore, it's possible that this
// method is called from another thread after the WatchDog itself
// has been cleared.
if( c_kennel == null ) {
for( Map.Entry< Integer, WeakReference< WatchDog > > e : c_kennel.entrySet() ) {
WeakReference< WatchDog > w = e.getValue();
// Remove expired as well
if( w.get() == null ) {
c_kennel.remove( e.getKey() );
* Can be used to enable the WatchDog. Will cause a new Thread to be created, if none was existing previously.
public void enable() {
synchronized( this.getClass() ) {
if( !m_enabled ) {
m_enabled = true;
c_watcherThread = new WatchDogThread( m_engine );
* Is used to disable a WatchDog. The watchdog thread is shut down and resources released.
public void disable() {
synchronized( this.getClass() ) {
if( m_enabled ) {
m_enabled = false;
c_watcherThread = null;
* Enters a watched state with no expectation of the expected completion time. In practice this method is
* used when you have no idea, but would like to figure out, e.g. via debugging, where exactly your Watchable is.
* @param state A free-form string description of your state.
public void enterState( String state ) {
enterState( state, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
* Enters a watched state which has an expected completion time. This is the main method for using the
* WatchDog. For example:
* <code>
* WatchDog w = m_engine.getCurrentWatchDog();
* w.enterState("Processing Foobar", 60);
* foobar();
* w.exitState();
* </code>
* If the call to foobar() takes more than 60 seconds, you will receive an ERROR in the log stream.
* @param state A free-form string description of the state
* @param expectedCompletionTime The timeout in seconds.
public void enterState( String state, int expectedCompletionTime ) {
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ){
log.debug( m_watchable.getName() + ": Entering state " + state +
", expected completion in " + expectedCompletionTime + " s");
synchronized( m_stateStack ) {
State st = new State( state, expectedCompletionTime );
m_stateStack.push( st );
* Exits a state entered with enterState(). This method does not check that the state is correct, it'll just
* pop out whatever is on the top of the state stack.
public void exitState() {
exitState( null );
* Exits a particular state entered with enterState(). The state is checked against the current state, and if
* they do not match, an error is flagged.
* @param state The state you wish to exit.
public void exitState( String state ) {
if( !m_stateStack.empty() ) {
synchronized( m_stateStack ) {
State st = m_stateStack.peek();
if( state == null || st.getState().equals( state ) ) {
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( m_watchable.getName() + ": Exiting state " + st.getState() );
} else {
// FIXME: should actually go and fix things for that
log.error( "exitState() called before enterState()" );
} else {
log.warn( "Stack for " + m_watchable.getName() + " is empty!" );
* helper to see if the associated stateStack is not empty.
* @return {@code true} if not empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isStateStackNotEmpty() {
return m_stateStack != null && !m_stateStack.isEmpty();
* helper to see if the associated watchable is alive.
* @return {@code true} if it's alive, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isWatchableAlive() {
return m_watchable != null && m_watchable.isAlive();
private void check() {
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "Checking watchdog '" + m_watchable.getName() + "'" );
synchronized( m_stateStack ) {
if( !m_stateStack.empty() ) {
State st = m_stateStack.peek();
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( now > st.getExpiryTime() ) { "Watchable '" + m_watchable.getName() + "' exceeded timeout in state '" + st.getState() +
"' by " + (now - st.getExpiryTime()) / 1000 + " seconds" +
( log.isDebugEnabled() ? "" : "Enable DEBUG-level logging to see stack traces." ) );
} else {
log.warn( "Stack for " + m_watchable.getName() + " is empty!" );
* Dumps the stack traces as DEBUG level events.
private void dumpStackTraceForWatchable() {
if( !log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> stackTraces = Thread.getAllStackTraces();
Set<Thread> threads = stackTraces.keySet();
Iterator<Thread> threadIterator = threads.iterator();
StringBuilder stacktrace = new StringBuilder();
while ( threadIterator.hasNext() ) {
Thread t =;
if( t.getName().equals( m_watchable.getName() ) ) {
if( t.getName().equals( m_watchable.getName() ) ) {
stacktrace.append( "dumping stacktrace for too long running thread : " + t );
} else {
stacktrace.append( "dumping stacktrace for other running thread : " + t );
StackTraceElement[] ste = stackTraces.get( t );
for( int i = 0; i < ste.length; i++ ) {
stacktrace.append( "\n" + ste[i] );
log.debug( stacktrace.toString() );
* Strictly for debugging/informative purposes.
* @return Random ramblings.
public String toString() {
synchronized( m_stateStack ) {
String state = "Idle";
if( !m_stateStack.empty() ) {
State st = m_stateStack.peek();
state = st.getState();
return "WatchDog state=" + state;
* This is the chief watchdog thread.
private static class WatchDogThread extends WikiBackgroundThread {
/** How often the watchdog thread should wake up (in seconds) */
private static final int CHECK_INTERVAL = 30;
public WatchDogThread( WikiEngine engine ) {
super( engine, CHECK_INTERVAL );
setName( "WatchDog for '" + engine.getApplicationName() + "'" );
public void startupTask() {
public void shutdownTask() {
* Checks if the watchable is alive, and if it is, checks if
* the stack is finished.
* If the watchable has been deleted in the mean time, will
* simply shut down itself.
public void backgroundTask() throws Exception {
if( c_kennel == null ) {
for( Map.Entry< Integer, WeakReference< WatchDog > > entry : c_kennel.entrySet() ) {
WeakReference< WatchDog > wr = entry.getValue();
WatchDog w = wr.get();
if( w != null ) {
if( w.isWatchableAlive() && w.isStateStackNotEmpty() ) {
} else {
c_kennel.remove( entry.getKey() );
* A class which just stores the state in our State stack.
private static class State {
protected String m_state;
protected long m_enterTime;
protected long m_expiryTime;
protected State( String state, int expiry ) {
m_state = state;
m_enterTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
m_expiryTime = m_enterTime + (expiry * 1000L);
protected String getState() {
return m_state;
protected long getExpiryTime() {
return m_expiryTime;
* This class wraps a Thread so that it can become Watchable.
private static class ThreadWrapper implements Watchable {
private Thread m_thread;
public ThreadWrapper( Thread thread ) {
m_thread = thread;
public void timeoutExceeded( String state ) {
// TODO: Figure out something sane to do here.
public String getName() {
return m_thread.getName();
public boolean isAlive() {
return m_thread.isAlive();