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import java.util.Properties;
* Defines an interface for loading, persisting and storing users.
* @since 2.3
public interface UserDatabase {
* Looks up and deletes the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given login name. If the
* user database does not contain a user with a matching attribute, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}. This method is intended
* to be atomic; results cannot be partially committed. If the commit fails, it should roll back its state appropriately. Implementing
* classes that persist to the file system may wish to make this method <code>synchronized</code>.
* @param loginName the login name of the user profile that shall be deleted
void deleteByLoginName( String loginName ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException, WikiSecurityException;
* <p>
* Looks up the Principals representing a user from the user database. These are defined as a set of Principals manufactured from the
* login name, full name, and wiki name. The order of the Principals returned is not significant. If the user database does not contain
* a user with the supplied identifier, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that if an implememtation wishes to mark one of the returned Principals as representing the user's common name, it should
* instantiate this Principal using {@link, String)} with the <code>type</code>
* parameter set to {@link}. The method
* {@link} will return this principal as the "primary" principal. Note that this method
* can also be used to mark a WikiPrincipal as a login name or a wiki name.
* </p>
* @param identifier the name of the user to retrieve; this corresponds to value returned by the user profile's {@link UserProfile#getLoginName()} method.
* @return the array of Principals representing the user's identities
* @throws NoSuchPrincipalException If the user database does not contain user with the supplied identifier
Principal[] getPrincipals( String identifier ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Returns all WikiNames that are stored in the UserDatabase as an array of Principal objects. If the database does not
* contain any profiles, this method will return a zero-length array.
* @return the WikiNames
Principal[] getWikiNames() throws WikiSecurityException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that whose login name, full name, or wiki name matches the
* supplied string. This method provides a "forgiving" search algorithm for resolving Principal names when the exact profile attribute
* that supplied the name is unknown.
* @param index the login name, full name, or wiki name
UserProfile find( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given e-mail address. If
* the user database does not contain a user with a matching attribute, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* @param index the e-mail address of the desired user profile
* @return the user profile
UserProfile findByEmail( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given login name. If the
* user database does not contain a user with a matching attribute, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* @param index the login name of the desired user profile
* @return the user profile
UserProfile findByLoginName( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given unique ID (uid). If
* the user database does not contain a user with a unique ID, it throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* @param uid the unique identifier of the desired user profile
* @return the user profile
* @since 2.8
UserProfile findByUid( String uid ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given wiki name. If the user
* database does not contain a user with a matching attribute, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* @param index the wiki name of the desired user profile
* @return the user profile
UserProfile findByWikiName( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
* Looks up and returns the first {@link UserProfile} in the user database that matches a profile having a given full name. If the user
* database does not contain a user with a matching attribute, throws a {@link NoSuchPrincipalException}.
* @param index the fill name of the desired user profile
* @return the user profile
UserProfile findByFullName( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException;
/** Initializes the user database based on values from a Properties object. */
void initialize( Engine engine, Properties props ) throws NoRequiredPropertyException, WikiSecurityException;
* Factory method that instantiates a new user profile. The {@link UserProfile#isNew()} method of profiles created using
* this method should return <code>true</code>.
UserProfile newProfile();
* <p>Renames a {@link UserProfile} in the user database by changing the profile's login name. Because the login name is the profile's
* unique identifier, implementations should verify that the identifier is "safe" to change before actually changing it. Specifically:
* the profile with the supplied login name must already exist, and the proposed new name must not be in use by another profile.</p>
* <p>This method is intended to be atomic; results cannot be partially committed. If the commit fails, it should roll back its state
* appropriately. Implementing classes that persist to the file system may wish to make this method <code>synchronized</code>.</p>
* @param loginName the existing login name for the profile
* @param newName the proposed new login name
* @throws NoSuchPrincipalException if the user profile identified by <code>loginName</code> does not exist
* @throws DuplicateUserException if another user profile with the proposed new login name already exists
* @throws WikiSecurityException if the profile cannot be renamed for any reason, such as an I/O error, database connection failure
* or lack of support for renames.
void rename( String loginName, String newName ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException, DuplicateUserException, WikiSecurityException;
* <p>
* Saves a {@link UserProfile}to the user database, overwriting the existing profile if it exists. The user name under which the profile
* should be saved is returned by the supplied profile's {@link UserProfile#getLoginName()} method.
* </p>
* <p>
* The database implementation is responsible for detecting potential duplicate user profiles; specifically, the login name, wiki name,
* and full name must be unique. The implementation is not required to check for validity of passwords or e-mail addresses. Special
* case: if the profile already exists and the password is null, it should retain its previous value, rather than being set to null.
* </p>
* <p>Implementations are <em>required</em> to time-stamp the creation or modification fields of the UserProfile./p>
* <p>This method is intended to be atomic; results cannot be partially committed. If the commit fails, it should roll back its state
* appropriately. Implementing classes that persist to the file system may wish to make this method <code>synchronized</code>.</p>
* @param profile the user profile to save
* @throws WikiSecurityException if the profile cannot be saved
void save( UserProfile profile ) throws WikiSecurityException;
* Determines whether a supplied user password is valid, given a login name and password. It is up to the implementing class to
* determine how the comparison should be made. For example, the password might be hashed before comparing it to the value persisted
* in the back-end data store.
* @param loginName the login name
* @param password the password
* @return <code>true</code> if the password is valid, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean validatePassword( String loginName, String password );