blob: b4f8d2922d46f217173d2675b768cb0a08676795 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* <p>
* Facade class for storing, retrieving and managing wiki groups on behalf of AuthorizationManager, JSPs and other presentation-layer
* classes. GroupManager works in collaboration with a back-end {@link GroupDatabase}, which persists groups to permanent storage.
* </p>
* <p>
* <em>Note: prior to JSPWiki 2.4.19, GroupManager was an interface; it is now a concrete, final class. The aspects of GroupManager
* which previously extracted group information from storage (e.g., wiki pages) have been refactored into the GroupDatabase interface.</em>
* </p>
* @since 2.4.19
public class DefaultGroupManager implements GroupManager, Authorizer, WikiEventListener {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( DefaultGroupManager.class );
protected Engine m_engine;
protected WikiEventListener m_groupListener;
private GroupDatabase m_groupDatabase = null;
/** Map with GroupPrincipals as keys, and Groups as values */
private final Map< Principal, Group > m_groups = new HashMap<>();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Principal findRole( final String name ) {
try {
final Group group = getGroup( name );
return group.getPrincipal();
} catch( final NoSuchPrincipalException e ) {
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Group getGroup( final String name ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException {
final Group group = m_groups.get( new GroupPrincipal( name ) );
if( group != null ) {
return group;
throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "Group " + name + " not found." );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public GroupDatabase getGroupDatabase() throws WikiSecurityException {
if( m_groupDatabase != null ) {
return m_groupDatabase;
String dbClassName = "<unknown>";
String dbInstantiationError = null;
Throwable cause = null;
try {
final Properties props = m_engine.getWikiProperties();
dbClassName = props.getProperty( PROP_GROUPDATABASE );
if( dbClassName == null ) {
dbClassName = XMLGroupDatabase.class.getName();
} "Attempting to load group database class " + dbClassName );
final Class< ? > dbClass = ClassUtil.findClass( "", dbClassName );
m_groupDatabase = ( GroupDatabase )dbClass.newInstance();
m_groupDatabase.initialize( m_engine, m_engine.getWikiProperties() ); "Group database initialized." );
} catch( final ClassNotFoundException e ) {
log.error( "GroupDatabase class " + dbClassName + " cannot be found.", e );
dbInstantiationError = "Failed to locate GroupDatabase class " + dbClassName;
cause = e;
} catch( final InstantiationException e ) {
log.error( "GroupDatabase class " + dbClassName + " cannot be created.", e );
dbInstantiationError = "Failed to create GroupDatabase class " + dbClassName;
cause = e;
} catch( final IllegalAccessException e ) {
log.error( "You are not allowed to access group database class " + dbClassName + ".", e );
dbInstantiationError = "Access GroupDatabase class " + dbClassName + " denied";
cause = e;
} catch( final NoRequiredPropertyException e ) {
log.error( "Missing property: " + e.getMessage() + "." );
dbInstantiationError = "Missing property: " + e.getMessage();
cause = e;
if( dbInstantiationError != null ) {
throw new WikiSecurityException( dbInstantiationError + " Cause: " + cause.getMessage(), cause );
return m_groupDatabase;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Principal[] getRoles() {
return m_groups.keySet().toArray( new Principal[ m_groups.size() ] );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize( final Engine engine, final Properties props ) throws WikiSecurityException {
m_engine = engine;
try {
m_groupDatabase = getGroupDatabase();
} catch( final WikiException e ) {
throw new WikiSecurityException( e.getMessage(), e );
// Load all groups from the database into the cache
final Group[] groups = m_groupDatabase.groups();
synchronized( m_groups ) {
for( final Group group : groups ) {
// Add new group to cache; fire GROUP_ADD event
m_groups.put( group.getPrincipal(), group );
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_ADD, group );
// Make the GroupManager listen for WikiEvents (WikiSecurityEvents for changed user profiles)
engine.getManager( UserManager.class ).addWikiEventListener( this );
// Success! "Authorizer GroupManager initialized successfully; loaded " + groups.length + " group(s)." );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isUserInRole( final Session session, final Principal role ) {
// Always return false if session/role is null, or if role isn't a GroupPrincipal
if ( session == null || !( role instanceof GroupPrincipal ) || !session.isAuthenticated() ) {
return false;
// Get the group we're examining
final Group group = m_groups.get( role );
if( group == null ) {
return false;
// Check each user principal to see if it belongs to the group
for( final Principal principal : session.getPrincipals() ) {
if( AuthenticationManager.isUserPrincipal( principal ) && group.isMember( principal ) ) {
return true;
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Group parseGroup( String name, String memberLine, final boolean create ) throws WikiSecurityException {
// If null name parameter, it's because someone's creating a new group
if( name == null ) {
if( create ) {
name = "MyGroup";
} else {
throw new WikiSecurityException( "Group name cannot be blank." );
} else if( ArrayUtils.contains( Group.RESTRICTED_GROUPNAMES, name ) ) {
// Certain names are forbidden
throw new WikiSecurityException( "Illegal group name: " + name );
name = name.trim();
// Normalize the member line
if( InputValidator.isBlank( memberLine ) ) {
memberLine = "";
memberLine = memberLine.trim();
// Create or retrieve the group (may have been previously cached)
final Group group = new Group( name, m_engine.getApplicationName() );
try {
final Group existingGroup = getGroup( name );
// If existing, clone it
group.setCreator( existingGroup.getCreator() );
group.setCreated( existingGroup.getCreated() );
group.setModifier( existingGroup.getModifier() );
group.setLastModified( existingGroup.getLastModified() );
for( final Principal existingMember : existingGroup.members() ) {
group.add( existingMember );
} catch( final NoSuchPrincipalException e ) {
// It's a new group.... throw error if we don't create new ones
if( !create ) {
throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "Group '" + name + "' does not exist." );
// If passed members not empty, overwrite
final String[] members = extractMembers( memberLine );
if( members.length > 0 ) {
for( final String member : members ) {
group.add( new WikiPrincipal( member ) );
return group;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void removeGroup( final String index ) throws WikiSecurityException {
if( index == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Group cannot be null." );
final Group group = m_groups.get( new GroupPrincipal( index ) );
if( group == null ) {
throw new NoSuchPrincipalException( "Group " + index + " not found" );
// Delete the group
// TODO: need rollback procedure
synchronized( m_groups ) {
m_groups.remove( group.getPrincipal() );
m_groupDatabase.delete( group );
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_REMOVE, group );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setGroup( final Session session, final Group group ) throws WikiSecurityException {
// TODO: check for appropriate permissions
// If group already exists, delete it; fire GROUP_REMOVE event
final Group oldGroup = m_groups.get( group.getPrincipal() );
if( oldGroup != null ) {
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_REMOVE, oldGroup );
synchronized( m_groups ) {
m_groups.remove( oldGroup.getPrincipal() );
// Copy existing modifier info & timestamps
if( oldGroup != null ) {
group.setCreator( oldGroup.getCreator() );
group.setCreated( oldGroup.getCreated() );
group.setModifier( oldGroup.getModifier() );
group.setLastModified( oldGroup.getLastModified() );
// Add new group to cache; announce GROUP_ADD event
synchronized( m_groups ) {
m_groups.put( group.getPrincipal(), group );
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_ADD, group );
// Save the group to back-end database; if it fails, roll back to previous state. Note that the back-end
// MUST timestammp the create/modify fields in the Group.
try { group, session.getUserPrincipal() );
// We got an exception! Roll back...
catch( final WikiSecurityException e ) {
if( oldGroup != null ) {
// Restore previous version, re-throw...
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_REMOVE, group );
fireEvent( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_ADD, oldGroup );
synchronized( m_groups ) {
m_groups.put( oldGroup.getPrincipal(), oldGroup );
throw new WikiSecurityException( e.getMessage() + " (rolled back to previous version).", e );
// Re-throw security exception
throw new WikiSecurityException( e.getMessage(), e );
* Extracts carriage-return separated members into a Set of String objects.
* @param memberLine the list of members
* @return the list of members
protected String[] extractMembers( final String memberLine ) {
final Set< String > members = new HashSet<>();
if( memberLine != null ) {
final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( memberLine, "\n" );
while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
final String uid = tok.nextToken().trim();
if( uid.length() > 0 ) {
members.add( uid );
return members.toArray( new String[ members.size() ] );
// events processing .......................................................
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized void addWikiEventListener( final WikiEventListener listener ) {
WikiEventManager.addWikiEventListener( this, listener );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized void removeWikiEventListener( final WikiEventListener listener ) {
WikiEventManager.removeWikiEventListener( this, listener );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void actionPerformed( final WikiEvent event ) {
if( !( event instanceof WikiSecurityEvent ) ) {
final WikiSecurityEvent se = ( WikiSecurityEvent )event;
if( se.getType() == WikiSecurityEvent.PROFILE_NAME_CHANGED ) {
final Session session = se.getSrc();
final UserProfile[] profiles = ( UserProfile[] )se.getTarget();
final Principal[] oldPrincipals = new Principal[] { new WikiPrincipal( profiles[ 0 ].getLoginName() ),
new WikiPrincipal( profiles[ 0 ].getFullname() ), new WikiPrincipal( profiles[ 0 ].getWikiName() ) };
final Principal newPrincipal = new WikiPrincipal( profiles[ 1 ].getFullname() );
// Examine each group
int groupsChanged = 0;
try {
for( final Group group : m_groupDatabase.groups() ) {
boolean groupChanged = false;
for( final Principal oldPrincipal : oldPrincipals ) {
if( group.isMember( oldPrincipal ) ) {
group.remove( oldPrincipal );
group.add( newPrincipal );
groupChanged = true;
if( groupChanged ) {
setGroup( session, group );
} catch( final WikiException e ) {
// Oooo! This is really bad...
log.error( "Could not change user name in Group lists because of GroupDatabase error:" + e.getMessage() );
} "Profile name change for '" + newPrincipal.toString() + "' caused " + groupsChanged + " groups to change also." );