blob: dcfcec5f6e3c34b64e63f89ffe319c8eb03c7c7b [file] [log] [blame]
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import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
public class WikiEngineTest {
public static final String NAME1 = "Test1";
Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
TestEngine m_engine;
public void setUp() {
props.setProperty( WikiEngine.PROP_MATCHPLURALS, "true" );
m_engine = props );
public void tearDown() {
final String files = m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( FileSystemProvider.PROP_PAGEDIR );
if( files != null ) {
final File f = new File( files );
TestEngine.deleteAll( f );
public void testNonExistentDirectory() throws Exception {
final String newdir = "." + File.separator + "target" + File.separator + "non-existent-directory";
props.setProperty( FileSystemProvider.PROP_PAGEDIR, newdir );
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
final File f = new File( m_engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( FileSystemProvider.PROP_PAGEDIR ) );
Assertions.assertTrue( f.exists(), "didn't create it" );
Assertions.assertTrue( f.isDirectory(), "isn't a dir" );
public void testFinalPageName() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText( "Foobar", "1" );
m_engine.saveText( "Foobars", "2" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobars",m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobars" ), "plural mistake" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobar", m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobar" ), "singular mistake" );
public void testFinalPageNameSingular() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText( "Foobar", "1" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobar", m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobars" ), "plural mistake" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobar", m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobar" ), "singular mistake" );
public void testFinalPageNamePlural() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText( "Foobars", "1" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobars", m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobars" ), "plural mistake" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobars", m_engine.getFinalPageName( "Foobar" ), "singular mistake" );
public void testEncodeNameLatin1() {
final String name = "abc\u00e5\u00e4\u00f6";
Assertions.assertEquals( "abc%E5%E4%F6", m_engine.encodeName(name) );
public void testEncodeNameUTF8() throws Exception {
final String name = "\u0041\u2262\u0391\u002E";
props.setProperty( WikiEngine.PROP_ENCODING, "UTF-8" );
final WikiEngine engine = new TestEngine( props );
Assertions.assertEquals( "A%E2%89%A2%CE%91.", engine.encodeName(name) );
* Checks, if ReferenceManager is informed of new attachments.
public void testAttachmentRefs() throws Exception {
final ReferenceManager refMgr = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class );
final AttachmentManager attMgr = m_engine.getManager( AttachmentManager.class );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "fooBar");
final Attachment att = Wiki.contents().attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
attMgr.storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );
// and check post-conditions
Collection< String > c = refMgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "attachment exists: " + c );
c = refMgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "unreferenced count" );
final Iterator< String > i = c.iterator();
final String first =;
final String second =;
Assertions.assertTrue( ( first.equals( NAME1 ) && second.equals( NAME1 + "/TestAtt.txt" ) )
|| ( first.equals( NAME1 + "/TestAtt.txt" ) && second.equals( NAME1 ) ), "unreferenced" );
* Is ReferenceManager updated properly if a page references
* its own attachments?
FIXME: This is a deep problem. The real problem is that the reference
manager cannot know when it encounters a link like "testatt.txt" that it
is really a link to an attachment IF the link is created before
the attachment. This means that when the attachment is created,
the link will stay in the "uncreated" list.
There are two issues here: first of all, TranslatorReader should
able to return the proper attachment references (which I think
it does), and second, the ReferenceManager should be able to
remove any links that are not referred to, nor they are created.
However, doing this in a relatively sane timeframe can be a problem.
public void testAttachmentRefs2() throws Exception {
final ReferenceManager refMgr = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class );
final AttachmentManager attMgr = m_engine.getManager( AttachmentManager.class );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "[TestAtt.txt]");
// check a few pre-conditions
Collection< String > c = refMgr.findReferrers( "TestAtt.txt" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c!=null && c.iterator().next().equals( NAME1 ), "normal, unexisting page" );
c = refMgr.findReferrers( NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "no attachment" );
c = refMgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c!=null && c.size()==1 && c.iterator().next().equals( "TestAtt.txt" ), "unknown attachment" );
// now we create the attachment
final Attachment att = Wiki.contents().attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
attMgr.storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );
// and check post-conditions
c = refMgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "attachment exists: " );
c = refMgr.findReferrers( "TestAtt.txt" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "no normal page" );
c = refMgr.findReferrers( NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c!=null && c.iterator().next().equals( NAME1 ), "attachment exists now" );
c = refMgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size()==1 && c.iterator().next().equals( NAME1 ), "unreferenced" );
* Checks, if ReferenceManager is informed if a link to an attachment is added.
public void testAttachmentRefs3() throws Exception {
final ReferenceManager refMgr = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class );
final AttachmentManager attMgr = m_engine.getManager( AttachmentManager.class );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "fooBar");
final Attachment att = Wiki.contents().attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
attMgr.storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, " ["+NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt] ");
// and check post-conditions
Collection< String > c = refMgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "attachment exists" );
c = refMgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertEquals( c.size(), 1, "unreferenced count" );
Assertions.assertEquals( NAME1, c.iterator().next(), "unreferenced" );
* Checks, if ReferenceManager is informed if a third page references an attachment.
public void testAttachmentRefs4() throws Exception {
final ReferenceManager refMgr = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class );
final AttachmentManager attMgr = m_engine.getManager( AttachmentManager.class );
m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "[TestPage2]");
final Attachment att = Wiki.contents().attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
attMgr.storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );
m_engine.saveText( "TestPage2", "["+NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt]");
// and check post-conditions
Collection< String > c = refMgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c==null || c.size()==0, "attachment exists" );
c = refMgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertEquals( c.size(), 1, "unreferenced count" );
Assertions.assertEquals( NAME1, c.iterator().next(), "unreferenced" );
* Tests BugReadingOfVariableNotWorkingForOlderVersions
public void testOldVersionVars() throws Exception {
final Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties("/");
props.setProperty( PageManager.PROP_USECACHE, "true" );
final TestEngine engine = new TestEngine( props );
engine.saveText( NAME1, "[{SET foo=bar}]" );
engine.saveText( NAME1, "[{SET foo=notbar}]");
final Page v1 = engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( NAME1, 1 );
final Page v2 = engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( NAME1, 2 );
Assertions.assertEquals( "bar", v1.getAttribute("foo"), "V1" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "notbar", v2.getAttribute("foo"), "V2" );
engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).deletePage( NAME1 );
public void testSpacedNames1() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText("This is a test", "puppaa");
Assertions.assertEquals( "puppaa", m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getText("This is a test").trim(), "normal" );
public void testParsedVariables() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText( "TestPage", "[{SET foo=bar}][{SamplePlugin text='{$foo}'}]");
final String res = m_engine.getManager( RenderingManager.class ).getHTML( "TestPage" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "bar\n", res );
* Tests BugReferenceToRenamedPageNotCleared
public void testRename() throws Exception {
m_engine.saveText( "RenameBugTestPage", "Mary had a little generic object" );
m_engine.saveText( "OldNameTestPage", "Linked to RenameBugTestPage" );
Collection< String > pages = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class ).findReferrers( "RenameBugTestPage" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "OldNameTestPage", pages.iterator().next(), "has one" );
final WikiContext ctx = new WikiContext( m_engine, m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage("OldNameTestPage") );
m_engine.getManager( PageRenamer.class ).renamePage( ctx, "OldNameTestPage", "NewNameTestPage", true );
Assertions.assertFalse( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists( "OldNameTestPage"), "did not vanish" );
Assertions.assertTrue( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists( "NewNameTestPage"), "did not appear" );
pages = m_engine.getManager( ReferenceManager.class ).findReferrers( "RenameBugTestPage" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, pages.size(), "wrong # of referrers" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "NewNameTestPage", pages.iterator().next(), "has wrong referrer" );
public void testChangeNoteOldVersion2() throws Exception {
final Page p = Wiki.contents().page( m_engine, NAME1 );
final Context context = Wiki.context().create( m_engine,p );
context.getPage().setAttribute( Page.CHANGENOTE, "Test change" );
m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).saveText( context, "test" );
for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
final Page p2 = m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( NAME1 ).clone();
p2.removeAttribute( Page.CHANGENOTE );
context.setPage( p2 );
m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).saveText( context, "test" + i );
final Page p3 = m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).getPage( NAME1, -1 );
Assertions.assertNull( p3.getAttribute( Page.CHANGENOTE ) );
public void testGetManagers() {
Assertions.assertNotNull( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ) );
Assertions.assertNull( m_engine.getManager( ModuleManager.class ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, m_engine.getManagers( String.class ).size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, m_engine.getManagers( PageManager.class ).size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( 4, m_engine.getManagers( ModuleManager.class ).size() );