blob: 98bb97654f4ba23c3ae5e4e25ec7d9963d35a72c [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="wiki" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="stripes" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.action.WikiContextFactory" %>
<%@ page import="com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util.TextUtil" %>
<%@ page import="org.apache.jspwiki.api.WikiPage" %>
<%--CHECK why is this needed --%>
WikiContext c = WikiContextFactory.findContext( pageContext );
JCRWikiPage p = c.getPage();
String pagename = p.getName();
/* check possible permalink (blogentry) pages */
String blogcommentpage="";
String mainblogpage="";
if( pagename.indexOf("_blogentry_") != -1 )
blogcommentpage = TextUtil.replaceString( pagename, "blogentry", "comments" );
mainblogpage = pagename.substring(0, pagename.indexOf("_blogentry_"));
<%-- If the page is an older version, then offer a note and a possibility
to restore this version as the latest one. --%>
<wiki:CheckVersion mode="notlatest">
<form action="<wiki:Link format='url' jsp='Wiki.jsp' />" method="get" accept-charset='UTF-8'>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<wiki:Variable var='pagename' />" />
<div class="warning">
<fmt:message key="view.oldversion">
<select id="version" name="version" onchange="this.form.submit();">
int latestVersion = c.getEngine().getPage( pagename, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION ).getVersion();
int thisVersion = p.getVersion();
if( thisVersion == WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION ) thisVersion = latestVersion; //should not happen
for( int i = 1; i <= latestVersion; i++)
<option value="<%= i %>" <%= ((i==thisVersion) ? "selected='selected'" : "") %> ><%= i %></option>
<wiki:LinkTo><fmt:message key="view.backtocurrent" /></wiki:LinkTo>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<wiki:EditLink version="this"><fmt:message key="view.restore" /></wiki:EditLink>
<%-- Inserts no text if there is no page. --%>
<%-- Inserts blogcomment if appropriate
<% if( !blogpage.equals("") ) { %>
<% if( ! mainblogpage.equals("") ) { %>
<wiki:PageExists page="<%= mainblogpage%>">
<% if( ! blogcommentpage.equals("") ) { %>
<wiki:PageExists page="<%= blogcommentpage%>">
<div class="weblogcommentstitle"><fmt:message key="blog.commenttitle" /></div>
<div class="weblogcomments"><wiki:InsertPage page="<%= blogcommentpage%>" /></div>
<% }; %>
<div class="information">
<wiki:Link page="<%= mainblogpage %>"><fmt:message key="blog.backtomain" /></wiki:Link>&nbsp; &nbsp;
<wiki:Link context="comment" page="<%= blogcommentpage%>"><fmt:message key="blog.addcomments" /></wiki:Link>
<% }; %>
<%-- FIXME: Should also note when a wrong version has been fetched. --%>
<div class="information">
<fmt:message key="common.nopage">
<fmt:param><wiki:EditLink><fmt:message key="common.createit" /></wiki:EditLink></fmt:param>