blob: 68102fab55bc384b6dae4a3bdf5d738538305e86 [file] [log] [blame]
JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.log;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.Release;
* <p>
* Factory class for {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.log.Logger} objects
* </p>
* JSPWiki uses the slf4j facade for logging. See the <a
* href=''>slf4j website<a/> for details.
* <p>
* You can decide at runtime which logging framework to use by placing one of
* the slf4j wrapped implementations in WEB-INF/lib. By default, JSPWiki ships
* with a log4j implementation. The static initializer calls the
* SLF4JBridgeHandler.install() which is a jul handler, that routes all incoming
* jul records to the slf4j API.
* </p>
* @author Harry Metske
* @since 3.0
public final class LoggerFactory
private static boolean c_isLog4jPresent = true;
// it appears that after shutting down JSPWiki, we get new requests for Loggers, to prevent this we "close the door" :
private static boolean c_isLoggerFactoryClosed= false;
private static final String SLF4J_LOG4J_ADAPTER_CLASS = "org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter";
private static final String LOG4J_LOGGER_CLASS = "org.apache.log4j.Logger";
private static HashMap<String, LoggerImpl> c_registeredLoggers = new HashMap<String, LoggerImpl>( 200 );
* @TODO We need something here to make the Logger MBeans unique across the JVM, this will not work if you
* run multiple wiki's in the same JVM, same is true for other MBeans.
private static final String OBJECTNAME_PREFIX = Release.APPNAME + ":component=Loggers,name=";
* Private constructor prevents instantiation.
private LoggerFactory()
* Utility method for locating a Logger based on a Class.
* @param clazz The Class to find a Logger for.
* @return A Logger instance.
public static final Logger getLogger( Class clazz )
return getLogger( clazz.getName() );
* Returns a Logger instance, and also, if it is a Log4J logger, registers the Logging MBean.
* @param loggerName Logger to find.
* @return A Logger instance.
public static final synchronized Logger getLogger( String loggerName )
if( c_registeredLoggers.get( loggerName ) == null )
LoggerImpl logger = new LoggerImpl( loggerName );
c_registeredLoggers.put( loggerName, logger );
if( c_isLog4jPresent )
if( !c_isLoggerFactoryClosed )
registerLoggerMBean( loggerName );
return logger;
return c_registeredLoggers.get( loggerName );
* Registers the Logger instance the the Platform MBeanServer. This gives
* the option of dynamically setting the loglevel for each individual logger
* using java's jconsole. It is only available if log4j is used as the
* logging implementation.
* @TODO It would be nice if we also had access to this from the Admin.jsp
* @param loggerName
private static void registerLoggerMBean( String loggerName )
// This is a real kludge, slf4j offers no programmatic access to the
// loglevels and no DynamicMBeans. log4j has them, so if the log4j adapter is on the
// classpath we use the log4j DynamicMBeans.
// At compile time we don't have log4j, so we use reflection to do the job.
// first instantiate the logger: Logger.getLogger(loggerName)
Object slf4jLog4jImpl = Class.forName( SLF4J_LOG4J_ADAPTER_CLASS);
Object log4jLogger = Class.forName(LOG4J_LOGGER_CLASS );
Class loggerClass = Class.forName(LOG4J_LOGGER_CLASS );
Class[] parms = new Class[1];
parms[0] = new String().getClass();
Method getLoggerMethod = loggerClass.getMethod( "getLogger", parms );
log4jLogger = getLoggerMethod.invoke( log4jLogger, loggerName );
// then register the logger to the mbeanServer :
// mbeanServer.registerMBean( new LoggerDynamicMBean( logger ), mbeanName );
Object[] arglist = new Object[1];
arglist[0] = log4jLogger;
Class mbeanClass = Class.forName( "org.apache.log4j.jmx.LoggerDynamicMBean" );
Constructor constr = mbeanClass.getConstructor( loggerClass );
Object dynMBean = constr.newInstance( arglist );
ObjectName mbeanName = new ObjectName( Release.APPNAME + ":component=Loggers,name=" + loggerName );
MBeanServer mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
if( !mbeanServer.isRegistered( mbeanName ) )
mbeanServer.registerMBean( dynMBean, mbeanName );
catch( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
// apparently we cannot find the slf4j log4j adapter, so we assume there is no log4j
// available, so there is no use in registering MBeans
c_isLog4jPresent = false;
System.err.println( "Could not find class " +SLF4J_LOG4J_ADAPTER_CLASS + ", so no dynamic log configuration here :-(" );
catch( Exception e )
* UnRegisters all Logger MBeans from the Platform MBeanServer.
public static void unRegisterAllLoggerMBeans()
c_isLoggerFactoryClosed = true;
Set<String> loggerNames = c_registeredLoggers.keySet();
for( String loggerName : loggerNames )
ObjectName mbeanName = new ObjectName( OBJECTNAME_PREFIX + loggerName );
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().unregisterMBean( mbeanName );
catch( Exception e )
// ignore this, we can't do anything about it