blob: 06928b91187ce738a47d93c2a00060b1578580d1 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
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to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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under the License.
import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
* Manages plugin classes. There exists a single instance of PluginManager
* per each instance of WikiEngine, that is, each JSPWiki instance.
* <P>
* A plugin is defined to have three parts:
* <OL>
* <li>The plugin class
* <li>The plugin parameters
* <li>The plugin body
* </ol>
* For example, in the following line of code:
* <pre>
* [{INSERT foo='bar'
* blob='goo'
* abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
* 01234567890}]
* </pre>
* The plugin class is "", the
* parameters are "foo" and "blob" (having values "bar" and "goo",
* respectively), and the plugin body is then
* "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw\n01234567890". The plugin body is
* accessible via a special parameter called "_body".
* <p>
* If the parameter "debug" is set to "true" for the plugin,
* JSPWiki will output debugging information directly to the page if there
* is an exception.
* <P>
* The class name can be shortened, and marked without the package.
* For example, "FunnyPlugin" would be expanded to
* "" automatically. It is also
* possible to define other packages, by setting the
* "jspwiki.plugin.searchPath" property. See the included
* file for examples.
* <P>
* Even though the nominal way of writing the plugin is
* <pre>
* [{INSERT pluginclass WHERE param1=value1...}],
* </pre>
* it is possible to shorten this quite a lot, by skipping the
* INSERT, and WHERE words, and dropping the package name. For
* example:
* <pre>
* [{INSERT WHERE name='foo'}]
* </pre>
* is the same as
* <pre>
* [{Counter name='foo'}]
* </pre>
* <h3>Plugin property files</h3>
* <p>
* Since 2.3.25 you can also define a generic plugin XML properties file per
* each JAR file.
* <pre>
* <modules>
* <plugin class="">
* <author>Janne Jalkanen</author>
* <script>foo.js</script>
* <stylesheet>foo.css</stylesheet>
* <alias>code</alias>
* </plugin>
* <plugin class="">
* <author>Janne Jalkanen</author>
* </plugin>
* </modules>
* </pre>
* <h3>Plugin lifecycle</h3>
* <p>Plugin can implement multiple interfaces to let JSPWiki know at which stages they should
* be invoked:
* <ul>
* <li>InitializablePlugin: If your plugin implements this interface, the initialize()-method is
* called once for this class
* before any actual execute() methods are called. You should use the initialize() for e.g.
* precalculating things. But notice that this method is really called only once during the
* entire WikiEngine lifetime. The InitializablePlugin is available from 2.5.30 onwards.</li>
* <li>ParserStagePlugin: If you implement this interface, the executeParse() method is called
* when JSPWiki is forming the DOM tree. You will receive an incomplete DOM tree, as well
* as the regular parameters. However, since JSPWiki caches the DOM tree to speed up later
* places, which means that whatever this method returns would be irrelevant. You can do some DOM
* tree manipulation, though. The ParserStagePlugin is available from 2.5.30 onwards.</li>
* <li>WikiPlugin: The regular kind of plugin which is executed at every rendering stage. Each
* new page load is guaranteed to invoke the plugin, unlike with the ParserStagePlugins.</li>
* </ul>
* @since 1.6.1
public class DefaultPluginManager extends ModuleManager implements PluginManager {
private static final String PLUGIN_INSERT_PATTERN = "\\{?(INSERT)?\\s*([\\w\\._]+)[ \\t]*(WHERE)?[ \\t]*";
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( DefaultPluginManager.class );
private static final String DEFAULT_FORMS_PACKAGE = "";
private ArrayList<String> m_searchPath = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> m_externalJars = new ArrayList<String>();
private Pattern m_pluginPattern;
private boolean m_pluginsEnabled = true;
* Keeps a list of all known plugin classes.
private Map<String, WikiPluginInfo> m_pluginClassMap = new HashMap<String, WikiPluginInfo>();
* Create a new PluginManager.
* @param engine WikiEngine which owns this manager.
* @param props Contents of a "" file.
public DefaultPluginManager( WikiEngine engine, Properties props ) {
super( engine );
String packageNames = props.getProperty( PROP_SEARCHPATH );
if ( packageNames != null ) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( packageNames, "," );
while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
m_searchPath.add( tok.nextToken().trim() );
String externalJars = props.getProperty( PROP_EXTERNALJARS );
if( externalJars != null ) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( externalJars, "," );
while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
m_externalJars.add( tok.nextToken().trim() );
// The default packages are always added.
m_searchPath.add( DEFAULT_PACKAGE );
m_searchPath.add( DEFAULT_FORMS_PACKAGE );
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
try {
m_pluginPattern = compiler.compile( PLUGIN_INSERT_PATTERN );
} catch( MalformedPatternException e ) {
log.fatal( "Internal error: someone messed with pluginmanager patterns.", e );
throw new InternalWikiException( "PluginManager patterns are broken" );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void enablePlugins( boolean enabled ) {
m_pluginsEnabled = enabled;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean pluginsEnabled() {
return m_pluginsEnabled;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Pattern getPluginPattern() {
return m_pluginPattern;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getPluginSearchPath() {
return TextUtil.getStringProperty( m_engine.getWikiProperties(), PROP_SEARCHPATH, null );
* Attempts to locate a plugin class from the class path set in the property file.
* @param classname Either a fully fledged class name, or just the name of the file (that is,
* "" or just plain "Counter").
* @return A found class.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if no such class exists.
private Class< ? > findPluginClass( String classname ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ClassUtil.findClass( m_searchPath, m_externalJars, classname );
* Outputs a HTML-formatted version of a stack trace.
private String stackTrace( Map<String,String> params, Throwable t )
Element div = XhtmlUtil.element(XHTML.div,"Plugin execution failed, stack trace follows:");
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));
div.addContent(XhtmlUtil.element(XHTML.b,"Parameters to the plugin"));
Element list = XhtmlUtil.element(XHTML.ul);
for( Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> i = params.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String,String> e =;
String key = e.getKey();
list.addContent(XhtmlUtil.element(,key + "'='" + e.getValue()));
return XhtmlUtil.serialize(div);
* Executes a plugin class in the given context.
* <P>Used to be private, but is public since 1.9.21.
* @param context The current WikiContext.
* @param classname The name of the class. Can also be a
* shortened version without the package name, since the class name is searched from the
* package search path.
* @param params A parsed map of key-value pairs.
* @return Whatever the plugin returns.
* @throws PluginException If the plugin execution failed for
* some reason.
* @since 2.0
public String execute( WikiContext context, String classname, Map< String, String > params ) throws PluginException {
if( !m_pluginsEnabled ) {
return "";
ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( context, WikiPlugin.CORE_PLUGINS_RESOURCEBUNDLE );
boolean debug = TextUtil.isPositive( params.get( PARAM_DEBUG ) );
try {
// Create...
WikiPlugin plugin = newWikiPlugin( classname, rb );
if( plugin == null ) {
return "Plugin '" + classname + "' not compatible with this version of JSPWiki";
// ...and launch.
try {
return plugin.execute( context, params );
} catch( PluginException e ) {
if( debug ) {
return stackTrace( params, e );
// Just pass this exception onward.
throw ( PluginException )e.fillInStackTrace();
} catch( Throwable t ) {
// But all others get captured here. "Plugin failed while executing:", t );
if( debug ) {
return stackTrace( params, t );
throw new PluginException( rb.getString( "plugin.error.failed" ), t );
} catch( ClassCastException e ) {
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.notawikiplugin" ), classname ), e );
* Parses plugin arguments. Handles quotes and all other kewl stuff.
* <h3>Special parameters</h3>
* The plugin body is put into a special parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BODY};
* the plugin's command line into a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_CMDLINE};
* and the bounds of the plugin within the wiki page text by a parameter defined
* by {@link #PARAM_BOUNDS}, whose value is stored as a two-element int[] array,
* i.e., <tt>[start,end]</tt>.
* @param argstring The argument string to the plugin. This is
* typically a list of key-value pairs, using "'" to escape
* spaces in strings, followed by an empty line and then the
* plugin body. In case the parameter is null, will return an
* empty parameter list.
* @return A parsed list of parameters.
* @throws IOException If the parsing fails.
public Map< String, String > parseArgs( String argstring ) throws IOException {
Map< String, String > arglist = new HashMap< String, String >();
// Protection against funny users.
if( argstring == null ) return arglist;
arglist.put( PARAM_CMDLINE, argstring );
StringReader in = new StringReader(argstring);
StreamTokenizer tok = new StreamTokenizer(in);
int type;
String param = null;
String value = null;
tok.eolIsSignificant( true );
boolean potentialEmptyLine = false;
boolean quit = false;
while( !quit ) {
String s;
type = tok.nextToken();
switch( type ) {
case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF:
quit = true;
s = null;
case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:
s = tok.sval;
potentialEmptyLine = false;
case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL:
quit = potentialEmptyLine;
potentialEmptyLine = true;
s = null;
case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER:
s = Integer.toString( (int) tok.nval );
potentialEmptyLine = false;
case '\'':
s = tok.sval;
s = null;
// Assume that alternate words on the line are
// parameter and value, respectively.
if( s != null ) {
if( param == null ) {
param = s;
} else {
value = s;
arglist.put( param, value );
// log.debug("ARG: "+param+"="+value);
param = null;
// Now, we'll check the body.
if( potentialEmptyLine ) {
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
FileUtil.copyContents( in, out );
String bodyContent = out.toString();
if( bodyContent != null ) {
arglist.put( PARAM_BODY, bodyContent );
return arglist;
* Parses a plugin. Plugin commands are of the form:
* [{INSERT myplugin WHERE param1=value1, param2=value2}]
* myplugin may either be a class name or a plugin alias.
* <P>
* This is the main entry point that is used.
* @param context The current WikiContext.
* @param commandline The full command line, including plugin name, parameters and body.
* @return HTML as returned by the plugin, or possibly an error message.
* @throws PluginException From the plugin itself, it propagates, waah!
public String execute( WikiContext context, String commandline ) throws PluginException {
if( !m_pluginsEnabled ) {
return "";
ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( context, WikiPlugin.CORE_PLUGINS_RESOURCEBUNDLE );
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
try {
if( matcher.contains( commandline, m_pluginPattern ) ) {
MatchResult res = matcher.getMatch();
String plugin =;
String args = commandline.substring(res.endOffset(0),
commandline.length() -
(commandline.charAt(commandline.length()-1) == '}' ? 1 : 0 ) );
Map<String, String> arglist = parseArgs( args );
return execute( context, plugin, arglist );
} catch( NoSuchElementException e ) {
String msg = "Missing parameter in plugin definition: "+commandline;
log.warn( msg, e );
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.missingparameter" ), commandline ) );
} catch( IOException e ) {
String msg = "Zyrf. Problems with parsing arguments: "+commandline;
log.warn( msg, e );
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.parsingarguments" ), commandline ) );
// FIXME: We could either return an empty string "", or
// the original line. If we want unsuccessful requests
// to be invisible, then we should return an empty string.
return commandline;
* Register a plugin.
private void registerPlugin( WikiPluginInfo pluginClass ) {
String name;
// Registrar the plugin with the className without the package-part
name = pluginClass.getName();
if( name != null ) {
log.debug( "Registering plugin [name]: " + name );
m_pluginClassMap.put( name, pluginClass );
// Registrar the plugin with a short convenient name.
name = pluginClass.getAlias();
if( name != null ) {
log.debug( "Registering plugin [shortName]: " + name );
m_pluginClassMap.put( name, pluginClass );
// Registrar the plugin with the className with the package-part
name = pluginClass.getClassName();
if( name != null ) {
log.debug( "Registering plugin [className]: " + name );
m_pluginClassMap.put( name, pluginClass );
pluginClass.initializePlugin( pluginClass, m_engine , m_searchPath, m_externalJars);
private void registerPlugins() { "Registering plugins" );
List< Element > plugins = XmlUtil.parse( PLUGIN_RESOURCE_LOCATION, "/modules/plugin" );
// Register all plugins which have created a resource containing its properties.
// Get all resources of all plugins.
for( Element pluginEl : plugins ) {
String className = pluginEl.getAttributeValue( "class" );
WikiPluginInfo pluginInfo = WikiPluginInfo.newInstance( className, pluginEl ,m_searchPath, m_externalJars);
if( pluginInfo != null ) {
registerPlugin( pluginInfo );
* Contains information about a bunch of plugins.
// FIXME: This class needs a better interface to return all sorts of possible
// information from the plugin XML. In fact, it probably should have
// some sort of a superclass system.
public static final class WikiPluginInfo extends WikiModuleInfo {
private String m_className;
private String m_alias;
private String m_ajaxAlias;
private Class<?> m_clazz;
private boolean m_initialized = false;
* Creates a new plugin info object which can be used to access a plugin.
* @param className Either a fully qualified class name, or a "short" name which is then
* checked against the internal list of plugin packages.
* @param el A JDOM Element containing the information about this class.
* @param searchPath A List of Strings, containing different package names.
* @param externalJars the list of external jars to search
* @return A WikiPluginInfo object.
protected static WikiPluginInfo newInstance( String className, Element el, List<String> searchPath, List<String> externalJars ) {
if( className == null || className.length() == 0 ) return null;
WikiPluginInfo info = new WikiPluginInfo( className );
info.initializeFromXML( el );
return info;
* Initializes a plugin, if it has not yet been initialized.
* If the plugin extends {@link HttpServlet} it will automatically
* register it as AJAX using {@link WikiAjaxDispatcherServlet.register}.
* @param engine The WikiEngine
* @param searchPath A List of Strings, containing different package names.
* @param externalJars the list of external jars to search
protected void initializePlugin( WikiPluginInfo info, WikiEngine engine , List<String> searchPath, List<String> externalJars) {
if( !m_initialized ) {
// This makes sure we only try once per class, even if init fails.
m_initialized = true;
try {
WikiPlugin p = newPluginInstance(searchPath, externalJars);
if( p instanceof InitializablePlugin ) {
( ( InitializablePlugin )p ).initialize( engine );
if( p instanceof WikiAjaxServlet ) {
WikiAjaxDispatcherServlet.registerServlet( (WikiAjaxServlet) p );
String ajaxAlias = info.getAjaxAlias();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ajaxAlias)) {
WikiAjaxDispatcherServlet.registerServlet( info.getAjaxAlias(), (WikiAjaxServlet) p );
} catch( Exception e ) { "Cannot initialize plugin " + m_className, e );
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void initializeFromXML( Element el ) {
super.initializeFromXML( el );
m_alias = el.getChildText( "alias" );
m_ajaxAlias = el.getChildText( "ajaxAlias" );
* Create a new WikiPluginInfo based on the Class information.
* @param clazz The class to check
* @return A WikiPluginInfo instance
protected static WikiPluginInfo newInstance( Class< ? > clazz ) {
return new WikiPluginInfo( clazz.getName() );
private WikiPluginInfo( String className ) {
super( className );
setClassName( className );
private void setClassName( String fullClassName ) {
m_name = ClassUtils.getShortClassName( fullClassName );
m_className = fullClassName;
* Returns the full class name of this object.
* @return The full class name of the object.
public String getClassName() {
return m_className;
* Returns the alias name for this object.
* @return An alias name for the plugin.
public String getAlias() {
return m_alias;
* Returns the ajax alias name for this object.
* @return An ajax alias name for the plugin.
public String getAjaxAlias() {
return m_ajaxAlias;
* Creates a new plugin instance.
* @param searchPath A List of Strings, containing different package names.
* @param externalJars the list of external jars to search
* @return A new plugin.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException If the class declared was not found.
* @throws InstantiationException If the class cannot be instantiated-
* @throws IllegalAccessException If the class cannot be accessed.
public WikiPlugin newPluginInstance(List<String> searchPath, List<String> externalJars) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
if( m_clazz == null ) {
m_clazz = ClassUtil.findClass(searchPath, externalJars ,m_className);
return (WikiPlugin) m_clazz.newInstance();
* Returns a text for IncludeResources.
* @param type Either "script" or "stylesheet"
* @return Text, or an empty string, if there is nothing to be included.
public String getIncludeText( String type ) {
try {
if( "script".equals( type ) ) {
return getScriptText();
} else if( "stylesheet".equals( type ) ) {
return getStylesheetText();
} catch( Exception ex ) {
// We want to fail gracefully here
return ex.getMessage();
return null;
private String getScriptText() throws IOException {
if( m_scriptText != null ) {
return m_scriptText;
if( m_scriptLocation == null ) {
return "";
try {
m_scriptText = getTextResource(m_scriptLocation);
} catch( IOException ex ) {
// Only throw this exception once!
m_scriptText = "";
throw ex;
return m_scriptText;
private String getStylesheetText() throws IOException {
if( m_stylesheetText != null ) {
return m_stylesheetText;
if( m_stylesheetLocation == null ) {
return "";
try {
m_stylesheetText = getTextResource(m_stylesheetLocation);
} catch( IOException ex ) {
// Only throw this exception once!
m_stylesheetText = "";
throw ex;
return m_stylesheetText;
* Returns a string suitable for debugging. Don't assume that the format would stay the same.
* @return Something human-readable
public String toString() {
return "Plugin :[name=" + m_name + "][className=" + m_className + "]";
} // WikiPluginClass
* {@inheritDoc}
public Collection< WikiModuleInfo > modules() {
Set< WikiModuleInfo > ls = new TreeSet< WikiModuleInfo >();
for( Iterator< WikiPluginInfo > i = m_pluginClassMap.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
WikiModuleInfo wmi =;
if( !ls.contains( wmi ) ) ls.add( wmi );
return ls;
* {@inheritDoc}
public WikiPluginInfo getModuleInfo(String moduleName) {
return m_pluginClassMap.get(moduleName);
* Creates a {@link WikiPlugin}.
* @param pluginName plugin's classname
* @param rb {@link ResourceBundle} with i18ned text for exceptions.
* @return a {@link WikiPlugin}.
* @throws PluginException if there is a problem building the {@link WikiPlugin}.
public WikiPlugin newWikiPlugin( String pluginName, ResourceBundle rb ) throws PluginException {
WikiPlugin plugin = null;
WikiPluginInfo pluginInfo = m_pluginClassMap.get( pluginName );
try {
if( pluginInfo == null ) {
pluginInfo = WikiPluginInfo.newInstance( findPluginClass( pluginName ) );
registerPlugin( pluginInfo );
if( !checkCompatibility( pluginInfo ) ) {
String msg = "Plugin '" + pluginInfo.getName() + "' not compatible with this version of JSPWiki"; msg );
} else {
plugin = pluginInfo.newPluginInstance(m_searchPath, m_externalJars);
} catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.couldnotfind" ), pluginName ), e );
} catch( InstantiationException e ) {
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.cannotinstantiate" ), pluginName ), e );
} catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.notallowed" ), pluginName ), e );
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new PluginException( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "plugin.error.instantationfailed" ), pluginName ), e );
return plugin;