blob: 266297a675e4786e955bdc0a906d41a903804084 [file] [log] [blame]
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import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.oro.text.GlobCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* This plugin counts the number of times a page has been viewed.<br/>
* Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>count=yes|no</li>
* <li>show=none|count|list</li>
* <li>entries=maximum number of list entries to be returned</li>
* <li>min=minimum page count to be listed</li>
* <li>max=maximum page count to be listed</li>
* <li>sort=name|count</li>
* </ul>
* Default values:<br/>
* <code>show=none sort=name</code>
* @since 2.8
public class PageViewPlugin extends AbstractReferralPlugin implements WikiPlugin, InitializablePlugin {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( PageViewPlugin.class );
/** The page view manager. */
private static PageViewManager c_singleton = null;
/** Constant for the 'count' parameter / value. */
private static final String PARAM_COUNT = "count";
/** Name of the 'entries' parameter. */
private static final String PARAM_MAX_ENTRIES = "entries";
/** Name of the 'max' parameter. */
private static final String PARAM_MAX_COUNT = "max";
/** Name of the 'min' parameter. */
private static final String PARAM_MIN_COUNT = "min";
/** Name of the 'refer' parameter. */
private static final String PARAM_REFER = "refer";
/** Name of the 'sort' parameter. */
private static final String PARAM_SORT = "sort";
/** Constant for the 'none' parameter value. */
private static final String STR_NONE = "none";
/** Constant for the 'list' parameter value. */
private static final String STR_LIST = "list";
/** Constant for the 'yes' parameter value. */
private static final String STR_YES = "yes";
/** Constant for empty string. */
private static final String STR_EMPTY = "";
/** Constant for Wiki markup separator. */
private static final String STR_SEPARATOR = "----";
/** Constant for comma-separated list separator. */
private static final String STR_COMMA = ",";
/** Constant for no-op glob expression. */
private static final String STR_GLOBSTAR = "*";
/** Constant for file storage. */
private static final String COUNTER_PAGE = "PageCount.txt";
/** Constant for storage interval in seconds. */
private static final int STORAGE_INTERVAL = 60;
* Initialize the PageViewPlugin and its singleton.
* @param engine The wiki engine.
public void initialize( WikiEngine engine )
{ "initializing PageViewPlugin" );
synchronized( this )
if( c_singleton == null )
c_singleton = new PageViewManager( );
c_singleton.initialize( engine );
* Cleanup the singleton reference.
private void cleanup()
{ "cleaning up PageView Manager" );
c_singleton = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String execute( WikiContext context, Map<String, String> params ) throws PluginException
PageViewManager manager = c_singleton;
String result = STR_EMPTY;
if( manager != null )
result = manager.execute( context, params );
return result;
* Page view manager, handling all storage.
public final class PageViewManager implements WikiEventListener
/** Are we initialized? */
private boolean m_initialized = false;
/** The page counters. */
private Map<String, Counter> m_counters = null;
/** The page counters in storage format. */
private Properties m_storage = null;
/** Are all changes stored? */
private boolean m_dirty = false;
/** The page count storage background thread. */
private Thread m_pageCountSaveThread = null;
/** The work directory. */
private String m_workDir = null;
/** Comparator for descending sort on page count. */
private final Comparator<Object> m_compareCountDescending = new Comparator<Object>() {
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
final int v1 = getCount( o1 );
final int v2 = getCount( o2 );
return (v1 == v2) ? ((String) o1).compareTo( (String) o2 ) : (v1 < v2) ? 1 : -1;
* Initialize the page view manager.
* @param engine The wiki engine.
public synchronized void initialize( WikiEngine engine )
{ "initializing PageView Manager" );
m_workDir = engine.getWorkDir();
engine.addWikiEventListener( this );
if( m_counters == null )
// Load the counters into a collection
m_storage = new Properties();
m_counters = new TreeMap<String, Counter>();
// backup counters every 5 minutes
if( m_pageCountSaveThread == null )
m_pageCountSaveThread = new CounterSaveThread( engine, 5 * STORAGE_INTERVAL, this );
m_initialized = true;
* Handle the shutdown event via the page counter thread.
private synchronized void handleShutdown()
{ "handleShutdown: The counter store thread was shut down." );
if( m_counters != null )
m_dirty = true;
m_counters = null;
m_storage = null;
m_initialized = false;
m_pageCountSaveThread = null;
* Inspect wiki events for shutdown.
* @param event The wiki event to inspect.
public void actionPerformed( WikiEvent event )
if( event instanceof WikiEngineEvent )
if( event.getType() == WikiEngineEvent.SHUTDOWN )
{ "Detected wiki engine shutdown" );
else if( (event instanceof WikiPageRenameEvent) && (event.getType() == WikiPageRenameEvent.PAGE_RENAMED) )
String oldPageName = ((WikiPageRenameEvent) event).getOldPageName();
String newPageName = ((WikiPageRenameEvent) event).getNewPageName();
Counter oldCounter = m_counters.get(oldPageName);
if ( oldCounter != null )
m_counters.put(newPageName, oldCounter);
m_storage.setProperty(newPageName, oldCounter.toString());
m_dirty = true;
else if( (event instanceof WikiPageEvent) && (event.getType() == WikiPageEvent.PAGE_DELETED) )
String pageName = ((WikiPageEvent) event).getPageName();
* Count a page hit, present a pages' counter or output a list of page counts.
* @param context the wiki context
* @param params the plugin parameters
* @return String Wiki page snippet
* @throws PluginException Malformed pattern parameter.
public String execute( WikiContext context, Map<String, String> params ) throws PluginException
WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
WikiPage page = context.getPage();
String result = STR_EMPTY;
if( page != null )
// get parameters
String pagename = page.getName();
String count = params.get( PARAM_COUNT );
String show = params.get( PARAM_SHOW );
int entries = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( params.get( PARAM_MAX_ENTRIES ), Integer.MAX_VALUE );
final int max = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( params.get( PARAM_MAX_COUNT ), Integer.MAX_VALUE );
final int min = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( params.get( PARAM_MIN_COUNT ), Integer.MIN_VALUE );
String sort = params.get( PARAM_SORT );
String body = params.get( DefaultPluginManager.PARAM_BODY );
Pattern[] exclude = compileGlobs( PARAM_EXCLUDE, params.get( PARAM_EXCLUDE ) );
Pattern[] include = compileGlobs( PARAM_INCLUDE, params.get( PARAM_INCLUDE ) );
Pattern[] refer = compileGlobs( PARAM_REFER, params.get( PARAM_REFER ) );
PatternMatcher matcher = (null != exclude || null != include || null != refer) ? new Perl5Matcher() : null;
boolean increment = false;
// increment counter?
if( STR_YES.equals( count ) )
increment = true;
count = null;
// default increment counter?
if( (show == null || STR_NONE.equals( show )) && count == null )
increment = true;
// filter on referring pages?
Collection<String> referrers = null;
if( refer != null )
ReferenceManager refManager = engine.getReferenceManager();
Iterator< String > iter = refManager.findCreated().iterator();
while ( iter != null && iter.hasNext() )
String name =;
boolean use = false;
for( int n = 0; !use && n < refer.length; n++ )
use = matcher.matches( name, refer[n] );
if( use )
Collection< String > refs = engine.getReferenceManager().findReferrers( name );
if( refs != null && !refs.isEmpty() )
if( referrers == null )
referrers = new HashSet<String>();
referrers.addAll( refs );
synchronized( this )
Counter counter = m_counters.get( pagename );
// only count in view mode, keep storage values in sync
if( increment && WikiContext.VIEW.equalsIgnoreCase( context.getRequestContext() ) )
if( counter == null )
counter = new Counter();
m_counters.put( pagename, counter );
m_storage.setProperty( pagename, counter.toString() );
m_dirty = true;
if( show == null || STR_NONE.equals( show ) )
// nothing to show
else if( PARAM_COUNT.equals( show ) )
// show page count
if( counter == null )
counter = new Counter();
m_counters.put( pagename, counter );
m_storage.setProperty( pagename, counter.toString() );
m_dirty = true;
result = counter.toString();
else if( body != null && 0 < body.length() && STR_LIST.equals( show ) )
// show list of counts
String header = STR_EMPTY;
String line = body;
String footer = STR_EMPTY;
int start = body.indexOf( STR_SEPARATOR );
// split body into header, line, footer on ----
// separator
if( 0 < start )
header = body.substring( 0, start );
start = skipWhitespace( start + STR_SEPARATOR.length(), body );
int end = body.indexOf( STR_SEPARATOR, start );
if( start >= end )
line = body.substring( start );
line = body.substring( start, end );
end = skipWhitespace( end + STR_SEPARATOR.length(), body );
footer = body.substring( end );
// sort on name or count?
Map<String, Counter> sorted = m_counters;
if( sort != null && PARAM_COUNT.equals( sort ) )
sorted = new TreeMap<String, Counter>( m_compareCountDescending );
sorted.putAll( m_counters );
// build a messagebuffer with the list in wiki markup
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( header );
MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat( line );
Object[] args = new Object[] { pagename, STR_EMPTY, STR_EMPTY };
Iterator< Entry< String, Counter > > iter = sorted.entrySet().iterator();
while ( iter != null && 0 < entries && iter.hasNext() )
Entry< String, Counter > entry =;
String name = entry.getKey();
// check minimum/maximum count
final int value = entry.getValue().getValue();
boolean use = min <= value && value <= max;
// did we specify a refer-to page?
if( use && referrers != null )
use = referrers.contains( name );
// did we specify what pages to include?
if( use && include != null )
use = false;
for( int n = 0; !use && n < include.length; n++ )
use = matcher.matches( name, include[n] );
// did we specify what pages to exclude?
if( use && null != exclude )
for( int n = 0; use && n < exclude.length; n++ )
use &= !matcher.matches( name, exclude[n] );
if( use )
args[1] = engine.beautifyTitle( name );
args[2] = entry.getValue();
fmt.format( args, buf, null );
buf.append( footer );
// let the engine render the list
result = engine.textToHTML( context, buf.toString() );
return result;
* Compile regexp parameter.
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param value The parameter value.
* @return Pattern[] The compiled patterns, or <code>null</code>.
* @throws PluginException On malformed patterns.
private Pattern[] compileGlobs( String name, String value ) throws PluginException
Pattern[] result = null;
if( value != null && 0 < value.length() && !STR_GLOBSTAR.equals( value ) )
PatternCompiler pc = new GlobCompiler();
String[] ptrns = StringUtils.split( value, STR_COMMA );
result = new Pattern[ptrns.length];
for( int n = 0; n < ptrns.length; n++ )
result[n] = pc.compile( ptrns[n] );
catch( MalformedPatternException e )
throw new PluginException( "Parameter " + name + " has a malformed pattern: " + e.getMessage() );
return result;
* Adjust offset skipping whitespace.
* @param offset The offset in value to adjust.
* @param value String in which offset points.
* @return int Adjusted offset into value.
private int skipWhitespace( int offset, String value )
while ( Character.isWhitespace( value.charAt( offset ) ) )
return offset;
* Retrieve a page count.
* @return int The page count for the given key.
* @param key the key for the Counter
protected int getCount( Object key )
return m_counters.get( key ).getValue();
* Load the page view counters from file.
private void loadCounters() {
if( m_counters != null && m_storage != null ) { "Loading counters." );
synchronized( this ) {
try( InputStream fis = new FileInputStream( new File( m_workDir, COUNTER_PAGE ) ) ) {
m_storage.load( fis );
} catch( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "Can't load page counter store: " + ioe.getMessage() + " , will create a new one!" );
// Copy the collection into a sorted map
Iterator< Entry< Object, Object > > iter = m_storage.entrySet().iterator();
while ( iter != null && iter.hasNext() ) {
Entry< ?, ? > entry =;
m_counters.put( (String) entry.getKey(), new Counter( (String) entry.getValue() ) );
} "Loaded " + m_counters.size() + " counter values." );
* Save the page view counters to file.
protected void storeCounters() {
if( m_counters != null && m_storage != null && m_dirty ) { "Storing " + m_counters.size() + " counter values." );
synchronized( this ) {
// Write out the collection of counters
try( final OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( new File( m_workDir, COUNTER_PAGE ) ) ) { fos, "\n# The number of times each page has been viewed.\n# Do not modify.\n" );
m_dirty = false;
} catch( IOException ioe ) {
log.error( "Couldn't store counters values: " + ioe.getMessage() );
* Is the given thread still current?
* @return boolean <code>true</code> if the thread is still the current
* background thread.
* @param thrd
private synchronized boolean isRunning( Thread thrd )
return m_initialized && thrd == m_pageCountSaveThread;
* Counter for page hits collection.
private static final class Counter
/** The count value. */
private int m_count = 0;
* Create a new counter.
public Counter()
* Create and initialize a new counter.
* @param value Count value.
public Counter( String value )
setValue( value );
* Increment counter.
public void increment()
* Get the count value.
* @return int
public int getValue()
return m_count;
* Set the count value.
* @param value String representation of the count.
public void setValue( String value )
m_count = NumberUtils.toInt( value );
* @return String String representation of the count.
public String toString()
return String.valueOf( m_count );
* Background thread storing the page counters.
static final class CounterSaveThread extends WikiBackgroundThread
/** The page view manager. */
private final PageViewManager m_manager;
* Create a wiki background thread to store the page counters.
* @param engine The wiki engine.
* @param interval Delay in seconds between saves.
* @param pageViewManager
public CounterSaveThread( WikiEngine engine, int interval, PageViewManager pageViewManager )
super( engine, interval );
if( pageViewManager == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Manager cannot be null" );
m_manager = pageViewManager;
* Save the page counters to file.
public void backgroundTask()
if( m_manager.isRunning( this ) )