blob: f520822d5a4952658fb28995994cb6ba36264197 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* The ReferenceManager maintains all hyperlinks between wiki pages.
public class ReferenceManagerTest {
Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
TestEngine engine;
ReferenceManager mgr;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals", "true");
engine = new TestEngine(props);
// create two handy wiki pages used in most test cases
// Danger! all wiki page names must start with a capital letter!
engine.saveText( "TestPage", "Reference to [Foobar]." );
engine.saveText( "Foobar", "Reference to [Foobar2], [Foobars], [Foobar]" );
mgr = engine.getReferenceManager();
public void tearDown() {
// any wiki page that was created must be deleted!
// jspwiki always uses a singleton CacheManager, so clear the cache at the end of every test case to avoid polluting another test case
// make sure that the reference manager cache is cleaned
public void testNonExistant1() {
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers("Foobar2");
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size() == 1 && c.contains("Foobar") );
public void testNonExistant2() {
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers("TestBug");
Assertions.assertNull( c );
public void testRemove() throws Exception {
Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers("Foobar2");
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size() == 1 && c.contains("Foobar") );
engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).deletePage( "Foobar" );
c = mgr.findReferrers("Foobar2");
Assertions.assertNull( c );
engine.saveText( "Foobar", "[Foobar2]");
c = mgr.findReferrers("Foobar2");
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size() == 1 && c.contains("Foobar") );
public void testUnreferenced() {
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertTrue( c.contains( "TestPage" ), "Unreferenced page not found by ReferenceManager" );
public void testBecomesUnreferenced() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "Foobar2", "[TestPage]" );
Collection< String > c = mgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, c.size(), "Wrong # of orphan pages, stage 1" );
engine.saveText( "Foobar2", "norefs" );
c = mgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, c.size(), "Wrong # of orphan pages" );
final Iterator< String > i = c.iterator();
final String first =;
Assertions.assertEquals( "TestPage", first, "Not correct referrers" );
public void testUncreated() {
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findUncreated();
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size()==1 && ( c.iterator().next() ).equals("Foobar2") );
public void testReferrers() {
Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers( "TestPage" );
Assertions.assertNull( c, "TestPage referrers" );
c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobar" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "Foobar referrers" );
c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobar2" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size() == 1 && ( c.iterator().next() ).equals("Foobar"), "Foobar2 referrers" );
c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobars" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "Foobars referrers" );
public void testRefersTo() {
final Collection< String > s = mgr.findRefersTo( "Foobar" );
Assertions.assertTrue( s.contains("Foobar"), "does not have Foobar" );
Assertions.assertTrue( s.contains("Foobar2"), "does not have Foobar2" );
* Should in 2.2.14-beta
public void testSingularReferences() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "RandomPage", "FatalBugs" );
engine.saveText( "FatalBugs", "<foo>" );
engine.saveText( "BugCommentPreviewDeletesAllComments", "FatalBug" );
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers( "FatalBugs" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "FatalBugs referrers number" );
* Is a page recognized as referenced if only plural form links exist.
// NB: Unfortunately, cleaning out self-references in the case there's
// a plural and a singular form of the page becomes nigh impossible, so we
// just don't do it.
public void testUpdatePluralOnlyRef() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "TestPage", "Reference to [Foobars]." );
Collection< String > c = mgr.findUnreferenced();
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size()==1 && ( c.iterator().next() ).equals("TestPage"), "Foobar unreferenced" );
c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobar" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "Foobar referrers" );
* Opposite to testUpdatePluralOnlyRef(). Is a page with plural form recognized as the page referenced by a singular link.
public void testUpdateFoobar2s() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "Foobar2s", "qwertz" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, mgr.findUncreated().size(), "no uncreated" );
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobar2s" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.size()==1 && ( c.iterator().next() ).equals("Foobar"), "referrers" );
public void testUpdateBothExist() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "Foobars", "qwertz" );
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobars" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "Foobars referrers" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.contains( "TestPage" ) && c.contains("Foobar"), "Foobars referrer is not TestPage" );
public void testUpdateBothExist2()
throws Exception
engine.saveText( "Foobars", "qwertz" );
engine.saveText( "TestPage", "Reference to [Foobar], [Foobars]." );
final Collection< String > c = mgr.findReferrers( "Foobars" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( c, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, c.size(), "Foobars referrers count" );
Assertions.assertTrue( c.contains("TestPage") && c.contains("Foobar"), "Foobars referrers" );
public void testCircularRefs() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "Foobar2", "ref to [TestPage]" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, mgr.findUncreated().size(), "no uncreated" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, mgr.findUnreferenced().size(), "no unreferenced" );
public void testPluralSingularUpdate1() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "NewBug" );
engine.saveText( "NewBugs", "foo" );
engine.saveText( "OpenBugs", "bar" );
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "OpenBug" );
Collection< String > ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBugs" );
Assertions.assertNull( ref, "newbugs" ); // No referrers must be found
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBug" );
Assertions.assertNull( ref, "newbug" ); // No referrers must be found
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBugs" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, ref.size(), "openbugs" );
Assertions.assertEquals( ref.iterator().next(), "BugOne", "openbugs2" );
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBug" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, ref.size(), "openbug" );
Assertions.assertEquals( ref.iterator().next(), "BugOne", "openbugs2" );
public void testPluralSingularUpdate2() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "NewBug" );
engine.saveText( "NewBug", "foo" );
engine.saveText( "OpenBug", "bar" );
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "OpenBug" );
Collection< String > ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBugs" );
Assertions.assertNull( ref, "newbugs" ); // No referrers must be found
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBug" );
Assertions.assertNull( ref, "newbug" ); // No referrers must be found
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBugs" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, ref.size(), "openbugs" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugOne",ref.iterator().next(), "openbugs2" );
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBug" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, ref.size(), "openbug" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugOne",ref.iterator().next(), "openbug2" );
public void testPluralSingularUpdate3() throws Exception {
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "NewBug" );
engine.saveText( "BugTwo", "NewBug" );
engine.saveText( "NewBugs", "foo" );
engine.saveText( "OpenBugs", "bar" );
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "OpenBug" );
Collection< String > ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBugs" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1,ref.size(), "newbugs" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugTwo",ref.iterator().next(), "newbugs2" );
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "NewBug" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1,ref.size(), "newbugs" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugTwo",ref.iterator().next(), "newbugs2" );
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBugs" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1,ref.size(), "openbugs" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugOne",ref.iterator().next(), "openbugs2" );
ref = mgr.findReferrers( "OpenBug" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1,ref.size(), "openbug" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugOne",ref.iterator().next(), "openbug2" );
public void testSelf() throws WikiException {
engine.saveText( "BugOne", "BugOne" );
final Collection< String > ref = mgr.findReferrers( "BugOne" );
Assertions.assertNotNull( ref, "referrers expected" );
Assertions.assertEquals( 1, ref.size(), "wrong size" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "BugOne", ref.iterator().next(), "ref");
public void testReadLinks() {
final String src="Foobar. [Foobar]. Frobozz. [This is a link].";
final Object[] result = mgr.scanWikiLinks( new WikiPage( engine, "Test"), src ).toArray();
Assertions.assertEquals( "Foobar", result[0], "item 0" );
Assertions.assertEquals( "This is a link", result[1], "item 1" );
* Test method: dumps the contents of ReferenceManager link lists to stdout.
* This method is NOT synchronized, and should be used in testing
* with one user, one WikiEngine only.
public static String dumpReferenceManager( final ReferenceManager rm ) {
final DefaultReferenceManager drm = ( DefaultReferenceManager )rm;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
try {
buf.append( "================================================================\n" );
buf.append( "Referred By list:\n" );
Set< String > keys = drm.getReferredBy().keySet();
for( final String key : keys ) {
buf.append( key ).append( " referred by: " );
final Set< String > refs = drm.getReferredBy().get( key );
for( final String aRef : refs ) {
buf.append( aRef ).append( " " );
buf.append( "\n" );
buf.append( "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
buf.append( "Refers To list:\n" );
keys = drm.getRefersTo().keySet();
for( final String key : keys ) {
buf.append( key ).append( " refers to: " );
final Collection< String > refs = drm.getRefersTo().get( key );
if(refs != null) {
for( final String aRef : refs ) {
buf.append( aRef ).append( " " );
buf.append( "\n" );
} else {
buf.append("(no references)\n");
buf.append( "================================================================\n" );
} catch( final Exception e ) {
buf.append("Problem in dump(): " ).append( e ).append( "\n" );
return( buf.toString() );