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import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
public class ApprovalWorkflowTest {
WorkflowBuilder m_builder;
TestEngine m_engine;
WorkflowManager m_wm;
DecisionQueue m_dq;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
final Properties props = TestEngine.getTestProperties();
// Explicitly turn on Admin approvals for page saves and our sample approval workflow
props.put("jspwiki.approver.workflow.saveWikiPage", "Admin");
props.put( "jspwiki.approver.workflow.approvalWorkflow", Users.JANNE );
// Start the wiki engine
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
m_wm = m_engine.getWorkflowManager();
m_dq = m_wm.getDecisionQueue();
m_builder = WorkflowBuilder.getBuilder( m_engine );
public void testBuildApprovalWorkflow() throws WikiException {
final Principal submitter = new WikiPrincipal( "Submitter" );
final String workflowApproverKey = "workflow.approvalWorkflow";
final Task prepTask = new TestPrepTask( "task.preSaveWikiPage" );
final String decisionKey = "decision.saveWikiPage";
final Fact[] facts = new Fact[3];
facts[0] = new Fact("fact1", 1 );
facts[1] = new Fact("fact2","A factual String");
facts[2] = new Fact("fact3",Outcome.DECISION_ACKNOWLEDGE);
final Task completionTask = new TestPrepTask( "task.saveWikiPage" );
final String rejectedMessageKey = "notification.saveWikiPage.reject";
final Workflow w = m_builder.buildApprovalWorkflow(submitter, workflowApproverKey,
prepTask, decisionKey, facts,
completionTask, rejectedMessageKey);
w.setWorkflowManager( m_engine.getWorkflowManager() );
// Check to see if the workflow built correctly
Assertions.assertFalse( w.isStarted() || w.isCompleted() || w.isAborted() );
Assertions.assertNull( w.getCurrentStep() );
Assertions.assertEquals( "workflow.approvalWorkflow", w.getMessageKey() );
Assertions.assertEquals( Workflow.CREATED, w.getCurrentState() );
Assertions.assertEquals( new WikiPrincipal("Submitter"), w.getOwner() );
Assertions.assertEquals( m_engine.getWorkflowManager(), w.getWorkflowManager() );
Assertions.assertEquals( 0, w.getHistory().size() );
// Our dummy "task complete" attributes should still be null
Assertions.assertNull( w.getAttribute( "task.preSaveWikiPage") );
Assertions.assertNull( w.getAttribute( "task.saveWikiPage") );
// Start the workflow
// Presave complete attribute should be set now, and current step should be Decision
final Step decision = w.getCurrentStep();
Assertions.assertTrue( decision instanceof Decision );
Assertions.assertEquals( 2, w.getHistory().size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( prepTask, w.getHistory().get( 0 ) );
Assertions.assertTrue( w.getHistory().get( 1 ) instanceof Decision );
Assertions.assertNotNull( w.getAttribute( "task.preSaveWikiPage") );
Assertions.assertEquals( new WikiPrincipal( Users.JANNE ), decision.getActor() );
Assertions.assertEquals( decisionKey, decision.getMessageKey() );
final List< Fact > decisionFacts = ((Decision)decision).getFacts();
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, decisionFacts.size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( facts[0], decisionFacts.get(0) );
Assertions.assertEquals( facts[1], decisionFacts.get(1) );
Assertions.assertEquals( facts[2], decisionFacts.get(2) );
// Check that our predecessor/successor relationships are ok
Assertions.assertEquals( decision, prepTask.getSuccessor( Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE ) );
Assertions.assertNull( prepTask.getSuccessor( Outcome.STEP_ABORT ) );
Assertions.assertNull( prepTask.getSuccessor( Outcome.STEP_CONTINUE ) );
Assertions.assertNull( decision.getSuccessor( Outcome.DECISION_ACKNOWLEDGE ) );
Assertions.assertNull( decision.getSuccessor( Outcome.DECISION_HOLD ) );
Assertions.assertNull( decision.getSuccessor( Outcome.DECISION_REASSIGN ) );
Assertions.assertEquals( completionTask, decision.getSuccessor( Outcome.DECISION_APPROVE ) );
// The "deny" notification should use the right key
final Step notification = decision.getSuccessor( Outcome.DECISION_DENY );
Assertions.assertNotNull( notification );
Assertions.assertEquals( rejectedMessageKey, notification.getMessageKey() );
Assertions.assertTrue( notification instanceof SimpleNotification );
// Now, approve the Decision and everything should complete
((Decision)decision).decide( Outcome.DECISION_APPROVE );
Assertions.assertTrue( w.isCompleted() );
Assertions.assertNull( w.getCurrentStep() );
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, w.getHistory().size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( completionTask, w.getHistory().get( 2 ) );
Assertions.assertTrue( completionTask.isCompleted() );
Assertions.assertEquals( Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE, completionTask.getOutcome() );
public void testBuildApprovalWorkflowDeny() throws WikiException {
final Principal submitter = new WikiPrincipal( "Submitter" );
final String workflowApproverKey = "workflow.approvalWorkflow";
final Task prepTask = new TestPrepTask( "task.preSaveWikiPage" );
final String decisionKey = "decision.saveWikiPage";
final Fact[] facts = new Fact[3];
facts[0] = new Fact("fact1", 1 );
facts[1] = new Fact("fact2","A factual String");
facts[2] = new Fact("fact3",Outcome.DECISION_ACKNOWLEDGE);
final Task completionTask = new TestPrepTask( "task.saveWikiPage" );
final String rejectedMessageKey = "notification.saveWikiPage.reject";
final Workflow w = m_builder.buildApprovalWorkflow(submitter, workflowApproverKey,
prepTask, decisionKey, facts,
completionTask, rejectedMessageKey);
w.setWorkflowManager( m_engine.getWorkflowManager() );
// Start the workflow
// Now, deny the Decision and the submitter should see a notification
Step step = w.getCurrentStep();
Assertions.assertTrue( step instanceof Decision );
final Decision decision = (Decision)step;
decision.decide( Outcome.DECISION_DENY );
Assertions.assertFalse( w.isCompleted() );
// Check that the notification is ok, then acknowledge it
step = w.getCurrentStep();
Assertions.assertTrue( step instanceof SimpleNotification );
Assertions.assertEquals( rejectedMessageKey, step.getMessageKey() );
final SimpleNotification notification = (SimpleNotification)step;
// Workflow should be complete now
Assertions.assertTrue( w.isCompleted() );
Assertions.assertNull( w.getCurrentStep() );
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, w.getHistory().size() );
Assertions.assertEquals( notification, w.getHistory().get( 2 ) );
public void testSaveWikiPageWithApproval() throws WikiException {
// Create a sample test page and try to save it
final String pageName = "SaveWikiPageWorkflow-Test" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String text = "This is a test!";
try {
m_engine.saveTextAsJanne( pageName, text );
} catch( final DecisionRequiredException e ) {
// Swallow exception, because it is expected...
// How do we know the workflow works? Well, first of all the page shouldn't exist yet...
Assertions.assertFalse( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists(pageName));
// Second, GroupPrincipal Admin should see a Decision in its queue
Collection< Decision > decisions = m_dq.getActorDecisions( m_engine.adminSession() );
Assertions.assertEquals(1, decisions.size());
// Now, approve the decision and it should go away, and page should appear.
final Decision decision = decisions.iterator().next();
Assertions.assertTrue( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists(pageName));
decisions = m_dq.getActorDecisions( m_engine.adminSession() );
Assertions.assertEquals(0, decisions.size());
// Delete the page we created
m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).deletePage( pageName );
public void testSaveWikiPageWithRejection() throws WikiException {
// Create a sample test page and try to save it
final String pageName = "SaveWikiPageWorkflow-Test" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String text = "This is a test!";
try {
m_engine.saveTextAsJanne( pageName, text );
} catch( final DecisionRequiredException e ) {
// Swallow exception, because it is expected...
// How do we know the workflow works? Well, first of all the page shouldn't exist yet...
Assertions.assertFalse( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists(pageName));
// ...and there should be a Decision in GroupPrincipal Admin's queue
Collection< Decision > decisions = m_dq.getActorDecisions( m_engine.adminSession() );
Assertions.assertEquals(1, decisions.size());
// Now, DENY the decision and the page should still not exist...
Decision decision = decisions.iterator().next();
Assertions.assertFalse( m_engine.getManager( PageManager.class ).wikiPageExists(pageName) );
// ...but there should also be a notification decision in Janne's queue
decisions = m_dq.getActorDecisions( m_engine.janneSession() );
Assertions.assertEquals(1, decisions.size());
decision = decisions.iterator().next();
Assertions.assertEquals(WorkflowManager.WF_WP_SAVE_REJECT_MESSAGE_KEY, decision.getMessageKey());
// Once Janne disposes of the notification, his queue should be empty
decisions = m_dq.getActorDecisions( m_engine.janneSession() );
Assertions.assertEquals(0, decisions.size());
public void testSaveWikiPageWithException() {
// Add a PageFilter that rejects all save attempts
final FilterManager fm = m_engine.getFilterManager();
fm.addPageFilter( new AbortFilter(), 0 );
// Create a sample test page and try to save it
final String pageName = "SaveWikiPageWorkflow-Test" + System.currentTimeMillis();
final String text = "This is a test!";
m_engine.saveTextAsJanne(pageName, text);
catch ( final WikiException e )
Assertions.assertTrue( e instanceof FilterException );
Assertions.assertEquals( "Page save aborted.", e.getMessage() );
} "Page save should have thrown a FilterException, but didn't." );
* Sample "prep task" that sets an attribute in the workflow indicating
* that it ran successfully,
public static class TestPrepTask extends Task
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public TestPrepTask( final String messageKey )
super( messageKey );
public Outcome execute() {
getWorkflow().setAttribute( getMessageKey(), "Completed" );
setOutcome( Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE );
return Outcome.STEP_COMPLETE;
* Dummy PageFilter that always throws a FilterException during preSave operations.
public static class AbortFilter extends BasePageFilter {
public String preSave( final Context wikiContext, final String content ) throws FilterException {
throw new FilterException( "Page save aborted." );